Voucher Support for Investigator-Initiated Studies
The Schubert Research Clinic (SRC) and Center for Clinical & Translational Science & Training (CCTST) voucher program is designed to support approved ancillary costs for pilot and early-stage investigators.
Qualifications for Voucher Support
A Program Director / Principal Investigator (PD/PI) who has completed their terminal research degree or end of post-graduate clinical training, whichever date is later, within the past 10 years and who has not previously competed successfully as PD/PI for a NIH independent research award (RO1, PO1, etc.). A list of NIH grants that a PD/PI can hold and still be considered an ESI can be found here.
Studies that have been approved by the Institutional IRB can request up to $5,000 in funding support for study ancillaries and/or SRC services conducted at Cincinnati Children's or University of Cincinnati only.
Voucher requests will be reviewed and approved on an individual basis and limited to available grant-year funding. Voucher funding is valid for up to one year from the date of SRC approval or until 3/31 of the current grant year, whichever comes first. Voucher funds do not automatically carry over to the next grant year.
Investigator is required to be a member of the CCTST to be eligible for funding. Learn more about the CCTST and become a member.
Reimbursement Process
For investigators with SRC approved vouchers, approved ancillary costs will post to your supplied grant and/or divisional budget for that service. For reimbursement of approved costs, please email the below documents to christina.keller@cchmc.org.
- Your SRC Service Agreement and approved voucher
- An accounting of expenses detailing the name, date of expense, provider and costs of services
- An invoice outlining expenses with remittance address/business contact (University of Cincinnati Investigators Only)
- An invoice outlining expenses with Cincinnati Children's budget string (Cincinnati Children's Investigators Only)
Payment will be made after verification of expenses and voucher eligibility. University of Cincinnati investigators will receive payment via check applied toward submitted invoice and Cincinnati Children's investigators will receive payment via Non-Salary Cost Transfer.
Contact schubertresearchclinic@cchmc.org with any questions about voucher support.