Critical Care Medicine Research



Amman, AM; Wolfe, V; Piraino, G; Ziady, A; Zingarelli, B. Humanin-G Ameliorates Hemorrhage-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice Through AMPKα1-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms. Biomedicines. 2024; 12:2615.

Atreya, MR; Banerjee, S; Lautz, AJ; Alder, MN; Varisco, BM; Wong, HR; Muszynski, JA; Hall, MW; Sanchez-Pinto, LN; Kamaleswaran, R; Baines, T; Quasney, M; Haileselassie, B; Lindsell, CJ. Machine learning-driven identification of the gene-expression signature associated with a persistent multiple organ dysfunction trajectory in critical illness. EBioMedicine. 2024; 99:104938.

Atreya, MR; Bennett, TD; Geva, A; Faustino, EV S; Rogerson, CM; Lutfi, R; Cvijanovich, NZ; Bigham, MT; Nowak, J; Schwarz, AJ; Baines, T; Haileselassie, B; Thomas, NJ; Luo, Y; Sanchez-Pinto, LN. Biomarker Assessment of a High-Risk, Data-Driven Pediatric Sepsis Phenotype Characterized by Persistent Hypoxemia, Encephalopathy, and Shock. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 25:512-517.

Atreya, MR; Cvijanovich, NZ; Fitzgerald, JC; Weiss, SL; Bigham, MT; Jain, PN; Abulebda, K; Lutfi, R; Nowak, J; Thomas, NJ; Zhang, B; Alder, MN; Stanski, NL; Goldstein, SL. Revisiting Post-ICU Admission Fluid Balance Across Pediatric Sepsis Mortality Risk Strata: A Secondary Analysis of a Prospective Observational Cohort Study. Critical Care Explorations. 2024; 6:e1027.

Atreya, MR; Huang, M; Moore, AR; Zheng, H; Hasin-Brumshtein, Y; Fitzgerald, JC; Weiss, SL; Cvijanovich, NZ; Bigham, MT; Jain, PN; Sweeney, TE; Khatri, P; Sanchez-Pinto, LN; Kamaleswaran, R. Identification and transcriptomic assessment of latent profile pediatric septic shock phenotypes. Critical Care (UK). 2024; 28:246.

Atreya, MR; Piraino, G; Cvijanovich, NZ; Fitzgerald, JC; Weiss, SL; Bigham, MT; Jain, PN; Schwarz, AJ; Lutfi, R; Nowak, J; Thomas, NJ; Baines, T; Haileselassie, B; Zingarelli, B. SERUM HUMANIN IN PEDIATRIC SEPTIC SHOCK-ASSOCIATED MULTIPLE-ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME. Shock. 2024; 61:83-88.

Azamfirei, R; Behrens, D; Padilla, S; Madden, K; Goldberg, S; Geno, M; Manning, MJ; Piole, M; Madsen, E; Maue, D; Wang, NY; Needham, DM; Neufeld, K; Kudchadkar, SR. Delirium Screening in Critically Ill Children: Secondary Analysis of the Multicenter PICU Up! Pilot Trial Dataset, 2019-2020. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 25:880-888.

Benscoter, AL; Law, MA; Borasino, S; Rahman, AK M F; Alten, JA; Atreya, MR. Predicting cardiac arrest after neonatal cardiac surgery. 2024; 2:3.

Dewan, M; Prideaux, J; Loeb, D; Patel, RV; Zackoff, M; Kudchadkar, SR; Vaughn, LM; Schondelmeyer, AC. Sustainability of a PICU Situation Awareness Intervention: A Qualitative Study. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 2024; 9:e757.

Ercan, AB; Aronson, M; Fernandez, NR; Chang, Y; Levine, A; Liu, ZA; Negm, L; Edwards, M; Bianchi, V; Stengs, L; Lindhorst, S; Perreault, S; Caspi, S; Riaz, S. Clinical and biological landscape of constitutional mismatch-repair deficiency syndrome: an International Replication Repair Deficiency Consortium cohort study. The Lancet Oncology. 2024; 25:668-682.

