Pain Management Center
Medical Acupuncture

Medical Acupuncture

Stimulating the Body to Heal Itself

A form of traditional Eastern medicine, acupuncture has been used for more than 3,000 years. It's a hands-on approach to help the body heal itself by stimulating acupuncture points. Acupuncture points lie on specific pathways where the body's energy flows. When your child is healthy, that energy is balanced and flows freely. When ill, that flow of energy can be weakened or blocked.

Acupuncture can be used to treat a variety of acute and chronic conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Colic
  • Depression
  • Gastritis
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain

During treatment, the physician uses different techniques to stimulate acupuncture points and rebalance your child's energy. They may use different methods to stimulate, including fine needles, heat, pressure, light and even electricity. While many children (and adults) may be nervous about acupuncture needles, these needles are extremely thin, comparable to the size of a strand of hair. They go just beneath the skin's surface and generally do not cause pain when inserted.

A Comprehensive Approach to Pain Management

  • Multidisciplinary pain management: We collaborate with primary care pediatricians, rehabilitation medicine specialists, surgeons, neurologists, oncologists, palliative care providers and others to incorporate acupuncture as a safe component of treating your child’s condition.
  • Part of comprehensive care: Your child can receive acupuncture alongside the rest of their care within Cincinnati Children’s without needing to find or travel to a separate provider.
  • Evidence-based treatment: Acupuncture at Cincinnati Children’s brings all the diagnostic and treatment advantages of Western medicine integrated with the pain management benefits of Eastern medicine. Your child will be treated by a care team that understands and uses both styles of medicine to treat your child.

What to Expect

Cincinnati Children’s has a weekly acupuncture clinic every Thursday afternoon at our Burnet Campus location. Patients can either self-refer or be referred by a physician. Please call 513-636-7768 to schedule your appointment.

Some insurance providers do not cover acupuncture treatment. Please check with your insurance company before making an appointment to see if you have coverage for acupuncture and, if so, for which conditions.

Before the Appointment

To prepare for the visit, your child should:

  • Have a snack or a light meal before arrival
  • Not do any vigorous activity before coming in
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing

During the Appointment

At your child’s first appointment, their provider will take a health history to better understand their condition. They also will conduct a physical examination including taking your child’s pulse, checking their tongue and examining other areas of the body to decide which acupuncture points to treat.

After this exam, your child will get an introduction to the acupuncture equipment and, depending on their readiness, may get acupuncture treatment at the first appointment.

During the acupuncture session, your child will lie on a padded exam table while a provider stimulates their acupuncture points. This stimulation may include pressure, heat, acupuncture needles or microcurrent electricity. Manual acupuncture will involve the gentle insertion of very thin, sterile and disposable stainless-steel needles into key points on your child’s body.

Each acupuncture session can last up to 40 minutes after the needles are inserted. Please allow 60–90 minutes total for each session.

After the Appointment

Your child should not do any vigorous activity for at least two hours after the treatment.

Because everyone responds to acupuncture differently, your child may need five to 10 total sessions to treat their condition, starting with one or two sessions per week. For chronic conditions, acupuncture may become a regular part of your child’s treatment plan.

With continued acupuncture treatment, your child can expect an easing of their symptoms, including lower inflammation, eased pain, improved digestion and a better-regulated nervous system.