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.Supporting treatment adherence regimens in children with epilepsy: A randomized clinical trial. Epilepsia. 2021; 62:1643-1655.
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.Pilot Executive Functioning Intervention in Epilepsy: Behavioral and Quality of Life Outcomes. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2021; 46:363-374.
.The psychosocial impact of COVID-19 within the first six months of the pandemic on youth with epilepsy and their caregivers. Epilepsy and Behavior. 2021; 117:107855.
.Managing depression and anxiety in people with epilepsy: A survey of epilepsy health professionals by the ILAE Psychology Task Force. Epilepsia Open. 2021; 6:127-139.
.The neural basis of executive functioning deficits in adolescents with epilepsy: a resting-state fMRI connectivity study of working memory. Brain Imaging and Behavior: an international journal. 2021; 15:166-176.
.Modifiable factors related to transition readiness in adolescents and young adults with epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior. 2021; 115:107718.
.A Longitudinal Assessment of Parenting Stress in Parents of Children with New-Onset Epilepsy. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2021; 46:91-99.
.The development of a social norms adherence intervention for adolescents with epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior. 2021; 114:107628.