Clinical Trials / Research Studies

ADHD Study for Preteens and Teens 12 to 17 Years Old

Cincinnati Children's is conducting a research study to investigate how magnetic stimulation over the scalp called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) affects how the brain works in children with ADHD. TMS is currently FDA cleared to treat certain mental health disorders. ...More

Autism and ADHD Study For Children and Teens 4 to 17 Years Old

Cincinnati Children's is conducting a research study, sometimes known as a clinical trial or clinical study, to understand the benefits and side effects of medicines often used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children with autism. We want to determine the relative effect ...More

Chronic Condition Remote Survey Study for Parents and Their 12- to-17-Year-Old Adolescents With a Recent Treatment Change

Cincinnati Children's is conducting a survey study (can be completed remotely and takes about 10 minutes) that looks at what parents and adolescents think about medical decision making. ...More

Down Syndrome and ADHD Study for Children and Teens 6 to 17 Years Old

Cincinnati Children's is conducting a research study, sometimes known as a clinical trial or clinical study, to see how children with Down syndrome and ADHD respond to medication. The medication is an FDA-approved drug for ADHD treatment. ...More

Study for Children and Teens With Down Syndrome

Cincinnati Children's is conducting a research study to evaluate the use of a medication, methylphenidate (QuillivantXR), with children and teens with Down syndrome and ADHD. ...More

Study for Teens 14 to 17 with ADHD or Attention Problems

Cincinnati Children's is conducting a research study, sometimes known as a clinical study, to learn more about the brain function of teens with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or attention problems. ...More

Contact Us


Adult Participants or Parents of Participants:

Cincinnati Children’s is involved in research because it is very important to understanding diseases and developing ways to prevent and treat health problems in children, as well as adults. Learn more about how you can help. Contact us at or 513-636-0098. Or, enroll in our database to be notified about future studies by completing an online sign up form.

Sponsors and Investigators:

The Office for Clinical and Translational Research at Cincinnati Children’s provides sponsors and investigators with comprehensive support services, research tools, personnel and facilities to conduct or facilitate pediatric and adult clinical research studies. Contact us at or 513-636-0314.