Clinical Deterioration Event Predictive Model
Machine learning project to predict clinical deterioration on a 6 hour prediction horizon.
Machine learning project to predict clinical deterioration on a 6 hour prediction horizon.
Identify patients at risk for deteriorating so resources can be targeted to prevent deterioration or mitigate illness.
Could reduce morbidity and mortality from undetected deterioration.
Eric Kirkendall
Patrick Brady (PI), MITRE Corporation
Internal Award
Wellner B, Grand J, Canzone E, Coarr M, Brady PW, Simmons J, Kirkendall E, Dean N, Kleinman M, Sylvester P. Predicting Unplanned Transfers to the Intensive Care Unit: A Machine Learning Approach Leveraging Diverse Clinical Elements. JMIR Med Inform. 2017 Nov 22;5(4):e45.