About the Evanson Lab

The Evanson Lab is a community. We instill a collaborative learning environment for scientists at all stages of their career and enjoy celebrating our successes, lamenting our failures, and dining on tasty food for any occasion.

We encourage students to showcase their work at local, national, and international venues when possible. These include UC-sponsored events like the Undergraduate Research Scholarly Showcase and events more focused on what we study including meetings for the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), that National Neurotrauma Society (NNS), and American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine (ACRM).

During the semester, we have weekly lab meetings, bi-weekly journal clubs, and daily gab sessions (to talk about all the cool science, stresses of life, and anything else that pops into our heads).

An image of the Evanson Lab enjoying dinner.
An image of the Evanson Lab members.
An image of the Evanson Lab at a conference.

Join Our Team

The Evanson Lab is always excited to mentor aspiring scientists. If you are hardworking and enthusiastic about neuroscience or biomedical sciences, contact us.

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