Endocrine Neuromuscular Program

Endocrine Neuromuscular Program

What is the Endocrine Neuromuscular Program?

The Endocrine Neuromuscular Program at Cincinnati Children’s is a specialty service for patients being treated for muscle disorders at the Neuromuscular Comprehensive Care Center. Your child’s treatments (such as steroid therapy) could affect how his endocrine glands work.

Our team will watch for symptoms like diabetes, slow growth, low thyroid function, early or late puberty, weight gain or low bone minerals. These could indicate an endocrine problem, and treating them early will help your child have the best health outcome.

Clinic appointments are scheduled at A7South on Thursday afternoons as part of your child’s neuromuscular appointment.

What doctor specializes in this area?

What other healthcare providers might I see in clinic?

  • Neurologist
  • Pulmonologist
  • Cardiologist
  • Orthopedic surgeon
  • Endocrine fellow
  • Physical and occupational therapist
  • Dietician
  • Nurse coordinator
  • Social worker

Learn more about the Neuromuscular Clinic

Contact Us

Questions about this clinic?

If you have questions regarding this clinic, contact: 
Bonnie Tedtman, RNII
1-800-344-2462, ext. 64744