
Colegate, SP; Seid, M; Hartley, D; Bruce, J; Beck, AF; Brokamp, C. Integrating a machine learning algorithm to forecast daily asthma hospitalizations. Annals of Epidemiology. 2024; 97:120.

Gamel, B; Albon, D; Bandla, S; Davison, DW; Flath, J; Sabadosa, KA; Seid, M; Silva, L; Ong, T; Powers, M; Sadeghi, H; Raissi, G; Corcoran, B; Encarnacion, J. Interventions to improve system-level coproduction in the Cystic Fibrosis Learning Network. BMJ Open Quality. 2024; 13:e002860.

Beck, AF; Seid, M; McDowell, KM; Udoko, M; Cronin, SC; Makrozahopoulos, D; Powers, T; Fairbanks, S; Prideaux, J; Vaughn, LM; Hente, E; Thurmond, S; Unaka, NI. Building a regional pediatric asthma learning health system in support of optimal, equitable outcomes. Learning Health Systems. 2024; 8:e10403.

Muntis, FR; Crandell, JL; Evenson, KR; Maahs, DM; Seid, M; Shaikh, SR; Smith-Ryan, AE; Mayer-Davis, E. Pre-exercise protein intake is associated with reduced time in hypoglycaemia among adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism: a journal of pharmacology and therapeutics. 2024; 26:1366-1375.

Tran, T; Igudesman, D; Burger, K; Crandell, J; Maahs, DM; Seid, M; Mayer-Davis, EJ. Eating behaviors and estimated body fat percentage among adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2024; 207:111070.

Huwe, M; Woolf, B; David, J; Seid, M; Saeed, S; Margolis, P. Conceptualizing and redefining successful patient engagement in patient advisory councils in learning health networks. Learning Health Systems. 2024; 8:e10377.

Ong, T; Albon, D; Amin, RS; Bailey, J; Bandla, S; Britto, MT; Flath, J; Gamel, B; Powers, M; Sabadosa, KA; Saulitis, AK; Thomas, LK; Thurmond, S; Seid, M. Establishing a Cystic Fibrosis Learning Network: Interventions to promote collaboration and data-driven improvement at scale. Learning Health Systems. 2023; 7:e10354.

Van Citters, AD; Buus-Frank, ME; King, JR; Seid, M; Holthoff, MM; Amin, RS; Britto, MT; Nelson, EC; Marshall, BC; Sabadosa, KA. The Cystic Fibrosis Learning Network: A mixed methods evaluation of program goals, attributes, and impact. Learning Health Systems. 2023; 7:e10356.

Kappelman, MD; Wohl, DA; Herfarth, HH; Firestine, AM; Adler, J; Ammoury, RF; Aronow, JE; Bass, DM; Bass, JA; Benkov, K; Zikry, M; Weinberger, M; Saeed, SA; Bousvaros, A. Comparative Effectiveness of Anti-TNF in Combination With Low-Dose Methotrexate vs Anti-TNF Monotherapy in Pediatric Crohn's Disease: A Pragmatic Randomized Trial. Gastroenterology. 2023; 165:149-161.e7.

Muntis, FR; Smith-Ryan, AE; Crandell, J; Evenson, KR; Maahs, DM; Seid, M; Shaikh, SR; Mayer-Davis, EJ. A High Protein Diet Is Associated with Improved Glycemic Control Following Exercise among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes. Nutrients. 2023; 15:1981.

Sarteau, AC; Kahkoska, AR; Crandell, J; Igudesman, D; Corbin, KD; Kichler, JC; Maahs, DM; Muntis, F; Pratley, R; Seid, M; Zaharieva, D; Mayer-Davis, E. More hypoglycemia not associated with increasing estimated adiposity in youth with type 1 diabetes. Pediatric Research. 2023; 93:708-714.

Sylvia, LG; Lunn, MR; Obedin-Maliver, J; McBurney, RN; Nowell, WB; Nosheny, RL; Mularski, RA; Long, MD; Merkel, PA; Pletcher, MJ; McCall, D; Terry, SF; Deckersbach, T; Nierenberg, AA. Web-Based Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Well-being: Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2022; 24:e35620.

Vinson, AH; Seid, M; Gamel, B; Saeed, S; Fureman, B; Cronin, SC; Bates, K; Hartley, D. Toward an ontology of collaborative learning healthcare systems. Learning Health Systems. 2022; 6:e10306.

