Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
Syncope Clinic

Expert Care for Cardiac-Related Syncope

When kids faint or lose consciousness, it's called syncope. Most of these cases in children are due to low blood pressure. But it's important to know if there's a problem with the heart that's causing your child to faint. As part of the Heart Institute at Cincinnati Children's, the Syncope Clinic is a leading program for evaluating and treating syncope.

Most cases of syncope can be treated by having your child stay hydrated and maintaining a good diet. But some types of syncope are caused by a serious problem. When that's the case, it's important to find out why, so that the underlying problem can be addressed.

In our Syncope Clinic, we evaluate and care for cardiac-focused syncope that may be due to:

  • Previously undiagnosed structural heart disease
  • Heart rhythm abnormalities including congenital long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia or other channelopathies (hereditary disorders of the heart's electrical system)
  • Supraventricular tachycardia, including Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

We also evaluate and manage the most common causes for pediatric syncope, including low blood pressure (neutrally mediated hypotension).

What to Expect During Your Visit

Our pediatric cardiac specialist team is made up of a doctor, nurse practitioner and nurses who specialize in assessing, diagnosing and treating syncope.

At your first visit, we will evaluate your child's heart rhythm using an electrocardiogram (EKG). Your child may need further testing based on the initial evaluation and findings. This could include bloodwork, laboratory testing, exercise stress testing or an echocardiogram.

We use these test results, as well as your child's history, physical and vital signs, to determine the best course of treatment for your child.

Come to your visit prepared with any questions you and your child may have. There are several reasons why your child may be fainting, and we are committed to helping you understand as much as possible about what your child is experiencing.