General Psychiatry
- Anxiety disorders
- Bipolar disorders
- Depressive disorders, including major depression
- Disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorders
- Dissociative disorders
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders
- Rare disorders, including Angelman syndrome and Fragile X syndrome
- Schizophrenia and psychotic spectrum (non-catatonia)
- Sexual dysfunction
- Somatic and associated disorders
- Trauma and stressor-related disorders
Neurobehavioral Psychiatry
- Autism spectrum disorders that are more extreme
- Catatonia
- Specific genetic conditions
Psychiatry with Other Specialties
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)—with Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology (BMCP)
- Eating disorders—with Adolescent Medicine
- Medication-induced movement disorders and other adverse effects of medication—with Neurology
- Personality Disorders—with BMCP
- Sleep-wake disorders—with the Sleep Center
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)—with Neurology
Related Conditions
The following conditions may relate to Psychiatry, but you often see a different group for treatment.
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (DDBP):
- Intellectual disability
- Global delay
- Most communication disorders
- Specific learning disorders
- Neurocognitive disorders
- Tic disorders
Primary Care:
- Addictive disorders
- Substance-related disorders