Albon, D; Thomas, L; Hoberg, L; Stamper, S; Somerville, L; Varghese, P; Balasa, E; Roman, M; Britto, MT; Miner, M; Gehring, E; Gammon, C; Amin, RS; Seid, M; Powers, M. Cystic fibrosis learning network telehealth innovation lab during the COVID-19 pandemic: a success QI story for interdisciplinary care and agenda setting. BMJ Open Quality. 2022; 11:e001844.

Ong, T; Onchiri, FM; Britto, MT; Heltshe, SL; Kessler, LG; Seid, M; Ramsey, BW. Impact of guideline-recommended dietitian assessments on weight gain in infants with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2022; 21:115-122.

David, J; Berenblum Tobi, C; Kennedy, S; Jofriet, A; Huwe, M; Kelekian, R; Neihart, M; Spotts, M; Seid, M; Margolis, P. Sustainable generation of patient-led resources in a learning health system. Learning Health Systems. 2021; 5:e10260.

Seid, M; Bridgeland, D; Bridgeland, A; Hartley, DM. A collaborative learning health system agent-based model: Computational and face validity. Learning Health Systems. 2021; 5:e10261.

Keck, C; Hartley, DM; Havens, M; Margolis, PA; Seid, M. Getting what is needed, when it's needed: Sharing information, knowledge, and know-how in a Collaborative Learning Health System. Learning Health Systems. 2021; 5:e10268.

Hartley, DM; Seid, M. Collaborative learning health systems: Science and practice. Learning Health Systems. 2021; 5:e10286.

Seid, M; Hartley, DM; Margolis, PA. A science of collaborative learning health systems. Learning Health Systems. 2021; 5:e10278.

Sarteau, AC; Souris, KJ; Wang, J; Ramadan, AA; Addala, A; Bowlby, D; Corathers, S; Forsander, G; King, B; Law, JR; Tandon, N; Yao, M; Headley, T; Mayer-Davis, E. Changes to care delivery at nine international pediatric diabetes clinics in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Pediatric Diabetes. 2021; 22:463-468.

Lannon, C; Schuler, CL; Seid, M; Provost, LP; Fuller, S; Purcell, D; Forrest, CB; Margolis, PA. A maturity grid assessment tool for learning networks. Learning Health Systems. 2021; 5:e10232.

Beck, AF; Hartley, DM; Kahn, RS; Taylor, SC; Bishop, E; Rich, K; Saeed, MS; Schuler, CL; Seid, M; Cronin, SC; Raney, L; Zafar, MA; Margolis, PA. Rapid, Bottom-Up Design of a Regional Learning Health System in Response to COVID-19. Mayo Clinic proceedings. 2021; 96:849-855.

Hartley, DM; Keck, C; Havens, M; Margolis, PA; Seid, M. Measuring engagement in a collaborative learning health system: The case of ImproveCareNow. Learning Health Systems. 2021; 5:e10225.

Hartley, DM; Beck, AF; Seid, M; Cronin, S; Schuler, CL; Raney, L; Zafar, M; Kahn, R; Margolis, PA. Multi-sector Situational Awareness in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Southwest Ohio Experience. Pandemic Communication and Resilience. : Springer Nature; Springer Nature; 2021.

Wolfe, C; Pestian, T; Gecili, E; Su, W; Keogh, RH; Pestian, JP; Seid, M; Diggle, PJ; Ziady, A; Clancy, JP; Grossoehme, DH; Szczesniak, RD; Brokamp, C. Cystic Fibrosis Point of Personalized Detection (CFPOPD): An Interactive Web Application. JMIR Medical Informatics. 2020; 8:e23530.

Cristello Sarteau, A; Crandell, J; Seid, M; Kichler, JC; Maahs, DM; Wang, J; Mayer-Davis, E. Characterization of youth goal setting in the self-management of type 1 diabetes and associations with HbA1c: The Flexible Lifestyle Empowering Change trial. Pediatric Diabetes. 2020; 21:1343-1352.

Grossoehme, DH; Smith, E; Standiford, D; Morwessel, N; Kichler, J; Maahs, DM; Driscoll, K; Seid, M. Understanding adolescent and parent acceptability and feasibility experience in a large Type 1 diabetes mellitus behavioural trial. Diabetic Medicine. 2020; 37:1134-1145.

Fjeldstad, OD; Johnson, JK; Margolis, PA; Seid, M; Hoeglund, P; Batalden, PB. Networked health care: Rethinking value creation in learning health care systems. Learning Health Systems. 2020; 4:e10212.

Szczesniak, RD; Su, W; Brokamp, C; Keogh, RH; Pestian, JP; Seid, M; Diggle, PJ; Clancy, JP. Dynamic predictive probabilities to monitor rapid cystic fibrosis disease progression. Statistics in Medicine. 2020; 39:740-756.