Brewington Lab


Gecili, E; Brokamp, C; Asar, Ö; Andrinopoulou, ER; Brewington, JJ; Szczesniak, RD. Spike and Slab Regression for Nonstationary Gaussian Linear Mixed Effects Modeling of Rapid Disease Progression. Environmetrics. 2025; 36.

Solomon, GM; Linnemann, RW; Rich, R; Streby, A; Buehler, B; Hunter, E; Vijaykumar, K; Hunt, WR; Brewington, JJ; Rab, A; Barilla, C; Suzuki, S; Davis, BR; Sorscher, EJ. Evaluation of elexacaftor-tezacaftor-ivacaftor treatment in individuals with cystic fibrosis and CFTRN1303K in the USA: a prospective, multicentre, open-label, single-arm trial. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2024; 12:947-957.

Jefferson, J; Davidson, C; Ustiyan, V; Meeker, J; Morgan, H; Ostmann, A; Imbrogno, M; Hudock, K; Szczesniak, R; Brewington, J; Clancy, J; Kramer, E. 208 Impact of diesel exhaust particles on cystic fibrosis lung disease. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2024; 23:s114.

Dasgupta, A; Imbrogno, M; Collins, M; Merlin, L; Kramer, E; Brewington, J; Morgan, H; Meeker, J; Mahajan, S; Wozniak, D; Gardner, J; Trapnell, B; Clancy, J; Hudock, K. 198 Neutrophil extracellular traps increase Pseudomonal density in human bronchial epithelia. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2024; 23:s110.

Brewington, J; O'Shaughnessy, R; Ostmann, A; Meeker, J; Morgan, H; Kramer, E; Hudock, K; Clancy, J. 327 Comparison of human nasal and fisher rat thyroid cell-based theratyping results. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2024; 23:s173-s174.

Bdaiwi, AS; Svoboda, AM; Murdock, KE; Hendricks, A; Hossain, MM; Kramer, EL; Brewington, JJ; Willmering, MM; Woods, JC; Walkup, LL; Cleveland, ZI. Quantifying abnormal alveolar microstructure in cystic fibrosis lung disease via hyperpolarized 129Xe diffusion MRI. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2024; 23:926-935.

Lee, J; Husami, A; Arora, K; Zhang, W; Kadri, F; Yarlagadda, S; Moon, C; Mun, KS; Zhang, K; Huang, Y; Clancy, JP; Shaikhkhalil, A; Paul, G; Naren, AP. A personalized medicine approach to optimize care for a pediatric cystic fibrosis patient with atypical clinical symptoms. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2024; 59:229-232.

Shipp, C; Brewington, J; Beswick, DM; Amin, R. Upper Airway Disease in Cystic Fibrosis. Hodson and Geddes' Cystic Fibrosis. : Taylor & Francis; Taylor & Francis; 2023.

Scharf, G; Davidson, C; Morgan, H; Meeker, J; Ostmann, A; Brewington, J; Hudock, K; Clancy, J; Kramer, E. 168 Impact of TGF-β exposure on IL-6 secretion in cystic fibrosis airway epithelia. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2023; 22:s89.

Middleton, R; Collins, M; Imbrogno, M; Kramer, E; Brewington, J; Meeker, J; Morgan, H; Ostmann, A; Trapnell, B; Mahajan, S; Wozniak, D; Clancy, J; Hudock, K. 98 Neutrophil extracellular traps disrupt bronchial epithelial junctional integrity and promote infection. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2023; 22:s51.

Salinas, DB; Ginsburg, DK; Wee, CP; Saeed, MM; Brewington, JJ. Gradual increase in sweat chloride concentration is associated with a higher risk of CRMS/CFSPID to CF reclassification. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2023; 58:1074-1084.

Hudock, KM; Collins, MS; Imbrogno, MA; Kramer, EL; Brewington, JJ; Ziady, A; Zhang, N; Snowball, J; Xu, Y; Carey, BC; Gollomp, K; Mangalmurti, N; Trapnell, BC; Clancy, JP. Alpha-1 antitrypsin limits neutrophil extracellular trap disruption of airway epithelial barrier function. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023; 13:1023553.

Livnat, G; Meeker, JD; Ostmann, AJ; Strecker, LM; Clancy, JP; Brewington, JJ. Phenotypic Alteration of an Established Human Airway Cell Line by Media Selection. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24:1246.

Guimbellot, JS; Nichols, DP; Brewington, JJ. Novel Applications of Biomarkers and Personalized Medicine in Cystic Fibrosis. Clinics in Chest Medicine. 2022; 43:617-630.

Solomon, G; Suzuki, S; Hathorne, H; Barilla, C; Wang, B; Rab, A; Manfredi, C; Joshi, D; Brewington, J; Stecenko, A; Odem-Davis, K; Davis, B; Sorscher, E; Linnemann, R. 606 Focused clinical trials of modulator response for rare cystic fibrosis genotypes. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2022; 21:s336.

Collins, M; Imbrogno, M; Kramer, E; Brewington, J; Zhang, N; Sharon, P; Kopras, E; Meeker, J; Morgan, H; Ostmann, A; O'Grady, S; Trapnell, B; Clancy, J; Hudock, K. 380 Neutrophil extracellular traps disrupt bronchial epithelial barrier function: Alpha-1 antitrypsin to the rescue. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2022; 21:s223.

Ostmann, A; Meeker, J; Morgan, H; O'Shaughnessy, R; Brewington, J. 683 Characteristics of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator modulator response in nasal cell models derived from patients with rare cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator variants. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2022; 21:s373.

Fink-Baldauf, IM; Stuart, WD; Brewington, JJ; Guo, M; Maeda, Y. CRISPRi links COVID-19 GWAS loci to LZTFL1 and RAVER1. EBioMedicine. 2022; 75:103806.

Ginsburg, D; Wee, CP; Reyes, MC; Brewington, JJ; Salinas, DB. When CFSPID becomes CF. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2022; 21:e23-e27.

Gecili, E; Su, W; Brokamp, C; Andrinopoulou, ER; III, FJ L R; Pestian, T; Clancy, JP; Solomon, GM; Brewington, JJ; Szczesniak, RD. Rapid cystic fibrosis lung-function decline and in-vitro CFTR modulation. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2021; 20:e69-e71.

Leong, A; Benscoter, D; Brewington, J; Torres-Silva, C; Wood, RE. Pediatric flexible airway endoscopy training during a pandemic and beyond: Bending the curve. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2021; 56:1386-1388.

Arora, K; Yang, F; Brewington, J; McPhail, G; Cortez, AR; Sundaram, N; Ramananda, Y; Ogden, H; Helmrath, M; Clancy, JP; Naren, AP. Patient personalized translational tools in cystic fibrosis to transform data from bench to bed-side and back. American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 2021; 320:G1123-G1130.

Keegan, DE; Brewington, JJ. Nasal Epithelial Cell-Based Models for Individualized Study in Cystic Fibrosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22:4448.

Brewington, JJ; Benscoter, DT; Torres-Silva, CA; McHendry, CM; Lim, FY; Cortezzo, DM E; Hysinger, EB. Flexible Bronchoscopic Thrombus Cryoextraction in a Neonate on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021; 203:633-635.