Ferrazzano, PA; Rebsamen, S; Field, AS; Broman, AT; Mayampurath, A; Rosario, B; Buttram, S; Willyerd, FA; Rathouz, PJ; Bell, MJ; Alexander, AL; ADAPT MRI Investigators, . MRI and Clinical Variables for Prediction of Outcomes After Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. JAMA network open. 2024; 7:e2425765.

Fitzsimmons, J; Zackoff, M; Loeb, D; James, K; Collins, K; Dewan, M. 1229: THE USE OF ENHANCED SITUATION AWARENESS TO REDUCE FAILURE TO RESCUE EVENTS. Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 52:s586.

Flake, H; Meisman, A; Fontaine, E; Jackson, F; McClain, B; Mendell, A; Kingsley, E. 151 History of Clinical Research Professionals at Cincinnati Children's. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2024; 8:45-46.

Fuhrman, DY; Stanski, NL; Krawczeski, CD; Greenberg, JH; Arikan, AA A; Basu, RK; Goldstein, SL; Gist, KM; Alobaidi, R; Askenazi, DJ; Ronco, C; Mehta, RL; Kellum, J; Ostermann, M. A proposed framework for advancing acute kidney injury risk stratification and diagnosis in children: a report from the 26th Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) conference. Pediatric Nephrology. 2024; 39:929-939.

Fuhrman, DY; Stenson, EK; Alhamoud, I; Alobaidi, R; Bottari, G; Fernandez, S; Guzzi, F; Haga, T; Kaddourah, A; Marinari, E; Stanski, NL; Zang, H; Zangla, E; Gist, KM. Major Adverse Kidney Events in Pediatric Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy. JAMA network open. 2024; 7:e240243.

Furthmiller, A; Sahay, R; Zhang, B; Dewan, M; Zackoff, M. Impact of a relocation to a new critical care building on pediatric safety events. Journal of hospital medicine (Online). 2024; 19:589-595.

Galiatsatos, P; Brems, H; Myers, CN; Montemayor, K. Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Disparities in Management and Outcomes of Critically Ill Adults with Sepsis. Critical Care Clinics. 2024; 40:741-752.

Gertz, SJ; Bhalla, A; Chima, RS; Emeriaud, G; Fitzgerald, JC; Hsing, DD; Jeyapalan, AS; Pike, F; Sallee, CJ; Thomas, NJ; Yehya, N; Rowan, CM. Immunocompromised-Associated Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Experience From the 2016/2017 Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Incidence and Epidemiology Prospective Cohort Study. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 25:288-300.

Gist, KM; Menon, S; Anton-Martin, P; Bigelow, AM; Cortina, G; Deep, A; De La Mata-Navazo, S; Gelbart, B; Gorga, S; Guzzo, I; Uber, A; Zang, H; Zappitelli, M; Selewski, DT. Time to Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Initiation and 90-Day Major Adverse Kidney Events in Children and Young Adults. JAMA network open. 2024; 7:e2349871.

Gomes, SM; Beal, SJ; Kiesler, J; Riley, CL; Mitchell, MJ. 284 Co-Creation in Action: Design and Implementation of a Studio to Increase Inclusion in Research. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2024; 8:87.

Gorecki, MC; Sevilla, V; Gasperetti, K; Bartoszek, L; Chera, M; Cutler, K; Okano, C; Samuel, BM; Stewart, C; Riley, CL. Community-Led Interventions to Address Food Inequity. Pediatrics. 2024; 153:e2023063116.

Grassia, K; Kotagal, M; Zackoff, M; Dewan, M; Varisco, B. 1577: TRIALS OF EXTUBATION IN PEDIATRIC TRAUMA PATIENTS UNDERGOING PROLONGED MECHANICAL VENTILATION. Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 52:s759.

Hambrick, HR; Cervantes, F; Dong, M; Tang, P; Arbough, T; Vinks, AA; Mizuno, T; Goldstein, SL; Kaplan, J; Girdwood, ST. Ceftriaxone Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic Target Attainment for Three Pediatric Patients Receiving Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy. Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2024; 29:180-187.

Hambrick, HR; Fei, L; Pavia, K; Kaplan, J; Mizuno, T; Tang, P; Schuler, E; Benoit, S; Girdwood, ST. Cystatin C Outperforms Creatinine in Predicting Cefepime Clearance in Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Recipients. Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. 2024; 30:614.e1-614.e11.

