Brain Injury Recovery
Treatments and Services

Personalized Care for Your Child


We treat the physical, mental and behavioral health of children who have concussions or traumatic brain injuries. Because all children and injuries are different, we offer the full spectrum of treatment options and develop individualized care plans that may include one or more of the following:

  • Behavioral Therapy: Behavioral therapy uses evidence-based interventions to help your child recover. This includes adherence strategies, cognitive behavioral therapy, coping skills training, biofeedback, and exposure-based therapies for pain management and treatment of anxiety, depression, and disruptive behaviors.
  • Consultation with School Specialists: We consult with school-aged patients (preschool through college) and their families to address post-brain injury symptoms in the school setting and develop a successful return-to-learn plan.
  • Rehabilitation Therapies
    • Occupational Therapy: Occupational therapy focuses on rehabilitation to improve skills related to vision, coordination, problem solving and mental processing. Improving these skills allows your child participate in meaningful activities at home and in the community.
    • Physical Therapy: Physical therapy focuses on improving skills related to motor function, gait, balance, postural control, activity tolerance, as well as management of musculoskeletal headaches. We use active rehabilitation to help your child gradually recover and return to daily life, recreation, and sports activities. 
    • Speech-Language Therapy: Speech-language therapy uses cognitive-communication rehabilitation to improve skills impacted by traumatic brain injury (speaking, listening, reading, writing, social, memory, attention, and problem solving) and help develop compensatory strategies that support success.
    • Vestibular/Balance Therapy: Vestibular rehabilitation targets dizziness and balance deficits which interfere with safety and mobility within the home or community, as well as participation in school and recreational activities.
  • Vision: Visual treatments, such as specialized glasses and vision exercises, help alleviate the visual problems from brain injury and concussion which include blurry vision, double vision, eyestrain, headaches, and trouble with reading and computer work.

We also offer emergency evaluations and care, surgical intervention for more complicated injuries, and medication management when appropriate.


Our integrated clinics utilize a team approach to bring the nation’s top specialists together so that your child receives the most timely and effective treatment. Our experts will assess your child's brain injury and identify the best clinic for their needs.

Concussion Clinic

For children who have a concussion that does not require a hospital stay, we provide week-day appointments with a physician who specializes in concussions. This clinic will help guide your child’s recovery from the concussion and pace their re-entry into school and sports.

Advanced Clinic

Our Advanced Clinic is for children who have prolonged symptoms or who are dealing with other complex health problems at the same time. It is staffed by experts in brain injury, including a physician, behavioral health psychologist, and school specialist.

At this clinic, our team provides more intensive treatment for ongoing, concussion-related symptoms. They also provide help for concussion-related issues with behavior, mood or school.

Complex Clinic

Our Complex Clinic is for children with the most severe and complex brain injuries. It is staffed by physicians who specialize in brain injury, a rehabilitation physician, a neurologist, a behavioral health psychologist and a school specialist.

At this clinic, our team provides intensive, ongoing care for the chronic medical, behavioral, mood and social problems that result from the brain injury. Your child will also be seen for a follow-up appointment shortly after being discharged from the hospital.

Partners in Care

Because brain injuries affect children on many levels, we collaborate across disciplines to provide the best possible care for your child. Our partners in care include: