Perentesis Lab


Anderson, CP; Matthay, KK; Perentesis, JP; Neglia, JP; Bailey, HH; Villablanca, JG; Groshen, S; Hasenauer, B; Maris, JM; Seeger, RC; Reynolds, CP. Pilot study of intravenous melphalan combined with continuous infusion L-S,R-buthionine sulfoximine for children with recurrent neuroblastoma. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2015; 62:1739-1746.

Daugherty, EC; Zhang, Y; Xiao, Z; Mascia, AE; Sertorio, M; Woo, J; McCann, C; Russell, KJ; Sharma, RA; Khuntia, D; Bradley, JD; Simone, CB; Breneman, JC; Perentesis, JP. FLASH radiotherapy for the treatment of symptomatic bone metastases in the thorax (FAST-02): protocol for a prospective study of a novel radiotherapy approach. Radiation Oncology. 2024; 19:34.

Culver-Cochran, AE; Hassan, A; Hueneman, K; Choi, K; Ma, A; VanCauwenbergh, B; O’Brien, E; Wunderlich, M; Perentesis, JP; Starczynowski, DT. Chemotherapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia is mediated by A20 suppression of spontaneous necroptosis. Nature Communications. 2024; 15:9189.

Sarangdhar, M; O'Brien, E; VanCauwenbergh, B; Basu, M; Snyder, J; Leuenberger, G; Perentesis, JP. High-Throughput Drug Repurposing Identifies SN-38 As a Potent Inhibitor of AML with Synergistic Effects in Combination with PARP and BCL-2 Inhibitors for Treating KMT2A-Rearranged Leukemias. Blood. 2024; 144:2203.

Drucker, M; Dhingra, D; Wunderlich, M; Perentesis, J; Starczynowski, D; Bowman, RL; Miles, LA. Single-Cell Multi-Omic Analysis of KMT2A-Rearranged Pediatric Acute Leukemia Clonal Evolution. Blood. 2024; 144:66.

Correia, D; Indelicato, DJ; Paulino, AC; Ermoian, R; Mihalcik, S; Perkins, SM; Hill-Kayser, C; Mangona, VS; Lee, J; Chang, JH C; Bajaj, BV M; Allison, KW; Perry, A; Yock, TI. Evolution of Proton Radiation Therapy Brainstem Constraints on the Pediatric Proton/Photon Consortium Registry. Practical Radiation Oncology. 2024; 14:e507-e514.

Knapp, J; Ermoian, RP; Indelicato, DJ; Lee, JY; Perentesis, JP; Perkins, SM; Laack, NN; Chang, J; MacEwan, I; Wolden, SL; Wang, D; Aridgides, PD; Yock, TI. Outcomes Following Radiation Therapy (RT) for Embryonal Tumor with Multilayered Rosettes (ETMR): Results from the Pediatric Proton/Photon Consortium Registry (PPCR). International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics. 2024; 120:e697.

LeBlanc, FR; Breese, EH; Burns, KC; Chang, EK; Jones, LQ M; Lee, L; Mizukawa, B; Norris, RE; O'Brien, MM; Phillips, CL; Perentesis, JP; Rubinstein, J; Pommert, L. Clinical outcomes of hypomethylating agents and venetoclax in newly diagnosed unfit and relapsed/refractory paediatric, adolescent and young adult acute myeloid leukaemia patients. British Journal of Haematology. 2024; 205:1055-1066.

Loo, BW; Verginadis, II; Sørensen, BS; Mascia, AE; Perentesis, JP; Koong, AC; Schüler, E; Rankin, EB; Maxim, PG; Limoli, CL; Vozenin, MC. Navigating the Critical Translational Questions for Implementing FLASH in the Clinic. Seminars in Radiation Oncology. 2024; 34:351-364.

Doig, M; Kwok, Y; Lee, J; Macewan, I; Mangona, V; Laack, N; Wolden, S; Perentesis, J; Allison, K; Galloto, S; Gorayski, P; Le, H; Bezak, E; Yock, T. O114 / #164 DOSE TO ORGANS AT RISK IMPACTS HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN WITH BRAIN TUMORS. International Journal of Particle Therapy. 2024; 12:100227.

