Fig A:  ILAE class 1 = completely seizure free, no auras; ILAE class 2 = only auras; ILAE class 3 = 1-3 seizure days/year; ILAE=4 seizure days/year to 50% reduction of baseline seizure days; ILAE5 = less than 50% reduction to 100% increase of baseline seizure days; ILAE 6 = more than 100% increase of baseline seizure days. There were no subjects with ILAE class 2.


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Division Summary

Research and Training Details
Faculty 42
Joint Appointment Faculty 3
Research Fellows and Post Docs 4
Research Graduate Students 5
Total Annual Grant Award Dollars $2,933,656
Total Annual Industry Award Dollars $3,015,327
Total Publications 124
Clinical Activities and Training
Staff Physicians 1
Clinical Fellows 7
Inpatient Encounters 2,879
Outpatient Encounters 30,104