Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare Professionals

Contact Us

Send comments, story ideas or questions to: 
Cindy Duesing, Editor
Marketing and Communications 
Cincinnati Children’s
3333 Burnet Avenue, MLC 9012
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3026
phone: 513-636-1495

If you want to be removed from the Staff Bulletin print mailing list or receive it electronically, call Cindy Duesing at 513-636-1495, or send an email to

Cincinnati Children’s is a teaching affiliate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.

Editorial Committee

Shelly Voet, MD, executive community physician
Derek Wheeler, MD, medical staff president, ex officio
Christine White, MD, medical staff president-elect, ex officio
Cindy Bachurski, PhD
Charles Deitschel, MD
Cindy Duesing
Camille Graham
, MD
Kelly Guthrie
Kimberly Hunt
Amanda Koehler
Sherry Sievers, DNP, CNP
M. Elaine Billmire, MD