A Sense of Team in the Schmitt Lab

The Schmitt Lab not only believes in the fullest sense of team science, but also believes in building relationships and having fun outside of the lab to make the best team possible! Because the Schmitt Lab is integrated into the larger Neurobehavioral Treatment Discovery Team, there are lots of opportunities for team building.

In addition, Dr. Schmitt serves as the Director of Research Translation and Community Engagement for the Cincinnati Fragile X Center, with two primary missions. First, research collected in the lab should be disseminated back to the participants and their families. Dr. Schmitt and Ashley Dapore co-create a monthly FXS Newsletter that highlights peer-reviewed published research from the lab for our lay family audience as well as shared relevant national and regional events. Second, Dr. Schmitt helps organize regional and national events to bring our larger Fragile X clinical and research team together with our Fragile X families to help increase a sense of belongingness and to help families build connections with each other. Our regular events include psychoeducational Table Talks (quarterly), Fall Family Picnic (annual), and the Cincinnati Fragile X Family Conference (every other year).

From biannual fields days to happy hours to Fragile X family picnics, Dr. Schmitt is always ready to plan the next thing! Take a look at past events!

An image of members of the Schmitt Lab advocating in Washington D.C.
An image of members of the Schmitt Lab at a wedding celebration.
An image of members of the Schmitt Lab.
An image of children playing outside.

Be Part of Our Research

We are recruiting passionate individuals to join our lab as well as study participants.

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