Treatments and Services

Specialized Care for Your Child's Unique Needs

The Division of Rheumatology is committed to providing specialized care for your child’s unique needs. Our clinics provide a range of services at convenient locations. We offer access to diagnosis, treatment and education that draws patients from all over the country.

Rheumatology Clinic

The Rheumatology Clinic is an important resource for patients in Greater Cincinnati and beyond. We have more than 4,000 patient visits and 550 new patients a year. Thanks to our collaboration and commitment to family-centered care, we’re a resource for patients with a variety of rheumatic conditions.

Juvenile Myositis Center

Children with myositis (inflammation of the muscles) receive specialized care through the Juvenile Myositis Center at Cincinnati Children's.

Autoinflammatory Disease Center

The Autoinflammatory Disease Center offers specialized, multidisciplinary care for children with periodic fever and autoinflammatory syndromes.

Lupus Center

The Lupus Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is a specialized program in the Division of Rheumatology providing comprehensive care to children, adolescents and young adults with lupus and related diseases. It is the only pediatric lupus center in the Midwest.


We provide patients and families with alternative locations for getting the treatment and services they need.

OT / PT Services

The occupational and physical therapists in the Division of Rheumatology are specially trained to meet the unique needs of children with a rheumatic disease.

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (MSUS) is currently available daily at the Main Campus in the Rheumatology Clinic. Ultrasound is an imaging tool that can look at your joints more clearly (like an x-ray but without radiation). It also lets us take a quick look at more structures other than just bones. We are using ultrasound in some situations to help us determine the amount of active inflammation that might be present inside your/your child’s joint(s). Your provider might consider referring you for this study to help them evaluate for arthritis and make decisions about how to best manage your disease. An ultrasound study will typically take anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes depending on how many joints are being evaluated. You/your child will get to rest on a bed or sit during the scanning. It is not painful but we will need to use some gel on your skin to help see the images more clearly.

Clinical Trials

Rheumatology research studies are taking place now. Help us advance the possibilities of treatment. Learn More