Research Cores
The three focus areas of the Digestive Health Center (DHC) are linked by highly innovative biomedical research cores that are listed below. Collectively they form a powerful infrastructure that fosters the development of personalized and predictive medical approaches to digestive diseases in children. These cores provide members with the latest advancements in technology and assist in experimental design.
Gene Analysis Core
The Gene Analysis Core provides state-of-the-art genetic, genomic, bioinformatics, and protein validation services to enhance digestive disease research.
Integrative Morphology Core
The Integrative Morphology Core provides technical support for morphology studies, including immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, and expertise for microscopic and pathologic evaluation. Additional services are confocal, 2-photon and electron microscopy.
Stem Cell / Organoid and Genome Editing (SCOGE)
The Stem Cell / Organoid and Genome Editing (SCOGE) provides state-of-the-art technology using human pluripotent stem cells and organoids to advance translational research in digestive diseases.
Clinical Component
The Clinical Component supports biostatistical services and the infrastructure to implement and monitor execution of disease-based clinical research.