Endocrinology Research
Shah Lab

Shah Research Lab

Our laboratory conducts both basic science and clinical research. We study the progression, development and complications of youth- onset type 2 diabetes. We are interested in why diabetes develops in kids and how type 2 diabetes will impact long term health for teens. Our long term goal is to improve treatments to prevent and limit early onset complications.

Translational Research Studies

We study how specific lipids (lipoproteins) are altered as a result of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Specific projects focus on:

  1. Characterizing LDL and HDL subspecies and understanding how obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes alter LDL and HDL composition and function.
  2. Understanding how reversal of metabolic diseases through weight loss (bariatric) surgery influences LDL and HDL subspecies composition and function.
  3. Developing novel assays to study how LDL and HDL subspecies’ contribute to or protect against cardiovascular disease, respectively.

Clinical Research Studies

We want to understand why some children develop type 2 diabetes. We study the effects of type 2 diabetes on the heart and blood vessels in the body and the brain. We are also interested in the impact of newer medications and weight loss surgery on type 2 diabetes. Specific projects include:

  1. DISCOVERY of Risk Factors For Type 2 Diabetes In Youth. More children are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The DISCOVERY Study is a multicenter study being conducted across the United States seeks to understand what factors cause some children to develop type 2 diabetes while others don’t.
  2. The Effects of Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes on the Heart and Blood Vessels. Through collaborations locally with Preventive Cardiology and collaborators nationally we study the impact of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on the heart and the peripheral blood vessels. This work was funded through research grants from the NIH.
  3. The Effects of Type 2 Diabetes on the Brain. We are currently investigating the effects of youth / onset type 2 diabetes on the brain blood vessels, brain structure and cognitive function in adolescents. This work is funded through research grants from the NIH and in part by Cincinnati Children's.
  4. Surgical or Medical Treatment for Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes- ST2OMP. This is a multi-center clinical trial with investigators at Children’s Hospital Colorado designed to compare intensive medical management of type 2 diabetes to weight loss bariatric surgery in teens. The goal is to determine the best treatments for improving blood glucose control and diabetes related complications in youth. This work is funded through research grants from the NIH and in part by Cincinnati Children's.

Clinical Trials

We also partner with companies to bring new treatments to adolescents. Ongoing trials include the use of already approved adult drugs to treat high LDL cholesterol, high triglycerides and type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Shah is also the director of Clinical Research Operations for the Division of Endocrinology and director of the Adolescent Type 2 Diabetes Program at Cincinnati Children’s. If your child has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, learn more about our multidisciplinary clinic.

For more information regarding clinical care or our research, please contact us at amy.shah@cchmc.org.

Amy Shah, MD

Amy Shah, MD, MS

Phone: 513-636-7033

Email: amy.shah@cchmc.org