Services & Specialties
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

When your child needs psychiatric support—whether it is managing big feelings, finding ways to reduce stress or treating a mental health condition—we’re here to help.

Child smiling.

Helping Children and Teens Manage Mental Health Conditions

Within Psychiatry at Cincinnati Children’s, you have access to a team of experts. Our psychiatrists, advanced practice registered nurses and therapists focus on helping families manage mental health conditions. By finding more balance, children and teens can live life as fully as possible.

Personalized Health Treatment

We treat a range of mental health and behavioral health issues. From depression and anxiety to bipolar disorders and trauma, our treatments are evidence-based. That means you can count on the most advanced and most effective therapy options.

When you come to us for care, we personalize treatment to your needs. Your child may benefit from any level of care on our mental health care continuum:

  • Level 5: 24-hour psychiatric management
  • Level 4: Partial hospitalization
  • Level 3: Crisis care
  • Level 2: Outpatient care with mental health specialists
  • Level 1: Behavioral health initiatives in the community and schools
  • Level 0: Behavioral health initiatives at home