General and Thoracic Surgery


Ababa, A; Bartolomeos, K; Lett, R; Laeke, T; Tirsit, A; Kassahun, A; Boniface, R; Munthali, V; Razek, T; Deckelbaum, D; Bouchard, M; Tennakoon, D; Bouchard, M; Tennakoon, D. Injury and violence in the context of sustainable development: The first Bethune Round Table in Africa, Bethune Round Table 2024, Conference on Global Surgery, May 16-18, 2024, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Canadian journal of surgery. Journal canadien de chirurgie. 2024; 67:S1-S16.

Ali, JT; Yang, G; Green, CA; Reed, BL; Madani, A; Ponsky, TA; Hazey, J; Rothenberg, SS; Schlachta, CM; Oleynikov, D; Szoka, N. Defining digital surgery: a SAGES white paper. Surgical Endoscopy: surgical and interventional techniques. 2024; 38:475-487.

Aydın, E; Durmuş, F; Torlak, N; Oria, M; Güler Bayazıt, N; Öztürk Işık, E; Aslanyürek, B; Peiro, JL. Pulmonary vasculature development in congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a novel automated quantitative imaging analysis. Pediatric Surgery International. 2024; 40:81.

Aydln, E; Khanmammadova, N; Burns, P; Lim, FY; Habli, MA; Peiró, JL. Bias in the prenatal lung measurements in fetal congenital diaphragmatic hernia with intrauterine growth restriction. Journal of Perinatal Medicine: official journal of the World Association of Perinatal Medicine. 2024; 52:546-551.

Ayyala, RS; Dillman, JR; Tkach, JA; Young, R; Kotagal, M; Depinet, H; Trout, AT. Implementation of a Program for Appendicitis MRI in a Pediatric Hospital. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2024; 222:e2330695.

Bardo, DM E; Gill, AE; Iyer, RS; Chan, SS; Cooper, ML; Dasgupta, RA; Guimaraes, CV; Hammer, MR; Krowchuk, DP; Levin, TL; Squires, JH; Sura, AS; Trout, AT; Pruthi, S. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Soft Tissue Vascular Anomalies: Vascular Malformations and Infantile Vascular Tumors (Non-CNS)-Child. Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2024; 21:S310-S325.

Bergh, E; Baschat, AA; Cortes, MS; Hedrick, HL; Ryan, G; Lim, FY; Zaretsky, MV; Schenone, MH; Crombleholme, TM; Ruano, R; Gosnell, KA; Johnson, A. Fetoscopic Endoluminal Tracheal Occlusion for Severe, Left-Sided Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: The North American Fetal Therapy Network Fetoscopic Endoluminal Tracheal Occlusion Consortium Experience. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024; 143:440-448.

Bergus, KC; Knaus, ME; Onwuka, AJ; Afrazi, A; Breech, L; Corkum, KS; Dillon, PA; Ehrlich, PF; Fallat, ME; Fraser, JD; Aldrink, JH; Hewitt, GD; Minneci, PC; Deans, KJ. Diagnostic Performance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Pediatric Ovarian Neoplasms: A Multi-Institutional Review. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. 2024; 37:192-197.

Bernieh, A; Bove, K; Garcia, V; Tiao, G; Lazar, L; Sathe, M; Sanchez, J; Gonzalez, R; Gonzalez-Gomez, I. Intrahepatic Cholangiolitis in Cystic Fibrosis (ICCF): An Under-Appreciated Cause of Persistent Cholestasis in Infancy. Pediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society. 2024; 27:13-22.

Binde, AH; Oyania, F; Ullrich, S; Situma, M; Kotagal, M; Mulogo, EM. Hirschsprung disease: a cost analysis study of the direct, indirect costs and financial coping strategies for the surgical management in Western Uganda. Pediatric Surgery International. 2024; 40:37.

Blakely, ML; Krzyzaniak, A; Dassinger, MS; Pedroza, C; Weitkamp, JH; Gosain, A; Cotten, M; Hintz, SR; Rice, H; Courtney, SE; Segura, BJ; Shilyansky, J; Smith, LM; Tyson, JE. Effect of Early vs Late Inguinal Hernia Repair on Serious Adverse Event Rates in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 2024; 331:1035-1044.

