Institutes, Divisions & Centers

Urology Research

The Division of Pediatric Urology at Cincinnati Children’s conducts translational research related to pediatric genitourinary disease and disorders. Our goal is to improve therapies and outcomes for children suffering from these conditions, both nationally and throughout the world.

Basic Science Research

Our basic science laboratory is housed in the Children’s Hospital Research Foundation building. Our main objective is to advance the understanding, at the molecular and physiological levels, of the pathways involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of genitourinary diseases in children and adolescents.

We are currently focused on the following basic science research projects:

  1. Regulation of smooth muscle cell patterning in the developing bladder, and the role of crosstalk between urothelium and mesenchyme
  2. The molecular mechanisms regulating self-renewal and differentiation of mesenchymal nephron progenitor cells during development
  3. Understanding (1) how distinct segmental identities of the nephron are specified during development and (2) how their cellular identities are maintained during homeostasis
  4. Analysis of epigenetic changes in microRNA profiles following lower urinary tract obstruction

Our research team, led by Pramod P. Reddy, MD, works on these projects. 

Clinical Research

The main objective of our clinical research program is to advance the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of genitourinary diseases in children and young adults. We achieve this through outcomes research, studies of clinical effectiveness and clinical trials.

We currently have many clinical research projects underway:

  1. Clinical outcomes in patients with anorectal malformations that have co-existing genitourinary pathology
  2. Long-term clinical outcomes in patients with posterior urethral valves (PUV)
  3. Long-term clinical outcomes in patients with hypospadias
  4. Comparison of Resolution Rate in Nocturnal Enuresis 
  5. ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery)
  6. Outcomes in Stone Disease
  7. Outcomes in RALP
  8. Safety and efficacy of Botox in neurogenic detrusor overactivity

Our clinical research is conducted in collaboration with Prasad Devarajan, MD, in the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension.

Statistics at a Glance

Research and Training

  • Faculty: 6

Clinical Activities and Training

  • Clinical Fellows: 2
  • Inpatient Encounters: 799
  • Outpatient Encounters: 12,535