Hasson, DC; Gist, KM; Seo, JD; Stenson, EK; Kessel, A; Haga, T; LaFever, S; Santiago, MJ; Barhight, M; Selewski, D; Dash, A; Ehrlich, JL; Farma, S; Gahring, K. The Association Between Vasopressin and Adverse Kidney Outcomes in Children and Young Adults Requiring Vasopressors on Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy. Critical Care Explorations. 2024; 6:e1156.

Hejazi, Y; Tegtmeyer, K; Chlebowski, M; Gist, KM. Circulatory collapse requiring mechanical circulatory support in a child with autoimmune adrenal insufficiency: a case report. BMC Pediatrics. 2024; 24:656.

Hills, BK; Gal, DB; Zackoff, M; Williams, B; Marcuccio, E; Klein, M; Unaka, N. Paediatric resident identification of cardiac emergencies. Cardiology in the Young. 2024; 34:1732-1737.

Hineline, SK; Meisman, A; Wilson, K; Garney, W; Holden, C; Rosen, BL. 182. Collecting Evaluation Data Remotely for Middle School Aged Children: Lessons Learned. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2024; 74:s97.

Jensen, S; Zhang, B; Paff, Z; Ely, K; Collins, K; Gibson, A; James, K; Loeb, D; Lautz, A; Zackoff, M; Tegtmeyer, K; Gray, J; Dewan, M. Abstract Sa402: CPR Coaches Improve Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Guideline Adherence in Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Circulation. 2024; 150:asa402.

Joseph, AM; Horvat, CM; Davis, BS; Kahn, JM. Travel Distances for Interhospital Transfers of Critically Ill Children: A Geospatial Analysis. Critical Care Explorations. 2024; 6:e1175.

Junior, RM; Mizuno, T; Paice, KM; Pavia, KE; Rhodes Hambrick, H; Tang, P; Jones, R; Gibson, A; Stoneman, E; Curry, C; Kaplan, J; Girdwood, ST. Identifying optimal dosing strategies for meropenem in the paediatric intensive care unit through modelling and simulation. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2024; 79:2668-2677.

Kingsley, E; McClain, B; Meisman, A; Fontaine, E. 132 Modernizing Onboarding for Clinical Research Professionals: An Interactive and Adoptable Approach. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2024; 8:39.

Kurowski, BG; Treble-Barna, A; Pilipenko, V; Martin, LJ; Jegga, AG; Miley, AE; Zhang, N; Fabio, A; Chima, RS; Adlam, AL R; Kaufman, K; Bell, MJ; Beers, SR; Wisniewski, SR; Wade, SL. Elucidating a genomic signature associated with behavioral and executive function after moderate to severe pediatric TBI: a systems biology informed approach. Frontiers in Systems Biology. 2024; 4:1293265.

Lautz, A; Atreya, M; Zhang, S; Kempton, K; Alder, M; Zingarelli, B. 893: INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELL-DERIVED MONOCYTE RESPONSE TO RISK-STRATIFIED PEDIATRIC SEPTIC SERUM. Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 52:s419.

Loeb, D; Lautz, A; Fleck, J; Zackoff, M. Experience informed procedural skills training. The Clinical Teacher. 2024; 21:e13719.

Magee, PM; Asp, RA; Myers, CN; Grunwell, JR; Paquette, E; Akande, MY. Assessing Social Determinants of Health During Critical Illness: Implications and Methodologies. Critical Care Clinics. 2024; 40:623-640.

March, ML; Meisman, AR; Zackoff, MW; Klein, MD; Real, FJ. Caregivers’ and Community Members’ Perspectives on Firearm Safety Screening and Counseling During Pediatric Primary Care Visits. 2024; 12:200099.

Marks, KT; Rosengard, KD; Franks, JD; Staffa, SJ; Chan Yuen, J; Burns, JP; Priebe, GP; Sandora, TJ. Risk factors for central line-associated bloodstream infection in the pediatric intensive care setting despite standard prevention measures. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2024; 45:1-9.

McIntire, C; Luna Torres, J; Tang, P; Vinks, AA; Kaplan, J; Tang Girdwood, S. Piperacillin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in paediatric patients who received high frequency intra-operative piperacillin/tazobactam dosing. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2024; 63:107079.