Carroll, MK; Powell, AW; Hardie, WD; Foster, KE; Zhang, B; Garcia, VF; Vieira Alves, VP; Brown, RL; Fleck, RJ. Pectus excavatum: the effect of tricuspid valve compression on cardiac function. Pediatric Radiology: roentgenology, nuclear medicine, ultrasonics, CT, MRI. 2024; 54:1462-1472.

Chen, SY; Grisotti, G; Mack, SJ; Walther, AE; Chapman, RL; Falcone, RA; Kim, ES. A Multi-Institutional Study Comparing Stoma Location in Neonates With Intestinal Perforation. Journal of Surgical Research. 2024; 297:56-62.

Christison-Lagay, ER; Brown, EG; Bruny, J; Funaro, M; Glick, RD; Dasgupta, R; Grant, CN; Engwall-Gill, AJ; Lautz, TB; Rothstein, D; Walther, A; Ehrlich, PF; Aldrink, JH; Rodeberg, D; Baertschiger, RM. Central Venous Catheter Consideration in Pediatric Oncology: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis From the American Pediatric Surgical Association Cancer Committee. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 59:1427-1443.

Crowley, E; Ma, C; Guizzetti, L; Zou, G; Lewindon, PJ; Gee, MS; Hyams, JS; Rosen, MJ; Allmen, DV; de Buck van Overstraeten, A; Feagan, BG; Griffiths, AM; Jairath, V; Greer, ML C. Recommendations for Standardizing MRI-based Evaluation of Perianal Fistulizing Disease Activity in Pediatric Crohn's Disease Clinical Trials. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 2024; 30:357-369.

Dyer, B; Yu, SO; Brown, RL; Lang, RA; D'Souza, SP. Defining spatial nonuniformities of all ipRGC types using an improved Opn4cre recombinase mouse line. Cell Reports: Methods. 2024; 4:100837.

Evans, S; Hofmann, A. Autoimmune Biliary Diseases: A Review of Primary Biliary Cholangitis, Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, Immunoglobulin G4-Related Sclerosing Cholangitis, and Autoimmune Hepatitis. Surgical Clinics of North America. 2024; 104:1249-1261.

Farr, R; Bonn, J; Khorki, ME; Goldstein, S; Bondoc, A; Tiao, G; Somers, K; Geller, JI; Schuh, MP. Single-Center Case Series of Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract and Hepatoblastoma. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN. 2024; 35:10.1681/asn.20241j3dwf9j.

Ferrer-Marquez, F; Peiro, JL; Tonni, G; Ruano, R. Fetoscopic Release of Amniotic Bands Based on the Evidence-A Systematic Review. Prenatal Diagnosis. 2024; 44:1231-1241.

Flynn-O’Brien, KT; Sathya, C; Kotagal, M; Banks, S; Agoubi, LL; Kuhls, DA; Nathens, A; Hink, AB; Rivara, FP. Preinjury and Event-Related Characteristics of Pediatric Firearm Injuries: The American College of Surgeons Firearm Study, United States, March 2021‒February 2022. American Journal of Public Health. 2024; 114:1097-1109.

Forde, B; Martin, S; Oria, M; Kapke, J; Peiro, JL. 999 Proof-of-concept testing of vascular closure devices for use in fetal surgery. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024; 230:s527.

Forde, B; Martin, S; Watanabe-Chailland, M; Lim, FY. Acute Fetal Metabolomic Changes in Twins Undergoing Fetoscopic Surgery for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Twin Research and Human Genetics. 2024; 27:56-63.

Forde, B; Sepulveda Gonzalez, G; Lim, FY; Arroyo-Lemarroy, T; Nava Geurrero, EN; Lizarraga-Cepeda, E; Habli, M; McKinney, D; Hoffman, M; Peiro, JL. Should We Stitch-Close the Fetoscopic Percutaneous Access? A Case-Series of Laparotomy to Trans-Amniotic Membrane Suturing for Intrauterine Port Placement in Fetoscopic Surgery for Twins. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy: clinical advances and basic research. 2024; 51:510-515.