Mascia, A; McCauley, S; Speth, J; Nunez, SA; Boivin, G; Vilalta, M; Sharma, RA; Perentesis, JP; Sertorio, M. Impact of Multiple Beams on the FLASH Effect in Soft Tissue and Skin in Mice. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics. 2024; 118:253-261.

Garrett, MC; Albano, R; Carnwath, T; Elahi, L; Behrmann, CA; Pemberton, M; Woo, D; O’Brien, E; VanCauwenbergh, B; Perentesis, J; Roskin, K; Kornblum, H; Plas, DR; Lu, QR. HDAC1 and HDAC6 are essential for driving growth in IDH1 mutant glioma. Scientific Reports. 2023; 13:12433.

Shukla, S; Saha, T; Rama, N; Acharya, A; Le, T; Bian, F; Donovan, J; Tan, LA; Vatner, R; Kalinichenko, V; Mascia, A; Perentesis, JP; Kalin, TV. Ultra-high dose-rate proton FLASH improves tumor control. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2023; 186:109741.

Williams, M; Sugimoto, C; Regan, S; Pitzer, E; Fritz, A; Sertorio, M; Mascia, A; Vatner, R; Perentesis, J; Vorhees, C. Cognitive and behavioral effects of whole brain conventional or high dose rate (FLASH) proton irradiation in a neonatal Sprague Dawley rat model. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2023; 98:107276.

Roehrig, A; Indelicato, DJ; Paulino, AC; Ermoian, R; Hartsell, W; Perentesis, J; Hill-Kayser, C; Lee, JY; Laack, NN; Mangona, V; Gallotto, S; Bajaj, BV M; Aridgides, PD; Yock, TI. Radiotherapy for Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (ATRT) on the Pediatric Proton/Photon Consortium Registry (PPCR). Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 2023; 162:353-362.

Bender, JD; Rubinstein, JD; Mizukawa, B; Perentesis, JP; Pommert, L. Use of gemcitabine, oxaliplatin, and anti-CD20 therapy in children and adolescents with non-Hodgkin lymphoma unfit for intensive therapy. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2023; 70:e30214.

McGrady, ME; Ketterl, TG; Norris, RE; Perentesis, JP; Pettee, D; Mara, CA; Breen, G; Pai, AL H. Barriers to medication adherence among adolescents and young adults with cancer. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2023; 70:e30186.

Wyatt, KD; Noyd, DH; Wood, NM; Phillips, CA; Miller, TP; Rubin, EM; Winestone, LE; Waanders, AJ; Perentesis, JP; Aplenc, R. Data standards in pediatric oncology: Past, present, and future. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2023; 70:e30128.

Mascia, AE; Daugherty, EC; Zhang, Y; Lee, E; Xiao, Z; Sertorio, M; Woo, J; Backus, LR; McDonald, JM; McCann, C; Bradley, JD; Simone, CB; Perentesis, JP; Breneman, JC. Proton FLASH Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Symptomatic Bone Metastases: The FAST-01 Nonrandomized Trial. JAMA Oncology. 2023; 9:62-69.

Daugherty, EC; Mascia, A; Zhang, Y; Lee, E; Xiao, Z; Sertorio, M; Woo, J; McCann, C; Russell, K; Levine, L; Bradley, J; Simone, CB; Perentesis, J; Breneman, J. FLASH Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Symptomatic Bone Metastases (FAST-01): Protocol for the First Prospective Feasibility Study. JMIR Research Protocols. 2023; 12:e41812.

Luo, Z; Xia, M; Shi, W; Zhao, C; Wang, J; Xin, D; Dong, X; Xiong, Y; Zhang, F; Berry, K; Ma, J; Zhou, W; Taylor, MD; Lu, QR. Human fetal cerebellar cell atlas informs medulloblastoma origin and oncogenesis. Nature. 2022; 612:787-794.

Lawell, MP; Paulino, AC; Indelicato, DJ; Hill-Kayser, C; Perkins, S; Perentesis, J; Bajaj, B; Yock, TI. Neurocognitive outcomes in pediatric brain tumor survivors treated with proton radiotherapy: a study from the Pediatric Proton/Photon Consortium Registry (PPCR). International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics. 2022; 114:1074.

