Imaging Research Center
Techniques and Services

Current Techniques & Services of the Imaging Research Center

The IRC focuses on developing, translating, and applying novel and existing noninvasive methods for imaging and diagnosis using techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound. State of the art image analyses are also available.

Our active and prior research projects cover a broad range of medical conditions, from head to toe. Department of Radiology basic and translational research faculty associated with the IRC conduct independently funded research and help bring state-of-the-art imaging methods to collaborators at Cincinnati Children’s, the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, other outside institutions, and Industry. Its shared facilities ensure state-of-the-art instrumentation.

See the list below for the IRC's current techniques and services. Note, research radiography, fluoroscopy, CT, PET, and SPECT are provided by Clinical Radiology. 

For more information about our equipment and services or to begin working with us, contact us.