Developmental Biology
Division Publications
- Agricola ZN, Jagpal AK, Allbee AW, Prewitt AR, Shifley ET, Rankin SA, Zorn AM, Kenny AP. Identification of Genes Expressed in the Migrating Primitive Myeloid Lineage of Xenopus Laevis. Dev Dyn. 2016; 245:47-55.
- Alqadah A, Hsieh YW, Schumacher JA, Wang X, Merrill SA, Millington G, Bayne B, Jorgensen EM, Chuang CF. Slo Bk Potassium Channels Couple Gap Junctions to Inhibition of Calcium Signaling in Olfactory Neuron Diversification. PLoS Genet. 2016; 12:e1005654.
- Bell A, Kofron M, Nistor V. Multiphoton Crosslinking for Biocompatible 3d Printing of Type I Collagen. Biofabrication. 2015; 7:035007.
- Bhatt S, Connett J, Voelker H, Lindberg S, Westfall E, Wells J, Lazarus S, Criner G, Dransfield M. Beta-Blockers for the Prevention of Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (?Lock Copd): A Randomised Controlled Study Protocol. BMJ Open. 2016; 6:e012292.
- Breidenbach AP, Aschbacher-Smith L, Lu Y, Dyment NA, Liu CF, Liu H, Wylie C, Rao M, Shearn JT, Rowe DW, Kadler KE, Jiang R, Butler DL. Ablating Hedgehog Signaling in Tenocytes During Development Impairs Biomechanics and Matrix Organization of the Adult Murine Patellar Tendon Enthesis. J Orthop Res. 2015; 33:1142-51.
- Broering TJ, Wang YL, Pandey RN, Hegde RS, Wang SC, Namekawa SH. Baz1b Is Dispensable for H2ax Phosphorylation on Tyrosine 142 During Spermatogenesis. Biol Open. 2015; 4:873-84.
- Chen G, Wernig M, Berninger B, Nakafuku M, Parmar M, Zhang CL. In Vivo Reprogramming for Brain and Spinal Cord Repair. eNeuro. 2015; 2.
- Chen S, Brunskill EW, Potter SS, Dexheimer PJ, Salomonis N, Aronow BJ, Hong CI, Zhang T, Kopan R. Intrinsic Age-Dependent Changes and Cell-Cell Contacts Regulate Nephron Progenitor Lifespan. Dev Cell. 2015; 35:49-62.
- Chlon TM, Ruiz-Torres S, Maag L, Mayhew CN, Wikenheiser-Brokamp KA, Davies SM, Mehta P, Myers KC, Wells JM, Wells SI. Overcoming Pluripotent Stem Cell Dependence on the Repair of Endogenous DNA Damage. Stem Cell Reports. 2016; 6:44-54.
- Demitrack ES, Gifford GB, Keeley TM, Carulli AJ, VanDussen KL, Thomas D, Giordano TJ, Liu Z, Kopan R, Samuelson LC. Notch Signaling Regulates Gastric Antral Lgr5 Stem Cell Function. EMBO J. 2015; 34:2522-36.
- Dyment N, Breidenbach A, Schwartz A, Russell R, Aschbacher-Smith L, Liu H, Hagiwara Y, Jiang R, Thomopoulos S, Butler D. Gdf5 Progenitors Give Rise to Fibrocartilage Cells That Mineralize Via Hedgehog Signaling to Form the Zonal Enthesis. Dev Biol. 2015; 405:96-107.
- Gama-Norton L, Ferrando E, Ruiz-Herguido C, Liu Z, Guiu J, Islam AB, Lee SU, Yan M, Guidos CJ, Lopez-Bigas N, Maeda T, Espinosa L, Kopan R, Bigas A. Notch Signal Strength Controls Cell Fate in the Haemogenic Endothelium. Nat Commun. 2015; 6:8510.
- Grant I, Balcha D, Hao T, Shen Y, Trivedi P, Patrushev I, Fortriede J, Karpinka J, Liu L, Zorn A. The Xenopus Orfeome: A Resource That Enables Functional Genomics. Dev Biol. 2015; 408:345-57.
- Gresser A, Gutzwiller L, Gauck M, Hartenstein V, Cook T, Gebelein B. Rhomboid Enhancer Activity Defines a Subset of Drosophila Neural Precursors Required for Proper Feeding, Growth and Viability. Plos One. 2015; 10.
- Guo M, Wang H, Potter SS, Whitsett JA, Xu Y. Sincera: A Pipeline for Single-Cell Rna-Seq Profiling Analysis. PLoS Comput Biol. 2015; 11:e1004575.
- Hass MR, Liow HH, Chen X, Sharma A, Inoue YU, Inoue T, Reeb A, Martens A, Fulbright M, Raju S, Stevens M, Boyle S, Park JS, Weirauch MT, Brent MR, Kopan R. Spdamid: Marking DNA Bound by Protein Complexes Identifies Notch-Dimer Responsive Enhancers. Mol Cell. 2015; 59:685-97.
