Biomedical Informatics
Faculty Labs

Faculty Labs

Our Research

Through both collaborative and independent research, our faculty focus on a number of investigational areas. Bruce Aronow, PhD, and Anil Jegga, DVM, MRes, work toward the discovery and analysis of gene regulatory networks. John Pestian, PhD studies natural language processing of clinical information. Michael Wagner, PhD, conducts genome-wide association studies of diseases such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and Michal Kouril, PhD investigates high-performance computing. Nathan Salomonis, PhD and his group are on the cutting-edge of developing new software and algorithms to identify complex functional relationships from whole transcriptome data. S. Andrew Spooner, MD, MS, FAAP, is the Chief Medical Officer at Cincinnati Children's as well as actively involved in patient-centered research on topics like alert fatigue and user overload.

Learn more about our faculty and their research by visiting their lab sites:

A photo of Cincinnati Children's research facilities.