Transitional Care Center
Treatments and Services

Providing Comprehensive, Holistic Care

Your child is more than a medical diagnosis. At the Transitional Care Center, we address every aspect of your child’s health and wellbeing using a holistic approach to care.

Our first priority is, of course, their tracheostomy needs. Once stabilized, we then focus on your child’s long-term care and prepare them for life outside the hospital as they grow and develop. We also provide you and other caregivers with resources, including hands-on training and our Tracheotomy Care Handbook to help you feel confident and knowledgeable about caring for your child at home.

Personalized Procedures

Our team of experienced experts is skilled in a range of treatments and procedures to help your child adjust to their tracheotomy and mechanical ventilator. Procedures we commonly perform include:

Comprehensive Care Services

We understand that living with a ventilator takes time to get used to and can be challenging —both physically and emotionally. To help your child and your family adjust, we coordinate care with specialists from various departments to address everything from feeding issues to mental health concerns.

Our comprehensive services include:

  • Nutrition and feeding assistance
  • Speech therapy
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Behavioral health counseling
  • Social services
  • Care management
  • Respiratory education
  • Patient/family educators
  • Discharge support and ongoing outpatient resources
  • Group support