Mohan, S; Schablein, RW; Krallman, KA; Goldstein, S; Stanski, NL. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis to Assess Fluid Balance in Children Undergoing Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN. 2024; 35:10.1681/asn.2024jaax8f8r.

Molloy, MJ; Zackoff, M; Gifford, A; Hagedorn, P; Tegtmeyer, K; Britto, MT; Dewan, M. Usability Testing of Situation Awareness Clinical Decision Support in the Intensive Care Unit. Applied Clinical Informatics - ACI. 2024; 15:327-334.

Morales Junior, R; Amajor, V; Paice, K; Kyler, KE; Hambrick, HR; Pavia, KE; Haynes, AS; Gooden, F; Pais, GM; Downes, KJ; Ramsey, LB; Wagner, J; Tang Girdwood, S. From Dose to Exposure: Shifting the Paradigm of Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology Research and Education. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2024; 116:515-517.

Mottes, T; Menon, S; Conroy, A; Jetton, J; Dolan, K; Arikan, AA; Basu, RK; Goldstein, SL; Symons, JM; Alobaidi, R; Ronco, C; Mehta, RL; Kellum, J; Ostermann, M. Pediatric AKI in the real world: changing outcomes through education and advocacy-a report from the 26th Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) consensus conference. Pediatric Nephrology. 2024; 39:1005-1014.

Mowrer, MC; Lima, L; Nair, R; Li, X; Sandhu, H; Bridges, B; Barbaro, RP; Bhar, S; Nkwantabisa, R; Ghafoor, S; Lerner, RK; Brogan, TV; Raman, L; Potera, RM. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Patients on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Outcomes in a Multicenter, Retrospective Cohort, 2009-2021. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 25:1026-1034.

Neumayr, TM; Bayrakci, B; Chanchlani, R; Deep, A; Morgan, J; Arikan, AA; Basu, RK; Goldstein, SL; Askenazi, DJ; Alobaidi, R; Ronco, C; Mehta, RL; Kellum, J; Ostermann, M. Programs and processes for advancing pediatric acute kidney support therapy in hospitalized and critically ill children: a report from the 26th Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) consensus conference. Pediatric Nephrology. 2024; 39:993-1004.

Ojha, M; Smith, NJ; Devine, AJ; Joshi, R; Goodman, EM; Fan, Q; Schuman, R; Porollo, A; Wells, JM; Tiwary, E; Deshmukh, H; Borchers, MT; Ammerman, SA; Varisco, BM. Anti-CELA1 antibody KF4 prevents emphysema by inhibiting stretch-mediated remodeling. JCI insight. 2024; 9:e169189.

Paice, K; Tang Girdwood, S; Mizuno, T; Pavia, K; Punt, N; Tang, P; Dong, M; Curry, C; Jones, R; Gibson, A; Vinks, AA; Kaplan, J. Pharmacokinetic Factors Associated With Early Meropenem Target Attainment in Pediatric Severe Sepsis. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 25:1103-1116.

Paice, K; Tang Girdwood, S; Pavia, K; Mizuno, T; Kaplan, J. 868: EARLY MEROPENEM CLEARANCE OF CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS IN A PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 52:s407.

Pfarr, MA; Odum, JD; Thomson, J; Callahan, S; Tegtmeyer, K; Pulda, K; Rummel, M; Ruschman, J; Herrmann, LE. Usability and Feasibility of an in-Home Remote Exam Device in Children with Medical Complexity During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health. 2024; 30:2870-2875.

Popler, E; Rosen, BL; Meisman, AR; Lee, MR; Kahn, JA; Chandler, EL; Klein, MD; Real, FJ. Physicians' Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Communication With Parents of Different Skin Color: Feasibility of Measuring Indicators of Implicit Bias With Virtual Reality. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2024; 75:192-195.

Quinn, M; Parsons, A; Anyigbo, C; Corley, AM S; Lipps, L; Gilliam, J; Ladipo, JO; Behle, CJ H; Bennett, D; Riley, C. "When You Look at This Chart, That Is Not My Whole Life ": Caregiver Perspectives to Inform Improved Primary Care Practice and Outcomes. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health. 2024; 15:21501319241253524.

