Pursuing New Therapies Through Research

Researchers from the Cancer and Blood Diseases Institute at Cincinnati Children’s conduct numerous research projects in hopes of improving the lives of Fanconi anemia patients and finding new therapies to treat this disease.

In our laboratories, we:

  • Study how viral infections interact with Fanconi anemia genes and proteins to cause cancer
  • Look at longitudinal changes in blood that predict bone marrow failure in patients with Fanconi anemia
  • Study chemo prevention options in children with Fanconi anemia

Our team includes some of the country’s most innovative laboratory researchers. Cincinnati Children’s scientists have made key discoveries about Fanconi anemia and its treatment, and they work closely with our physicians to speed advances from the laboratory to the clinic.

Outstanding laboratory research at Cincinnati Children’s provides the foundation for a large number of innovative treatment studies. Patients seen in the Fanconi Anemia Comprehensive Care Center have the opportunity to participate in these studies.

The Fanconi anemia team partners with other researchers throughout the world to further the understanding and treatment of Fanconi anemia.

A particularly valuable partner in this effort is Arleen Auerbach, PhD, whose laboratory at Rockefeller University in New York maintains the International Fanconi Anemia Registry. This registry is an essential resource for Fanconi anemia research conducted worldwide.

Opportunities for Research Participation

Physicians and researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital offer a number of clinical research studies for patients and families with Fanconi anemia. Some studies look at hormone replacement therapy, others look at immune function and infection with Fanconi anemia. In addition, we study intervention strategies to improve quality of life for children with Fanconi anemia.

Find a clinical trial.