Lab Alumni

Learn more about some of our alumni.

Nada Abdalla
Fulbright Scholar, Masters in Immunology
Current position: Graduate student in the immunology PhD program at Washington University in St. Louis

Jordan Aron
Summer 2017 Student Intern
Current position: Biostatistics PhD Program at the University of Minnesota

Tareian Cazares
Immunology PhD Graduate
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow at Eli Lilly

Peter DeWeirdt
Summer 2018 Student Intern
Current position: Computational Associate at the Broad Institute at MIT and Harvard

Tianyi (Ethan) Li
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow and Medical Sciences Program
Current position: N/A

Diep H. Nguyen
Summer 2017 Student Intern
Current position: Computational and Systems Biology PhD Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ronald C. Taylor, PhD
Senior Bioinformatician
Current position: Supervisory Biologist (Bioinformatics, GS-15) at the National Cancer Institute