Raab, DL; Ely, K; Israe, K; Lin, L; Donnellan, A; Saupe, J; Klei, M; Zackoff, MW. Impact of Virtual Reality Simulation on New Nurses' Assessment of Pediatric Respiratory Distress. American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. 2024; 33:115-124.

Real, FJ; Griggs, C; March, M; Masiakos, PT; Meisman, A; Felopulos, G; Sacks, CA; Zackoff, MW. Feasibility and Acceptability of a Virtual Reality Curriculum to Support Firearm Safety Counseling Skills Among Pediatric Residents. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2024; 16:740-746.

Real, FJ; Meisman, A; Fleck, L; Klein, M; Kahn, JA; Rosen, BL. Evolution of Education-Focused Digital Interventions to Support Human Papillomavirus Vaccination. Academic Pediatrics. 2024; 24:559-561.

Rosen, BL; Meisman, A; Sun, Q; Real, FJ; Steller, A; Chandler, E; Crosby, L; Frenck, R; Klein, M; Kahn, JA. Factors Associated With Racially and Ethnically Diverse Sample of Adolescents, Young Adults, and Parents' Intention to Receive a COVID-19 Vaccine. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2024; 38:672-682.

Schuh, AM; Alexander, C; Gasperetti, K; Gorecki, MC; Cutler, K; Hoffman, C; Kahn, RS; Okano, C; Riley, CL. A new approach to a wicked problem: development of a cross-sector community-centered learning network to tackle childhood food inequity. Frontiers in Public Health. 2024; 12:1436760.

Schuh, AM; Burkhardt, MC; Chandler, EL; Mansour, ME; Meisman, A; Kowalczyk Mullins, TL; Porter, L; Widdice, LE. 145. Prevalence and Types of Social Risk in Adolescents Seeking Primary Care and Association With Healthcare Utilization. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2024; 74:s77-s78.

Selewski, DT; Barhight, MF; Bjornstad, EC; Ricci, Z; de Sousa Tavares, M; Akcan-Arikan, A; Goldstein, SL; Basu, R; Bagshaw, SM; Alobaidi, R; Ronco, C; Mehta, RL; Kellum, J; Ostermann, M. Fluid assessment, fluid balance, and fluid overload in sick children: a report from the Pediatric Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) conference. Pediatric Nephrology. 2024; 39:955-979.

Stanski, NL; Gist, KM; Hasson, D; Stenson, EK; Seo, JD; Ollberding, NJ; Muff-Luett, M; Cortina, G; Alobaidi, R; See, E; Gahring, K; Gales, B; Hilgenkamp, MR; Kanwar, K. Characteristics and Outcomes of Children and Young Adults With Sepsis Requiring Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy: A Comparative Analysis From the Worldwide Exploration of Renal Replacement Outcomes Collaborative in Kidney Disease (WE-ROCK). Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 52:1686-1699.

Stanski, NL; Zhang, B; Cvijanovich, NZ; Fitzgerald, JC; Bigham, MT; Jain, PN; Schwarz, AJ; Lutfi, R; Allen, GL; Thomas, NJ; Zingarelli, B; Standage, SW; Kaplan, J; Goldstein, SL. Diagnostic Validation of the Updated Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk II for Acute Kidney Injury Prediction Model in Pediatric Septic Shock. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 25:1005-1016.

Starr, MC; Gist, KM; Zang, H; Ollberding, NJ; Balani, S; Cappoli, A; Ciccia, E; Joseph, C; Kakajiwala, A; Kessel, A; Uber, AM; Van Wyk, B; Zangla, EE; Zappitelli, M. Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy and Survival in Children and Young Adults: Findings From the Multinational WE-ROCK Collaborative. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2024; 84:406-415.e1.

Stenson, EK; Alhamoud, I; Alobaidi, R; Bottari, G; Fernandez, S; Fuhrman, DY; Guzzi, F; Haga, T; Kaddourah, A; Marinari, E; Cappoli, A; Collins, M; Ciccia, EA; Cappoli, A. Factors associated with successful liberation from continuous renal replacement therapy in children and young adults: analysis of the worldwide exploration of renal replacement outcomes collaborative in Kidney Disease Registry. Intensive Care Medicine. 2024; 50:861-872.

