Shared Facilities
Data Management and Analysis Collaborative

Offering Advanced Data Management, Data Wrangling, and Statistical Analysis to Researchers

The Data Management and Analysis Collaborative at Cincinnati Children’s provides state-of-the-art data management, data wrangling and reporting, and statistical analysis to Cincinnati Children’s researchers and external academic and industry partners.

From study conception and grant planning to multi-site data coordination and manuscript preparation, we help researchers obtain the highest quality data and analysis to answer their research questions.

Our team is comprised of data specialists, data coordinators, project managers, SAS and database programmers, epidemiologists, and biostatisticians. Together, they bring extensive experience from a variety of educational institutions, contract research organizations, government institutions and industry.

In addition to our team of experts, we work with partners from across the organization to provide the highest level of service to our clients. Our partners include:

We also leverage the expertise of Biostatistics and Epidemiology faculty to expand our ability to support the Cincinnati Children’s research enterprise, and our standard operating procedures and work instructions help ensure reliability, reproducibility, and maintain a high-level of deliverables to clients. 

Acknowledgement Statement

This [publication, project, or research] was made possible, in part, using the Cincinnati Children’s Data Management and Analysis Center [RRID: SCR_022625]. (Optional): We specifically acknowledge the assistance of [name(s) of staff member(s)].