Fox, CJ; Feliciano, DV; Hartwell, JL; Ley, EJ; Coimbra, R; Schellenberg, M; de Moya, M; Moore, LJ; Brown, CV R; Inaba, K; Keric, N; Peck, KA; Rosen, NG; Weinberg, JA; Martin, MJ. Extremity vascular injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2024; 96:265-269.

Gattini, D; Yan, H; Belza, C; Avitzur, Y; Wales, PW. Cost-utility analysis of 4% tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, taurolidine, and heparin lock to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections in children with intestinal failure. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 2024; 48:47-56.

Gil, LA; Asti, L; Nishimura, L; Banks, AR; Woodard, J; Islam, S; Forrest, CB; Acker, SN; Berman, L; Allukian, M; Rymeski, B; Greenberg, S; Kelleher, K; Minneci, PC. Assessing Alternative Approaches for Wound Closure in a National Pediatric Learning Health System. Journal of Surgical Research. 2024; 295:783-790.

Glaser, K; Schepers, EJ; Zwolshen, HM; Lake, CM; Timchenko, NA; Karns, RA; Cairo, S; Geller, JI; Tiao, GM; Bondoc, AJ. EZH2 is a key component of hepatoblastoma tumor cell growth. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024; 71:e30774.

Glick, RD; Romao, RL P; Pachl, M; Kotagal, M; Buchanan, AF; Murphy, AJ; Tracy, ET; Pio, L; Cost, NG; Godzinski, J; Ehrlich, PF. Current surgical approaches to pediatric renal tumors. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024; e31118.

Gonzalez, GC; Berazaluce, AM C; Jenkins, TM; Hardie, WD; Foster, KE; Moore, RA; Powell, AW; Garcia, VF; Brown, RL. (F)utility of preoperative pulmonary function testing in pectus excavatum to assess severity. Pediatric Surgery International. 2024; 40:102.

Gottrand, F; Krishnan, U; Widenmann, A; Blom, MD; Dall’Oglio, L; Wijnen, R; van Wijk, M; Fruithof, JA; von Allmen, D; Kovesi, T; Faure, C. Navigating global collaboration: challenges faced by the international network on esophageal atresia. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 2024; 19:304.

Gow, KW; Han, XY; Kim, ES; Kotagal, M; Mak, G; Krishnaswami, S. The First Generation of Asian American Pediatric Surgical Trainees in North America. Journal of Surgical Research. 2024; 296:636-642.

Gow, KW; Lautz, TB; Malek, MM; Cost, NG; Newman, EA; Dasgupta, R; Christison-Lagay, ER; Tiao, GM; Davidoff, AM. Children's Oncology Group's 2023 blueprint for research: Surgery. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024; 71:e30766.

Grassia, K; Kotagal, M; Zackoff, M; Dewan, M; Varisco, B. 1577: TRIALS OF EXTUBATION IN PEDIATRIC TRAUMA PATIENTS UNDERGOING PROLONGED MECHANICAL VENTILATION. Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 52:s759.

Guan, T; Tatu, R; Wima, K; Oria, M; Peiro, JL; Lin, CY; Rao, MB. Profile of a Multivariate Observation under Destructive Sampling-A Monte Carlo Approach to a Case of Spina Bifida. Bioengineering. 2024; 11:249.

Gulati, R; Fleifil, Y; Jennings, K; Bondoc, A; Tiao, G; Geller, J; Timchenko, L; Timchenko, N. Inhibition of Histone Deacetylase Activity Increases Cisplatin Efficacy to Eliminate Metastatic Cells in Pediatric Liver Cancers. Cancers. 2024; 16:2300.

Gulati, R; Lutz, M; Hanlon, M; Cast, A; Karns, R; Geller, J; Bondoc, A; Tiao, G; Timchenko, L; Timchenko, NA. Cellular origin and molecular mechanisms of lung metastases in patients with aggressive hepatoblastoma. Hepatology Communications. 2024; 8:e0369.

Gulati, R; Timchenko, N. C/EBPα-mediated epigenetic control of liver disorders in young children. 2024; 5:23-27.