Fobare, S; Orwick, S; Kohlschmidt, J; Sesterhenn, T; Mrózek, K; Wronowski, B; Johnstone, M; Carroll, AJ; Stone, RM; Wang, ES; Perentesis, JP; Eisfeld, A; Hertlein, E; Byrd, JC. Identification of PTPN11 mutations As Early Events in the Development of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Blood. 2022; 140:743-744.

Sarangdhar, MM; O'Brien, E; VanCauwenbergh, B; Alexander, J; Theile, C; Basu, M; Sarangdhar, M; Seibel, W; Perentesis, JP. High Throughput Pre-Clinical Models to Determine a Synergistic Molar Ratio of 5-Azacitidine to Venetoclax and Uncover Resistance Mechanisms to 5-Azacitidine and Venetoclax Combination Therapy in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Blood. 2022; 140:10693-10694.

Daugherty, EC; Mascia, AE; Sertorio, MG B; Zhang, Y; Lee, E; Xiao, Z; Speth, J; Woo, J; McCann, C; Russell, K; Levine, L; Sharma, R; Khuntia, D; Perentesis, JP; Breneman, JC. FAST-01: Results of the First-in-Human Study of Proton FLASH Radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics. 2022; 114:s4.

Williams, MT; Sugimoto, C; Regan, SL; Pitzer, EM; Fritz, AL; Sertorio, M; Mascia, AE; Vatner, RE; Perentesis, JP; Vorhees, CV. Cognitive and behavioral effects of whole brain conventional or high dose rate (FLASH) proton irradiation in a neonatal Sprague Dawley rat model. Editor, Lee J. PloS one. 2022; 17:e0274007.

Power-Hays, A; Dandoy, CE; Lorts, A; Perentesis, JP; Unaka, N; Ware, RE; McGann, PT. US News & World Report and quality metrics: Inclusion of sickle cell disease is a matter of equity. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2022; 69:e29679.

Barreyro, L; Sampson, AM; Ishikawa, C; Hueneman, KM; Choi, K; Pujato, MA; Chutipongtanate, S; Wyder, M; Haffey, WD; O'Brien, E; Greis, KD; Nurmemmedov, E; Seibel, WL; Starczynowski, DT. Blocking UBE2N abrogates oncogenic immune signaling in acute myeloid leukemia. Science Translational Medicine. 2022; 14:eabb7695.

Hegde, S; Gasilina, A; Wunderlich, M; Lin, Y; Buchholzer, M; Krumbach, OH F; Akbarzadeh, M; Ahmadian, MR; Seibel, W; Zheng, Y; Perentesis, JP; Mizukawa, BE; Vinnedge, LP; Cancelas, JA; Nassar, NN. Inhibition of the RacGEF VAV3 by the small molecule IODVA1 impedes RAC signaling and overcomes resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibition in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia. 2022; 36:637-647.

Cunningham, S; Mccauley, S; Speth, J; Abel, E; Sharma, R; Perentesis, J; Wells, S; Mascia, A; Sertorio, M. O086 FLASH Mechanisms Track (Oral Presentations) FLASH PROTON PENCIL BEAM SCANNING IRRADIATION USING A CLINICAL GANTRY DIMINISHES RADIATION INDUCED SKIN AND SOFT TISSUE TOXICITY IN MICE. Physica Medica: an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology. 2022; 94:s47-s48.

Wunderlich, M; Chen, J; Sexton, C; Manning, N; Byerly, L; O’Brien, E; Perentesis, J; Mulloy, J; Mizukawa, B. PDX models of relapsed pediatric AML preserve global gene expression patterns and reveal therapeutic targets. 2022; 2022.01.31.478534.

Niederkorn, M; Ishikawa, C; M. Hueneman, K; Bartram, J; Stepanchick, E; R. Bennett, J; E. Culver-Cochran, A; Bolanos, LC; Uible, E; Choi, K; Wunderlich, M; Perentesis, JP; M. Chlon, T; Filippi, MD; Starczynowski, DT. The deubiquitinase USP15 modulates cellular redox and is a therapeutic target in acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia. 2022; 36:438-451.

