Healthcare Professionals
Refer a Patient

Healthcare provider checking the heartbeat of a patient.

Urgent Referrals

Available 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

Call 513-636-XFER (9337) or use the Bed Request Form in Epic Link.

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Call 513-636-7997 or toll-free 1-888-987-7997.

Referring providers can connect with attending subspecialists anytime day or night.

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How To Submit Orders:

  • Fax form to 513-636-4050.
  • Call 513-636-1111 and select Option 2 to confirm that the fax referral has been received.

Helpful Resource:

Routine Referrals

To submit a referral, choose one of the following options:

  • Download and complete a Specialty Services or OT/PT/Speech/Audiology form, then send it electronically or by fax to 513-803-1111 or 1-866-877-8905.
  • Generate a referral directly from your EMR and send it electronically or by fax to 513-803-1111 or 1-866-877-8905.
  • Submit your referral through Epic Link.

Once the referral is sent, please have family call to schedule. Download a Patient Scheduling Pad to find the correct phone number.

Helpful Resources:  

Scheduled Outpatient Orders

Step 1: Download the Required Form

Step 2: Submit the Form

  • For X-rays: Fax the completed form to 513-803-1111 or 1-866-877-8905, and send a copy with the patient. (No appointment needed for X-rays.)
  • For Routine Imaging or Ultrasound: Call 513-636-4251 to schedule an appointment.

Step 3: Scheduling a STAT Appointment

  • Radiology/Imaging: Call 513-636-4251, then select Option 2.
  • Ultrasound: Call 513-636-3177 and follow the prompts for same-day requests. (Do not fax the order to our referral team—our staff will provide the correct fax number based on the patient’s location.)

Helpful Resources: 

Download a Diagnostic Testing order form.

Includes EKG, ECHO, EEG, EMG, PFT, DXA Scan, GTT and Sweat Chloride.

Once the referral is sent, please have family call to schedule. Download a Patient Scheduling Pad to find the correct phone number.

Download a Therapies, Perlman Center, and Audiology order form.

Includes Occupational Therapy / Physical Therapy, Perlman Center for Cystic Fibrosis, Speech Pathology, and Audiology services.

Once the referral is sent, please have family call to schedule. Download a Patient Scheduling Pad to find the correct phone number.

Walk-In Diagnostic Services


How to Submit Orders:

  • Fax to 513-636-3918. To prevent processing delays, provide a paper copy to the patient.

Helpful Resources:

Contact Us:


Ways to Submit Orders:

  • Fax to 513-803-1111 or 1-866-877-8905. To prevent processing delays, provide a paper copy to the patient.
  • Submit via your EHR. To prevent processing delays, provide a paper copy to the patient.
  • Enter in EpicLink.

Helpful Resources:

Details to Include with a Referral

Required Information

To avoid scheduling delays, please ensure the following information is included with the referral:

  • Patient Information: Full name, date of birth, and gender
  • Referral Details: Date of referral/order and reason for referral
  • Parent/Guardian Information: Name and phone number
  • Primary Care Provider (PCP) Details: Practice name and PCP’s name
  • Provider for Results: Name of the provider responsible for receiving results (if different from the PCP)
  • Additional Requirements for Diagnostic Testing, Speech, OT/PT, and Audiology: All the above, plus a diagnosis code and PCP signature

Optional Information

While not required, the following details can help facilitate the referral process:

  • Notes on pre-authorization process
  • Clarification on referral type: consultation, transfer of care, or co-management
  • Need for ancillary services (e.g., interpreter, transportation assistance)
  • Parent/guardian email address
  • Patient insurance details
  • Name of the PCP office contact

To download medical records forms or learn how to request medical records, visit our Obtain Medical Records page.