Gupta, AA; Xue, W; Harrison, DJ; Hawkins, DS; Dasgupta, R; Wolden, S; Shulkin, B; Qumseya, A; Routh, JC; MacDonald, T; Feinberg, S; Crompton, B; Rudzinski, ER; Arnold, M; Venkatramani, R. Addition of temsirolimus to chemotherapy in children, adolescents, and young adults with intermediate-risk rhabdomyosarcoma (ARST1431): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial from the Children's Oncology Group. The Lancet Oncology. 2024; 25:912-921.

Halaweish, I; Srinivas, S; Farooqui, Z; Sutthatarn, P; Campbell, D; Frischer, J; Wood, RJ; Langer, JC. Duhamel Versus Swenson Pull-Through for Total Colonic Aganglionosis: A Multi-Institutional Study. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 59:216-219.

Hanlon, MA; Gulati, R; Johnston, M; Fleifil, Y; Rivas, M; Timchenko, NA. Genetic Ablation of C/EBPα-p300 Pathway Blocks Development of Obese Pregnancy Associated Liver Disorders in Offspring. CMGH Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2024; 17:347-360.

Henry, MC; Ehrlich, PF; Flynn O'Brien, KT; Griggs, C; Hartman, HA; Kotagal, M; Masiakos, P; Naik-Mathuri, B; Sathya, C; Stevens, J; Thomas, A; Trinidad, S; Williams, R; Campbell, BT. Pediatric Surgery Firearm Injury Collaborative Symposium. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 59:68-73.

Jackson, C; Xue, W; GUPTA, AA; Qumseya, A; Dasgupta, R; Hill-Kayser, CE; Spalding, A; Rodeberg, DA; Harrison, DJ; Venkatramani, R; Wolden, SL. Radiation dose escalation and local control for intermediate-risk rhabdomyosarcoma on ARST1431: A report from the Children’s Oncology Group. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2024; 42:10007.

Kastenberg, ZJ; Short, SS; Riehle, KJ; Utria, A; Lautz, TB; Ott, KC; Murphy, AJ; Mansfield, S; Lal, DR; Hallis, B; Meyers, RL; Tiao, G; Dasgupta, R; Baertschiger, R. Management of undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024; 71:e30975.

Keric, N; Shatz, DV; Schellenberg, M; De Moya, M; Moore, LJ; Brown, CV R; Hartwell, JL; Inaba, K; Ley, EJ; Peck, KA; Weinberg, JA; Coimbra, R; Kozar, R; Martin, MJ. Adult blunt hepatic injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2024; 96:123-128.

Kotagal, M; Kahn, RS; Garcia, VF; Falcone, RA. Moving Beyond Thoughts and Prayers: Creating a Firearm-Related Injury Task Force. 2024; 5.

Kwon, EG; Kreiss, J; Nicassio, L; Austin, K; Avansino, JR; Badillo, A; Calkins, CM; Crady, RC; Dickie, B; Durham, MM; Wood, RJ; van Leeuwen, KD; Smith, CA; Rice-Townsend, SE. Variation in Practice Surrounding Antegrade Colonic Enema Channel Placement. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 59:1638-1642.

Liu, X; Wang, J; Li, F; Timchenko, N; Tsai, RY L. Transcriptional control of a stem cell factor nucleostemin in liver regeneration and aging. Editor, Avila MA. PloS one. 2024; 19:e0310219.

Lovvorn, HN; Renfro, LA; Benedetti, DJ; Kotagal, M; Phelps, HM; Ehrlich, PF; Lo, AC; Sandberg, JK; Treece, AL; Gow, KW; Fernandez, CV; Dome, JS; Geller, JI; Mullen, EA. Race and Ethnic Group Enrollment and Outcomes for Wilms Tumor: Analysis of the Current Era Children's Oncology Group Study, AREN03B2. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2024; 238:733-749.

Mansfield, SA; Kotagal, M; Hartman, S; Murphy, AJ; Davidoff, AM; Anghelescu, DL; Mecoli, M; Cost, N; Hogan, B; Rove, KO. Development of an enhanced recovery after surgery program for pediatric solid tumors. Frontiers in Surgery. 2024; 11:1393857.

