Services & Specialties
Cincinnati Children's | Celiac Disease Center

Helping Children with Celiac Disease Experience the Best Possible Health for Life

Learning that your child has celiac disease is an emotional experience for many families. But it also can come as a relief to know what is causing your child’s symptoms.

The Celiac Disease Center at Cincinnati Children’s offers expert care from pediatric gastroenterologists, registered dietitians and nurses in one well-coordinated clinic. Our team has the deep experience and expertise to provide an accurate diagnosis, education about celiac disease and the support your family needs to adapt to a gluten-free lifestyle. We also care for young people with wheat allergies and non-celiac gluten sensitivities.

This specialized clinic is part of the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition at Cincinnati Children’s, which has a long history of caring for children, adolescents and young adults with digestive disorders, including celiac disease. Our celiac team builds on this strong foundation and is dedicated to meeting the highest standards of care and family support.

Each year, about 200 children, adolescents and young adults from a wide geographic area rely on celiac disease experts at Cincinnati Children’s for their care. Our team provides patients and families with:

  • State-of-the-art diagnostic testing
  • Expert follow-up care to monitor symptoms and related health concerns that may arise in people with celiac disease
  • Education and active support to help children with celiac disease maintain a gluten-free lifestyle
  • Opportunities to participate in clinical research studies, which can lead to improved care for people with celiac disease
  • Second-opinion appointments for patients who received a diagnosis elsewhere and would like an additional perspective

We also offer a joint clinic with the Diabetes Center at Cincinnati Children’s for children who have Type 1 diabetes and celiac disease.