Cerebral Palsy Program
Surgical Spasticity Clinic

Expert Surgical Care for Patients with Spasticity

The Surgical Spasticity Clinic at Cincinnati Children’s helps families explore surgical solutions for their child’s spasticity and dystonia.

Our experienced, multidisciplinary team includes a pediatric neurosurgeon, pediatric rehabilitation medicine doctor and physical therapist.

Together, they have treated hundreds of children and young adults with spasticity—including those who have been told elsewhere that they are too young or too old for spasticity surgery.

Our clinic is part of one of the largest, most comprehensive neurosurgery programs in the United States, and year after year, U.S. News and World Report ranks our services among the best in the nation.

What to Expect During Your First Visit

Prior to your first visit, our team will thoroughly review your child’s medical records and imaging studies and will begin planning for possible treatment options. Once you arrive, they will come together to provide one comprehensive evaluation.

During this visit, the team will assess and evaluate your child’s muscle tone, reflexes and strength, range of motion, gait pattern and coordination / control of active movements. They will also talk with you about previous medications and therapies, explain the different surgical options and recommend a treatment plan they think will help the most.

Before you leave, the entire team will sit down together and talk with you about next steps for managing your child’s spasticity. You will leave this appointment with a specific, personalized plan. This plan could include one or more of the following:

  • A recommendation of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR).
  • A recommendation of surgery to implant a baclofen pump.
  • Additional tests to help determine whether surgery is a good option for your child.
  • A gait analysis in our Motion Analysis Lab to further evaluate how your child’s spasticity, weakness and / or joint tightness may impact their gait pattern.
  • Nonsurgical therapies. This may include oral or injectable medications, physical therapy exercises, and / or leg bracing to help improve muscle tone and function so that surgery is not necessary. Or, the team may recommend specific therapies to help your child respond better to surgery at a later time.

Regardless of the treatment plan, we are here to help. Contact us to learn more.