Martin, S; Peiro, JL; Oria, M; Forde, B. Comparison of Amnio-Exchange With a Novel Synthetic Amniotic Fluid Versus Commercially Used Fluids for Fetal Therapy: An In Vivo Rodent Model. Prenatal Diagnosis. 2024; 44:1242-1250.

Martin, S; Peiro, JL; Oria, M; Forde, B. 679 Impact of amnioinfusions on the ultrastructure of the amnion in a rodent model. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024; 230:s364.

Mehl, SC; Vogel, AM; Glasgow, AE; Moody, S; Kotagal, M; Williams, RF; Kayton, ML; Alberto, EC; Burd, RS; Schroeppel, TJ; Roman, JS; Jenkins, TM; Falcone, RA; Polites, S. Prevalence and outcomes of high versus low ratio plasma to red blood cell resuscitation in a multi-institutional cohort of severely injured children. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2024; 97:452-459.

Metts, JL; Aye, JM; Crane, JN; Oberoi, S; Balis, FM; Bhatia, S; Bona, K; Carleton, B; Dasgupta, R; Dela Cruz, FS; Wolden, SL; Weiss, AR; Venkatramani, R; Heske, CM. Roadmap for the next generation of Children's Oncology Group rhabdomyosarcoma trials. Cancer. 2024; 130:3785-3796.

Morin, CE; Hasweh, R; Anton, C; Dillman, JR; Orscheln, E; Smith, EA; Kotagal, M; Weiss, BD; Ouyang, J; Zhang, B; Trout, AT; Towbin, AJ. Gadolinium-based contrast media does not improve the staging of neuroblastoma image-defined risk factors at diagnosis. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024; 71:e30724.

Mun, H; Lee, S; Choi, S; Jeong, JH; Ko, S; Chun, YL; Deaton, B; Yeager, CT; Boyette, A; Palmera, J; Kwon, J; Jung, J; Chang, JH; Yoon, JH. Targeting of CYP2E1 by miRNAs in alcohol-induced intestine injury. MOLECULES AND CELLS. 2024; 47:100074.

Naiditch, JA; Notrica, DM; Sayrs, LW; Linnaus, M; Stottlemyre, R; Garcia, NM; Lawson, KA; Cohen, AS; Letton, RW; Johnson, J; Ponsky, TA; St Peter, SD; Bhatia, AM; Leys, CM. The use and timing of angioembolization in pediatric blunt liver and spleen injury. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2024; 96:915-920.

Naik-Mathuria, B; Utria, AF; Ehrlich, PF; Aldrink, JH; Murphy, AJ; Lautz, T; Dasgupta, R; Short, SS; Lovvorn, HN; Kim, ES; Lund, SB; McKay, KG; Correa, H; Rothstein, DH. Management and Outcomes of Wilms Tumor With Suprarenal Intravascular Extension: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative Study. Annals of Surgery. 2024; 279:528-535.

Ochoa, BV; Eldredge, RS; Padilla, BE; Alhajjat, AM; Chao, SD; Clifton, MS; Diaz-Miron, JL; Fialkowski, EA; Guner, YS; Gurria, JP; Slater, BJ; Tsao, KJ; Velazco, CS; Wieck, MM. A Survey of Current Approaches to Inguinal Hernia Repair by Pediatric General Surgeons in the United States. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 59:161584.

O'Connell, AE; Raveenthiraraj, S; Oliveira, LF S; Adegboye, C; Dasuri, VS; Qi, W; Khetani, RS; Singh, A; Sundaram, N; Lin, J; Turner, JR; Agrawal, PB; Helmrath, M; Breault, DT. WNT2B Deficiency Causes Enhanced Susceptibility to Colitis Due to Increased Inflammatory Cytokine Production. CMGH Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2024; 18:101349.

Ojha, M; Smith, NJ; Devine, AJ; Joshi, R; Goodman, EM; Fan, Q; Schuman, R; Porollo, A; Wells, JM; Tiwary, E; Deshmukh, H; Borchers, MT; Ammerman, SA; Varisco, BM. Anti-CELA1 antibody KF4 prevents emphysema by inhibiting stretch-mediated remodeling. JCI insight. 2024; 9:e169189.

Oyania, F; Eze, AN; Ullrich, S; Kotagal, M; Ozgediz, D. Methods families use to raise funds for anorectal malformation treatment at a single public referral hospital in Southwestern Uganda. World Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 7:e000877.

