Contact Us / Apply

Application timeline for the Clinical Informatics Fellowship at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center:

  • Applications can be submitted through ERAS beginning July 3, 2024
  • Interviews will occur August-October
  • The deadline to apply is August 31, 2024

All applications should be submitted through ERAS. We will be participating in the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Clinical informatics Fellowship Match.

We welcome applicants from all ACGME clinical specialties including but not limited to pediatrics, internal medicine, family medicine, emergency medicine, and pathology.

We welcome consideration of applicants seeking dual subspecialty training in clinical informatics and another clinical fellowship at Cincinnati Children's. Please contact us directly to discuss this option and inform the program director of the other subspecialty fellowship of your interest.

Application Requirements

Fellowship candidates must have completed ACGME-accredited residency program, an AOA-approved residency program, a program with ACGME International (ACGME-I) Advanced Specialty Accreditation, or a Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC)-accredited or College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)-accredited residency program located in Canada. Fellowship candidates must be eligible to obtain an Ohio State Medical Board license and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital medical staff privileges.

Required ERAS Application Materials:

  • Standardized ERAS application / curriculum vitae
  • Three letters of reference (including one from your residency director)
  • Personal statement
  • USMLE transcript
  • ECFMG status report (for international medical graduates only)

Contact Us

For more information about the Clinical Informatics Fellowship program at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, email, or reach out to our team members listed below.

Melissa Gray
Fellowship Coordinator

Matthew Molloy, MD, MPH
Associate Program Director
Assistant Professor

Philip Hagedorn, MD, MBI
Program Director
Chief Research Information Officer