Stevens, J; Tezel, O; Bonnefil, V; Hapstack, M; Atreya, MR. Biological basis of critical illness subclasses: from the bedside to the bench and back again. Critical Care (UK). 2024; 28:186.

Sullivan, E; Melink, K; Pettit, K; Goldstein, SL; Zang, H; Ollberding, NJ; SooHoo, M; Alten, JA; Stanski, NL; Gist, KM. Prediction of cardiac surgery associated acute kidney injury using response to loop diuretic and urine neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin. Pediatric Nephrology. 2024; 39:3597-3606.

Sun, F; Eberhard, S; Hanson, AE; Walsh, L; Jackman, CT; Maue, D; Conroy, SK. Electroconvulsive therapy in new onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) in a pediatric patient. Brain Stimulation. 2024; 17:676-677.

Sutherland, SM; Alobaidi, R; Gorga, SM; Iyengar, A; Morgan, C; Heydari, E; Arikan, AA A; Basu, RK; Goldstein, SL; Zappitelli, M; Ronco, C; Mehta, RL; Kellum, J; Ostermann, M. Epidemiology of acute kidney injury in children: a report from the 26th Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) consensus conference. Pediatric Nephrology. 2024; 39:919-928.

Thadani, S; Wu, TC; Wu, DT Y; Kakajiwala, A; Soranno, DE; Cortina, G; Srivastava, R; Gist, KM; Menon, S; Ahern, E; Webb, TN; Zang, H; Zangla, EE; Zappitelli, M. Machine Learning-Based Prediction Model for ICU Mortality After Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Initiation in Children. Critical Care Explorations. 2024; 6:e1188.


Williams, JG; Jones, RL; Yunger, TL; Lahni, PM; Yehya, N; Varisco, BM. Comparison of 16 Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome-Associated Plasma Biomarkers With Changing Lung Injury Severity. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 25:e31-e40.

Williams, JG; Whitney, JE; Weiss, SL; Varisco, BM; Yehya, N; Atreya, MR; Lautz, AJ; Stanski, NL; Standage, SW; Kaplan, JM; Grunwell, JR; Baines, T; Quasney, M; Haileselassie, B. Derivation and Validation of a Clinical and Endothelial Biomarker Risk Model to Predict Persistent Pediatric Sepsis-Associated Acute Respiratory Dysfunction. 2024; 100120.

Wyllie, TJ S; Brown, JL; Meisman, A; Bayyari, N; Mangeot, C; Sun, Q; Mullins, TL K. Attitudes and Intentions toward Use of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among Adults Receiving Treatment for Opioid Use. Substance Use and Misuse. 2024; 59:369-379.

Yehya, N; Booth, TJ; Ardhanari, GD; Thompson, JM; Lam, LK M; Till, JE; Mai, MV; Keim, G; McKeone, DJ; Halstead, ES; Zhou, W; Carpenter, EL; Christie, JD; Mangalmurti, NS. Inflammatory and tissue injury marker dynamics in pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2024; 134:e177896.

Zackoff, MW; Cruse, B; Sahay, RD; Zhang, B; Sosa, T; Schwartz, J; Depinet, H; Schumacher, D; Geis, GL. Multiuser immersive virtual reality simulation for interprofessional sepsis recognition and management. Journal of hospital medicine (Online). 2024; 19:185-192.

Zackoff, MW; Davis, D; Rios, M; Sahay, RD; Zhang, B; Anderson, I; NeCamp, M; Rogue, I; Boyd, S; Gardner, A; Geis, GL; Moore, RA. Tolerability and Acceptability of Autonomous Immersive Virtual Reality Incorporating Digital Twin Technology for Mass Training in Healthcare. Simulation in Healthcare: Journal of the society for simulation in healthcare. 2024; 19:e99-e116.

Zackoff, MW; Klein, M; Real, FJ. Virtual Reality to Inform and Facilitate Trainee Assessment. Academic Pediatrics. 2024; 24:716-718.

Zingarelli, B. SHOCK SYNOPSIS OCTOBER 2024. Shock. 2024; 62:459-460.