Life in the Erickson Lab

The Erickson Lab is a fun and welcoming place to work. We are growing and hoping to recruit more like—minded individuals that are passionate about saving babies, improving pregnancy outcomes and making awesome discoveries about immunology that have broader applicability to many disease states. We believe in hard work because there are many sick babies, mothers and other patients in the world that need us to make new discoveries.

We have a weekly lab meeting, as well as a joint lab meeting with the Way Lab given shared scientific interests. We also have a weekly journal club to discuss new and exciting publications. We have fun outside of lab as well, especially on holidays and for special events!

Erickson lab members and their families.

A taste of Turkey served up from Kubra and her husband Oguzhan!

Erickson lab members and families trick or treating.

Trick-or-treating with the Erickson kids!

Join Our Lab!

Our lab has openings for PhD graduate students, MD/PhD graduate students, Research Fellows and Research Associates. If you are interested, please contact us.

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