Digestive Health Center
Advisory Committees

Advisory Committees

Executive Committee

Stacey S. Huppert, PhD

Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Hepatic cell plasticity, development and regeneration; reprogramming; three-dimensional hepatic architecture; Notch signaling; hepatobiliary disease

Alexander G. Miethke, MD

Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Immune mediated liver injury, specifically the role of regulatory T cells in biliary atresia and primary sclerosing cholangitis; genetic basis for...
Research Interests
Application and development of analytical methods for microbial metagenomic next-generation sequence data; dietary assessment and analysis...

James M. Wells, PhD

Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Understanding the development of the pancreas, and gastrointestinal organs; generating 3-dimensional human tissues from pluripotent stem cells and...

Cynthia C. Wetzel, PhD

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics

Kathryn A. Wikenheiser-Brokamp, MD, PhD

Professor, UC Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Aaron M. Zorn, PhD

Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Development of the digestive and respiratory systems. Learn more about CuSTOM.

Internal Advisory Committee

Leah C. Kottyan, PhD

Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Genetic basis of lupus; genetic basis of eosinophilic esophagitis; immunological mechanisms mediating genetic association with disease
Research Interests
Deafness; hearing loss; language development; developmental disabilities Visit the More Than Hearing Loss web page.

Paul Spearman, MD

Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
HIV assembly; HIV biology/pathogenesis; HIV vaccines; vaccines and therapeutics for children (clinical trials)

Committee Members Outside of Cincinnati Children's

Alex B. Lentsch, PhD, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Development, Vice Chair for Research in Surgery, Professor of Surgery

Samar H. Ibrahim, MB, ChB, Medical Director Pediatric Liver Transplant Program; Director, C-SiG Pilot and Feasibility Program; Associate Professor of Pediatrics & Physiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

Robert E. Schwartz, MD, PhD, Director of Translational Medicine and Associate Professor, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell College of Medicine, Cornell University

Scott B. Snapper, MD, PhD, Chief, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; Director, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Boston Children’s Hospital; Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Thad Stappenbeck, MD, PhD, Chairman Department of Inflammation and Immunity at Lerner Research Institute at the Cleveland Clinic