Zhao Lab

Advancing Biomarker Discovery with Mass Spectrometry and Bioinformatics

We develop a combination of analytical chemistry, (epi)lipidomics, metabolomics, and bioinformatics methods to discover novel biomarkers associated with pediatric genetic disorders and complex metabolic diseases. Currently, the main research projects in the lab are as follows:

  • Skin-based biomarkers that link cutaneous manifestation of metabolic diseases such as metabolic-associated fatty liver disease to disease phenotype
  • Mass spectrometry-based epilipidomics analysis and graph model empowered bioinformatics tools to characterize lipid modification during cellular stress response
  • UHPLC-MS/MS profiling methods for cancer biology and nutrition research

About the PI

Xueheng Zhao

Xueheng Zhao, PhD

I am an analytical biochemist/bioinformatician and an assistant professor in the Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Cincinnati Children's. My research interests are in mass spectrometry and bioinformatics. I had the honor of doing my graduate studies advised by Ian Hardin, PhD, at the University of Georgia and Josh Elias, PhD, at Stanford University.
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