Gross Lab


Parkins, EV; Gross, C. Small Differences and Big Changes: The Many Variables of MicroRNA Expression and Function in the Brain. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2024; 44:e0365242024.

Parkins, EV; Brager, DH; Rymer, JK; Burwinkel, JM; Rojas, D; Tiwari, D; Hu, YC; Gross, C. Mir324 knockout regulates the structure of dendritic spines and impairs hippocampal long-term potentiation. Scientific Reports. 2023; 13:21919.

Straub, D; Schmitt, LM; Boggs, AE; Horn, PS; Dominick, KC; Gross, C; Erickson, CA. A sensitive and reproducible qRT-PCR assay detects physiological relevant trace levels of FMR1 mRNA in individuals with Fragile X syndrome. Scientific Reports. 2023; 13:3808.

McGann, AM; Westerkamp, GC; Chalasani, A; Danzer, CS K; Parkins, EV; Rajathi, V; Horn, PS; Pedapati, EV; Tiwari, D; Danzer, SC; Gross, C. MiR-324-5p inhibition after intrahippocampal kainic acid-induced status epilepticus does not prevent epileptogenesis in mice. Frontiers in Neurology. 2023; 14:1280606.

Taylor, SR; Kobayashi, M; Vilella, A; Tiwari, D; Zolboot, N; Du, JX; Spencer, KR; Hartzell, A; Girgiss, C; Abaci, YT; Gross, C; Zoli, M; Berg, DK; Lippi, G. MicroRNA-218 instructs proper assembly of hippocampal networks. eLife. 2023; 12:e82729.

Parkins, EV; Burwinkel, JM; Ranatunga, R; Yaser, S; Hu, YC; Tiwari, D; Gross, C. Age-Dependent Regulation of Dendritic Spine Density and Protein Expression in Mir324 KO Mice. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. 2023; 73:818-830.

Tiwari, D; Rajathi, V; Rymer, JK; Beasley, LN; McGann, AM; Bunk, AT; Parkins, EV; Rice, MF; Smith, KE; Ritter, DM; White, AR; Doerning, CM; Gross, C. Estradiol- and Progesterone-Associated Changes in microRNA-Induced Silencing and Reduced Antiseizure Efficacy of an Antagomir in Female Mice. eNeuro. 2023; 10:eneuro.0047-eneu22.2023.

Crone, SA; Dlouhy, BJ; Gross, C; Ray, RS. Editorial: Forebrain control of breathing and sudden death in epilepsy. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2023; 17:1212172.

Dusing, M; Lasarge, CL; White, A; Jerow, LG; Danzer, SC; Gross, C. Neurovascular Development in Pten and Tsc2 Mouse Mutants. eNeuro. 2023; 10:ENEURO.0340-ENEU22.2023.

Boggs, AE; Schmitt, LM; McLane, RD; Adayev, T; LaFauci, G; Horn, PS; Dominick, KC; Gross, C; Erickson, CA. Optimization, validation and initial clinical implications of a Luminex-based immunoassay for the quantification of Fragile X Protein from dried blood spots. Scientific Reports. 2022; 12:5617.

Gross, C. Some (Syn)Gaps are Worse than Others: Deciphering The Role of Syngap Isoforms in Excitatory Synaptic Function. Epilepsy Currents. 2022; 22:312-314.

Holley, AJ; Shedd, A; Boggs, A; Lovelace, J; Erickson, C; Gross, C; Jankovic, M; Razak, K; Huber, K; Gibson, JR. A sound-driven cortical phase-locking change in the Fmr1 KO mouse requires Fmr1 deletion in a subpopulation of brainstem neurons. Neurobiology of Disease. 2022; 170:105767.

Godale, CM; Parkins, EV; Gross, C; Danzer, SC. Impact of Raptor and Rictor Deletion on Hippocampal Pathology Following Status Epilepticus. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. 2022; 72:1243-1258.

Gross, C. Epilepsy Research Now in 3D: Harnessing the Power of Brain Organoids in Epilepsy. Epilepsy Currents. 2022; 22:135-136.

Gross, C. PARVing the Way to Cap Translation for Seizure Control. Epilepsy Currents. 2021; 21:360-362.

Schaefer, TL; Ashworth, AA; Tiwari, D; Tomasek, MP; Parkins, EV; White, AR; Snider, A; Davenport, MH; Grainger, LM; Becker, RA; Gibson, JR; Huber, KM; Gross, C; Erickson, CA. GABAA Alpha 2,3 Modulation Improves Select Phenotypes in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021; 12:678090.

Shapiro, LP; Pitts, EG; Li, DC; Barbee, BR; Hinton, EA; Bassell, GJ; Gross, C; Gourley, SL. The PI3-Kinase p110β Isoform Controls Severity of Cocaine-Induced Sequelae and Alters the Striatal Transcriptome. Biological Psychiatry. 2021; 89:959-969.

LaSarge, CL; Pun, RY K; Gu, Z; Riccetti, MR; Namboodiri, DV; Tiwari, D; Gross, C; Danzer, SC. mTOR-driven neural circuit changes initiate an epileptogenic cascade. Progress in Neurobiology. 2021; 200:101974.

Gross, C. Myeloid EP2 Receptors in Status Epilepticus-Peripheral But Not Negligible. Epilepsy Currents. 2021; 21:194-196.

Gross, C. Fil-lamin-ing in the Gap in Cortical Dysplasia. Epilepsy Currents. 2021; 21:51-53.

Tiwari, D; Schaefer, TL; Schroeder-Carter, LM; Krzeski, JC; Bunk, AT; Parkins, EV; Snider, A; Danzer, R; Williams, MT; Vorhees, CV; Danzer, SC; Gross, C. The potassium channel Kv4.2 regulates dendritic spine morphology, electroencephalographic characteristics and seizure susceptibility in mice. Experimental Neurology. 2020; 334:113437.

White, AR; Tiwari, D; MacLeod, MC; Danzer, SC; Gross, C. PI3K isoform-selective inhibition in neuron-specific PTEN-deficient mice rescues molecular defects and reduces epilepsy-associated phenotypes. Neurobiology of Disease. 2020; 144:105026.

Zhang, KX; D'Souza, S; Upton, BA; Kernodle, S; Vemaraju, S; Nayak, G; Gaitonde, KD; Holt, AL; Linne, CD; Smith, AN; Sweeney, A; Sanchez-Gurmaches, J; Seeley, RJ; Lang, RA. Violet-light suppression of thermogenesis by opsin 5 hypothalamic neurons. Nature. 2020; 585:420-425.

Muraleedharan, R; Gawali, MV; Tiwari, D; Sukumaran, A; Oatman, N; Anderson, J; Nardini, D; Bhuiyan, MA N; Tkac, I; Ward, AL; Gross, C; Rao, R; Schirmeier, S; Dasgupta, B. AMPK-Regulated Astrocytic Lactate Shuttle Plays a Non-Cell-Autonomous Role in Neuronal Survival. Cell Reports. 2020; 32:108092.

Gross, C. KCa3.1 Impairment Is Not Just a Slow Afterthought in Epilepsy. Epilepsy Currents. 2020; 20:211-213.

Gross, C. Sustainable Brain Activity and no End in Sight-What's in It for Status Epilepticus?. Epilepsy Currents. 2020; 20:113-115.