Cincinnati Children's is conducting a research study to investigate how magnetic stimulation over the scalp called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) affects how the brain works in children with ADHD. TMS is currently FDA cleared to treat certain mental health disorders.
Preteens and teens 12 to 17 years old who have been diagnosed with ADHD who have no history of seizure, serious medical condition(s) or implanted medical device(s) may be eligible to participate.
The study consists of two phases. Currently we are only recruiting for the first phase of the study. In this first phase of the study, you will be asked to come to Cincinnati Children’s 2 times over the next month. Here are some of the other things that will happen in this study.
Your child will:
If your child is eligible and you and your child decide to participate in the study, he/she will not be allowed to use any ADHD stimulant medication 24 hours up to and the day of one of the study visits.
You and your child will be given a consent form that thoroughly explains all the details of the study. A member of the study staff will review the consent form with you and will be sure that all your questions are answered.
Your child will not benefit from your taking part in this research. However, researchers may learn more about how magnetic stimulation affects how the brain works in children with ADHD.
We will discuss possible risks or discomforts with those interested in learning more about the study.
Participants will receive up to $150 for completion of this study.
Kelsey Galley
3333 Burnet Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Steve Wu, MD
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center