- Hayashi Y, Nishimune H, Hozumi K, Saga Y, Harada A, Yuzaki M, Iwatsubo T, Kopan R, Tomita T. A Novel Non-Canonical Notch Signaling Regulates Expression of Synaptic Vesicle Proteins in Excitatory Neurons. Sci Rep. 2016; 6:23969.
- Hernandez-Enriquez B, Wu Z, Martinez E, Olsen O, Kaprielian Z, Maness P, Yoshida Y, Tessier-Lavigne M, Tran T. Floor Plate-Derived Neuropilin-2 Functions as a Secreted Semaphoring Sink to Facilitate Commissural Axon Midline Crossing. Genes Dev. 2015; 29:2617-32.
- Imai F, Ladle D, Leslie J, Duan X, Rizvi T, Ciraolo G, Zheng Y, Yoshida Y. Synapse Formation in Monosynaptic Sensory-Motor Connections Is Regulated by Presynaptic Rho Gtpase Cdc42. J Neurosci. 2016; 36:5724-35.
- James-Zorn C, Ponferrada VG, Burns KA, Fortriede JD, Lotay VS, Liu Y, Karpinka JB, Karimi K, Zorn AM, Vize PD. Xenbase: Core Features, Data Acquisition, and Data Processing. Genesis. 2015; 53:486-97.
- Joshi R, Liu S, Brown MD, Young SM, Batie M, Kofron JM, Xu Y, Weaver TE, Apsley K, Varisco BM. Stretch Regulates Expression and Binding of Chymotrypsin-Like Elastase 1 in the Postnatal Lung. FASEB J. 2016; 30:590-600.
- Koenig A, Baltrunaite K, Bower N, Rossi A, Stainier D, Hogan B, Sumanas S. Vegfa Signaling Promotes Zebrafish Intestinal Vasculature Development through Endothelial Cell Migration from the Posterior Cardinal Vein. Dev Biol. 2016; 411:115-27.
- Kopan R. The Unaimed Arrow Never Misses. Curr Top Dev Biol. 2016; 116:547-50.
- Kurmann AA, Serra M, Hawkins F, Rankin SA, Mori M, Astapova I, Ullas S, Lin S, Bilodeau M, Rossant J, Jean JC, Ikonomou L, Deterding RR, Shannon JM, Zorn AM, Hollenberg AN, Kotton DN. Regeneration of Thyroid Function by Transplantation of Differentiated Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2015; 17:527-42.
- Kwon HJ, Park EK, Jia S, Liu H, Lan Y, Jiang R. Deletion of Osr2 Partially Rescues Tooth Development in Runx2 Mutant Mice. J Dent Res. 2015; 94:1113-9.
- LaBonne C, Zorn AM. Modeling Human Development and Disease in Xenopus. Preface. Dev Biol. 2015; 408:179.
- Lan Y, Xu J, Jiang R. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Palatogenesis. Curr Top Dev Biol. 2015; 115:59-84.
- Li X, Wu Y, Shen C, Belenkaya TY, Ray L, Lin X. Drosophila P24 and Sec22 Regulate Wingless Trafficking in the Early Secretory Pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015; 463:483-9.
- Liu Z, Brunskill E, Varnum-Finney B, Zhang C, Zhang A, Jay PY, Bernstein I, Morimoto M, Kopan R. The Intracellular Domains of Notch1 and Notch2 Are Functionally Equivalent During Development and Carcinogenesis. Development. 2015; 142:2452-63.
- Matsuda Y, Uno Y, Kondo M, Gilchrist MJ, Zorn AM, Rokhsar DS, Schmid M, Taira M. A New Nomenclature of Xenopus Laevis Chromosomes Based on the Phylogenetic Relationship to Silurana/Xenopus Tropicalis. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2015; 145:187-91.
- McCauley H, Wells J. Sweet Relief: Reprogramming Gastric Endocrine Cells to Make Insulin. Cell Stem Cell. 2016; 18:295-97.
- McGrath PS, Watson CL, Ingram C, Helmrath MA, Wells JM. The Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor Neurog3 Is Required for Development of the Human Endocrine Pancreas. Diabetes. 2015; 64:2497-505.
- Palencia-Desai S, Rost MS, Schumacher JA, Ton QV, Craig MP, Baltrunaite K, Koenig AL, Wang J, Poss KD, Chi NC, Stainier DY, Sumanas S. Myocardium and Bmp Signaling Are Required for Endocardial Differentiation. Development. 2015; 142:2304-15.
- Patel K, Giese A, Grossheim J, Hegde R, Delio M, Samanich J, Riazuddin S, Frolenkov G, Cai J, Ahmed Z. A Novel C-Terminal Cib2 (Calcium and Integrin Binding Protein 2) Mutation Associated with Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss in a Hispanic Family. Plos One. 2015; 10.
- Potter AS, Potter SS. Molecular Anatomy of Palate Development. PLoS One. 2015; 10:e0132662.