Blau, MH; Indelicato, DJ; Paulino, AC; Hartsell, WF; Laack, NN; Mangona, VS; Wolden, SL; Hill-Kayser, CE; Perkins, SM; Kwok, Y; Eaton, BR; Lavey, RS; Yock, TI; Ermoian, RP. Patterns of Anesthesia Use in a Large Multi-Institution Pediatric Cohort: A Report of the Pediatric Proton/Photon Consortium Registry (PPCR) Study. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics. 2021; 111:e172.

Zhang, Y; Ding, Z; Perentesis, JP; Khuntia, D; Pfister, SX; Sharma, RA. Can Rational Combination of Ultra-high Dose Rate FLASH Radiotherapy with Immunotherapy Provide a Novel Approach to Cancer Treatment?. Comparative Haematology International. 2021; 33:713-722.

Roehrig, A; Indelicato, DJ; Paulino, AC; Ermoian, RP; Hartsell, WF; Perentesis, JP; Hill-Kayser, CE; Laack, NN; Mangona, VS; MacEwan, I; Eaton, BR; Gallotto, S; Bajaj, B; Yock, TI; Aridgides, PD. Focal vs. Craniospinal Irradiation in Multi-Modality Therapy for Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (ATRT): Results From the Pediatric Proton/Photon Consortium Registry. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics. 2021; 111:s85-s86.

Breneman, J; Perentesis, JP; Bradley, J; Mascia, A; Abel, E; Sharda, A; Khuntia, D; Sharma, RA; Simone, CB. In Regard to Buchsbaum et al. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics. 2021; 110:1544-1545.

Rubinstein, JD; Shah, R; Breese, EH; Burns, KC; Mangino, JL; Norris, RE; Lee, L; Mizukawa, B; O'Brien, MM; Phillips, CL; Perentesis, JP; Pommert, L; Absalon, MJ. Treatment of posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder with poor prognostic features in children and young adults: Short-course EPOCH regimens are safe and effective. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2021; 68:e29126.

Sarangdhar, M; Kolli, V; Seibel, W; Perentesis, JP. Deep learning to identify and predict cardiotoxicities of anticancer drugs. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2021; 39:e15012.

Breese, EH; Krupski, C; Nelson, AS; Perentesis, JP; Phillips, CL. Use of CD19-directed CAR T-Cell Therapy in an Infant With Refractory Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2021; 43:152-154.

Wunderlich, M; Manning, N; Sexton, C; O’Brien, E; Byerly, L; Stillwell, C; Perentesis, JP; Mulloy, JC; Mizukawa, B. PD-1 Inhibition Enhances Blinatumomab Response in a UCB/PDX Model of Relapsed Pediatric B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Frontiers in Oncology. 2021; 11:642466.

Ullrich, NJ; Prabhu, SP; Packer, RJ; Goldman, S; Robison, NJ; Allen, JC; Viskochil, DH; Gutmann, DH; Perentesis, JP; Korf, BR; Fisher, MJ; Kieran, MW. Visual outcomes following everolimus targeted therapy for neurofibromatosis type 1-associated optic pathway gliomas in children. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2021; 68:e28833.

Jones, L; Melgar, K; Hoyt, S; Wunderlich, M; O’Brien, E; Perentesis, J; Thomas, C; Starczynowski, D. 81030 Utilizing a synergistic drug combination to target relapsed/refractory FLT3 mutant AML. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2021; 5:100.

Cunningham, S; McCauley, S; Vairamani, K; Speth, J; Girdhani, S; Abel, E; Sharma, RA; Perentesis, JP; Wells, SI; Mascia, A; Sertorio, M. FLASH Proton Pencil Beam Scanning Irradiation Minimizes Radiation-Induced Leg Contracture and Skin Toxicity in Mice. Cancers. 2021; 13:1-15.

