Cincinnati Children's is conducting a research study, sometimes known as a clinical trial or clinical study, to see how children with Down syndrome and ADHD respond to medication. The medication is an FDA-approved drug for ADHD treatment.
Children and teens 6 to 17 years old with Down syndrome and ADHD may be eligible to participate.
You and your child will be asked to visit Cincinnati Children's for study visits over a 30-week period. Some study procedures may be completed at home via telehealth visits. These are the things that will happen to your child while in the study:
We will perform:
You and your child will be given a consent form that thoroughly explains all details of the study. A member of the study staff will review the consent form with you and will be sure that all your questions are answered.
Your child may not have a direct benefit from participating in this study. Ultimately, the information learned from this research study may help children with Down syndrome and ADHD, and it may also help doctors with their diagnostic and treatment efforts.
Possible risks and discomforts will be discussed with those interested in learning more about the study.
Families will receive up to $225 for time and effort.
Kellie Voth
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Tanya Froehlich, MD
Division of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center