- Raines AM, Magella B, Adam M, Potter SS. Key Pathways Regulated by Hoxa9,10,11/Hoxd9,10,11 During Limb Development. BMC Dev Biol. 2015; 15:28.
- Rankin SA, Han L, McCracken KW, Kenny AP, Anglin CT, Grigg EA, Crawford CM, Wells JM, Shannon JM, Zorn AM. A Retinoic Acid-Hedgehog Cascade Coordinates Mesoderm-Inducing Signals and Endoderm Competence During Lung Specification. Cell Rep. 2016; 16:66-78.
- Romick-Rosendale LE, Hoskins EE, Vinnedge LMP, Foglesong GD, Brusadelli MG, Potter SS, Komurov K, Brugmann SA, Lambert PF, Kimple RJ, Virts EL, Hanenberg H, Gillison ML, Wells SI. Defects in the Fanconi Anemia Pathway in Head and Neck Cancer Cells Stimulate Tumor Cell Invasion through DNA-Pk and Rac1 Signaling. Clin Cancer Res. 2016; 22:2062-73.
- Seco CZ, Giese AP, Shafique S, Schraders M, Oonk AM, Grossheim M, Oostrik J, Strom T, Hegde R, van Wijk E, Frolenkov GI, Azam M, Yntema HG, Free RH, Riazuddin S, Verheij JB, Admiraal RJ, Qamar R, Ahmed ZM, Kremer H. Novel and Recurrent Cib2 Variants, Associated with Nonsyndromic Deafness, Do Not Affect Calcium Buffering and Localization in Hair Cells. Eur J Hum Genet. 2016; 24:542-9.
- Sumanas S, Choi K. Ets Transcription Factor Etv2/Er71/Etsrp in Hematopoietic and Vascular Development. Curr Top Dev Biol. 2016; 118:77-111.
- Sun X, Park CB, Deng W, Potter SS, Dey SK. Uterine Inactivation of Muscle Segment Homeobox (Msx) Genes Alters Epithelial Cell Junction Proteins During Embryo Implantation. FASEB J. 2016; 30:1425-35.
- Turkoz M, Townsend R, Kopan R. The Notch Intracellular Domain Has an Rbpj-Independent Role During Mouse Hair Follicular Development. J Invest Dermatol. 2016; 136:1106-15.
- Ueki Y, Wilken MS, Cox KE, Chipman L, Jorstad N, Sternhagen K, Simic M, Ullom K, Nakafuku M, Reh TA. Transgenic Expression of the Proneural Transcription Factor Ascl1 in Muller Glia Stimulates Retinal Regeneration in Young Mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015; 112:13717-22.
- Ueno M, Ueno-Nakamura Y, Niehaus J, Popovich PG, Yoshida Y. Silencing Spinal Interneurons Inhibits Immune Suppressive Autonomic Reflexes Caused by Spinal Cord Injury. Nat Neurosci. 2016; 19:784-7.
- Uhl JD, Zandvakili A, Gebelein B. A Hox Transcription Factor Collective Binds a Highly Conserved Distal-Less Cis-Regulatory Module to Generate Robust Transcriptional Outcomes. PLoS Genet. 2016; 12:e1005981.
- Ulm A, Mayhew C, Debley J, Hershey G, Ji H. Cultivate Primary Nasal Epithelial Cells from Children and Reprogram into Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. J Vis Exp. 2016.
- Vize P, Zorn A. Xenopus Genomic Data and Browser Resources. Dev Biol. 2015.
- Wang Y, Tadjuidje E, Pandey RN, Stefater JA, 3rd, Smith LE, Lang RA, Hegde RS. The Eyes Absent Proteins in Developmental and Pathological Angiogenesis. Am J Pathol. 2016; 186:568-78.
- Wehner A, Abdesselem H, Dickendesher T, Imai F, Yoshida Y, Giger R, Pierchala B. Semaphorin 3a Is a Retrograde Cell Death Signal in Developing Sympathetic Neurons. Development. 2016; 143:1560-70.
- Wells A, Kopp N, Xu X, O'Brien DR, Yang W, Nehorai A, Adair-Kirk TL, Kopan R, Dougherty JD. The Anatomical Distribution of Genetic Associations. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015; 43:10804-20.
- Wells JM. Regenerative Medicine in 2015: Generating and Regenerating the Digestive System. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016; 13:65-6.
- Wells JM, Farris RF, Gosdin TA, Dransfield MT, Wood ME, Bell SC, Rowe SM. Pulmonary Artery Enlargement and Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Exacerbations: A Cohort Study. Lancet Respir Med. 2016; 4:636-45.
- Xu J, Liu H, Lan Y, Aronow BJ, Kalinichenko VV, Jiang R. A Shh-Foxf-Fgf18-Shh Molecular Circuit Regulating Palate Development. PLoS Genet. 2016; 12:e1005769.
- Zhang Z, Rankin SA, Zorn AM. Syndecan4 Coordinates Wnt/Jnk and Bmp Signaling to Regulate Foregut Progenitor Development. Dev Biol. 2016; 416:187-99.