Critical Care Medicine Research
Meet the Team

Meet our Experts


Maya Dewan, MD, MPH

Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Clinical informatics; decision support; implementation science; patient safety


Mihir R. Atreya, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Sepsis; acute respiratory distress syndrome; multiple organ dysfunction syndrome; endothelial dysfunction; lipid biology

Edward B. Cooper, MD

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Anesthesia
Research Interests
Medical education; simulation

Allan M. Joseph, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Health services research; regionalization of pediatric acute care; emergency department pediatric readiness; transport and referral systems

Andrew Lautz, MD

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Myocardial dysfunction in pediatric critical illness

Kaitlyn Marks, MD

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Quality; patient safety; patient outcomes

Carlie Myers, MD, MS

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Equity in ICU resource utilization and allocation; healthcare disparities

Sue Poynter, MD, MEd

Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics

Carley Riley, MD, MPP, MHS, FAAP

Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Collective well-being; community and population health and well-being; systems science and change; participatory action research; multi-sector...

Erika Stalets, MD, MS

Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics

Steve Standage, MD

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics

Natalja Stanski, MD

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Acute kidney injury; sepsis
Research Interests
Multimedia medical education


Ranjit Chima, MD, FAAP

Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests

Matthew W. Zackoff, MD, MEd

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Education research; education scholarship; simulation
Research Interests
Signal transduction mechanisms regulating the inflammatory response in sepsis, hemorrhage, ischemia and reperfusion injury; inflammatory bowel...