Wright, KD; Yao, X; London, WB; Kao, PC; Gore, L; Hunger, S; Geyer, R; Cohen, KJ; Allen, JC; Katzenstein, HM; Vinks, AA; Prabhu, SP; Chi, SN; Kieran, MW. A POETIC Phase II study of continuous oral everolimus in recurrent, radiographically progressive pediatric low-grade glioma. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2021; 68:e28787.

Sertorio, M; Nowrouzi, A; Akbarpour, M; Chetal, K; Salomonis, N; Brons, S; Mascia, A; Ionascu, D; McCauley, S; Kupneski, T; Perentesis, JP; Abdollahi, A; Zheng, Y; Wells, SI. Differential transcriptome response to proton versus X-ray radiation reveals novel candidate targets for combinatorial PT therapy in lymphoma. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2021; 155:293-303.

Williams, MT; Sugimoto, C; Regan, SL; Pitzer, EM; Fritz, AL; Mascia, AE; Sertorio, M; Vatner, RE; Perentesis, JP; Vorhees, CV. Whole brain proton irradiation in adult Sprague Dawley rats produces dose dependent and non-dependent cognitive, behavioral, and dopaminergic effects. Scientific Reports. 2020; 10:21584.

Correia, D; Dave, R; Indelicato, DJ; Gallotto, S; Lawell, MP; Bajaj, B; Perry, A; Paulino, AC; Ermoian, RP; Hartsell, WF; Kwok, Y; Perentesis, JP; Vatner, RE; Yock, TI. The Evolution of Proton Brainstem Constraints: A Multi-Institutional Study from the Pediatric Proton/Photon Consortium Registry (PPCR). International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics. 2020; 108:e233.

Ullrich, NJ; Prabhu, SP; Reddy, AT; Fisher, MJ; Packer, R; Goldman, S; Robison, NJ; Gutmann, DH; Viskochil, DH; Allen, JC; Vinks, AA; Manley, PE; Chi, SN; Kieran, MW. A phase II study of continuous oral mTOR inhibitor everolimus for recurrent, radiographic-progressive neurofibromatosis type 1-associated pediatric low-grade glioma: a Neurofibromatosis Clinical Trials Consortium study. Neuro-Oncology. 2020; 22:1527-1535.

Wunderlich, M; Manning, N; O'Brien, E; Sexton, C; Byerly, L; Perentesis, JP; Mizukawa, B; Mulloy, JC. Abstract 5412: Xenograft based detection of rare leukemic clones in minimal residual disease negative diagnostic specimens from pediatric patients. Cancer Research. 2020; 80:5412.

Jones, LM; O'Brien, MM; Breese, EH; Absalon, M; Burns, KC; Grimley, M; Mizukawa, B; Lee, LH; Perentesis, JP; Phillips, CL. Methylation profiling of hypomethylating agent response and treatment failure in pediatric and young adult MDS/AML. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2020; 38:e22502.

Laurynenka, V; Ho, D; Huang, Y; Parameswaran, S; Kottyan, LC; Weirauch, MT; Perentesis, J; Kaufman, KM; Mizukawa, B; Harley, JB. The Ikaros1, IKZF1 , risk locus for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) at chromosome 7p12.2 regulates the expression of the FIGNL1 gene. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 2020; 204:163.15.

Jones, LM; Melgar, K; Bolanos, L; Hueneman, K; Walker, MM; Jiang, J; Wilson, KM; Zhang, X; Shen, J; Jiang, F; O'Brien, E; Perentesis, JP; Starczynowski, DT; Thomas, CJ. Targeting AML-associated FLT3 mutations with a type I kinase inhibitor. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2020; 130:2017-2023.

Lawell, MP; Indelicato, DJ; Paulino, AC; Hartsell, W; Laack, NN; Ermoian, RP; Perentesis, JP; Vatner, R; Perkins, S; Mangona, VS; Baliga, S; Yeap, BY; de Gonzalez, AB; Yock, TI. An open invitation to join the Pediatric Proton/Photon Consortium Registry to standardize data collection in pediatric radiation oncology. British Journal of Radiology. 2020; 93:20190673.

collaboration, fT B P; Staff, PN S E. Proceedings to the 58th Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG58). International Journal of Particle Therapy. 2020; 6:45-491.