Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Advanced Nutrition Program

Personalized Care for Nutritional Challenges

The Advanced Nutrition Program is one of few in the country that provides focused, personalized care for children with complicated conditions that affect their nutrition. Pediatric gastroenterologists with expertise in pediatric nutrition lead the team and work closely with other doctors, advanced practice providers, nurses, registered dietitians and pharmacists to ensure children get the best nutrition possible.

The team cares for children in both the hospital and outpatient clinic settings. Many of these children are on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and/or use a feeding tube. Some have severe malnutrition, while others have isolated nutritional deficiencies, like scurvy. Some have a medical issue such as nausea, food allergies or a critical illness that affects their ability to eat adequate amounts. Others are awaiting a transplant or other surgery and need extra nutritional support to have optimal outcomes.

Our pediatric gastroenterologists have advanced training in nutrition and are certified by the National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists. They take time to understand each child’s nutritional challenges and the underlying issues that may be contributing to the problem. They work with children and families to develop a personalized treatment plan and make adjustments as different needs arise.

The advanced nutrition team accepts referrals from physicians and parents. To learn more or request advanced nutrition services, contact:

Leann Mount, MSN
Clinical Program Manager