Oyania, F; Faktor, K; Ullrich, S; Ozgediz, D; Kotagal, M. Delayed diagnosis of anorectal malformations: a call for standardization of the current definitions. World Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 7:e000960.

Oyania, F; Kotagal, M; Wesonga, AS; Nimanya, SA; Situma, M. Pull-Through for Hirschsprung's Disease: Insights for Limited-Resource Settings From Mbarara. Journal of Surgical Research. 2024; 293:217-222.

Oyania, F; Ullrich, S; Hellmann, Z; Stephens, C; Kotagal, M; Commander, SJ; Shui, AM; Situma, M; Odongo, CN; Kituuka, O; Bajunirwe, F; Ozgediz, DE; Poenaru, D. Effectiveness of primary repair for low anorectal malformations in Uganda. Pediatric Surgery International. 2024; 40:315.

Pauline, ML; Labonne, E; Wizzard, PR; Turner, JM; Wales, PW. Association between 4%-tetrasodium EDTA and sepsis in neonatal piglets: A retrospective cohort study. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 2024; 48:495-501.

Poling, HM; Brown, N; Wells, JM; Barrile, R; Helmrath, MA; Mahe, MM. Mechanical stimulation promotes human intestinal villus morphogenesis in vivo. 2024; 5:032102.

Poling, HM; Sundaram, N; Fisher, GW; Singh, A; Shiley, JR; Nattamai, K; Govindarajah, V; Cortez, AR; Krutko, MO; Ménoret, S; Mayhew, CN; Takebe, T; Mahe, MM; Helmrath, MA. Human pluripotent stem cell-derived organoids repair damaged bowel in vivo. Cell Stem Cell. 2024; 31:1513-1523.e7.

Polites, SF; Rhee, DS; Seitz, G; Dall'Igna, P; Binitie, O; Scharschmidt, T; Lautz, TB; Dasgupta, R. Contemporary surgical management of pediatric non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcoma. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024; 71:e31257.

Reiter, AJ; Huang, L; Craig, BT; Davidoff, AM; Talbot, LJ; Coggins, J; Smith, J; Aldrink, JH; Bergus, KC; MacArthur, TA; Tracy, ET; Moya-Mendez, ME; Dasgupta, R; Lautz, TB. Survival outcomes in pediatric patients with metastatic Ewing sarcoma who achieve a rapid complete response of pulmonary metastases. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024; 71:e31026.

Rentea, RM; Bokova, E; Frischer, JS; Gosain, A; Langer, JC; Levitt, MA; Nandivada, P; Rialon, KL; Rollins, MD; Segura, B; Wood, RJ; Lim, II P. Evaluation and Management of Total Colonic Hirschsprung Disease: A Comprehensive Review From the American Pediatric Surgical Association (APSA) Hirschsprung Disease Interest Group. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 59:161677.

Riehle, KJ; Vasudevan, SA; Bondoc, A; Cuenca, AG; Garnier, H; Kastenberg, Z; Roach, J; Weldon, CB; Karpelowsky, J; Hishiki, T; Tiao, G. Surgical management of liver tumors. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024; e31155.

Ryder, JR; Jenkins, TM; Xie, C; Courcoulas, AP; Harmon, CM; Helmrath, MA; Sisley, S; Michalsky, MP; Brandt, M; Inge, TH. Ten-Year Outcomes after Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2024; 391:1656-1658.

Saad, M; Abu-El-Haija, M; Lin, TK; Towbin, AJ; Trout, AT; Bernieh, A; Tiao, G; Vitale, DS. Endoscopic cystostomy and biliary sphincterotomy for choledochoceles: A pediatric case series. 2024; 5:475-479.

Sandy, NS; Roberts, AJ; Wales, PW; Toma, RK; Belza, C; Dogra, H; Evans, HM; Gattini, D; Hind, J; Mercer, D; Povondra, JM; Turner, J; Yap, J; Wong, T; Avitzur, Y. Small and large bowel anatomy is associated with enteral autonomy in infants with short bowel syndrome: A retrospective cohort study. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 2024; 48:231-238.

Scoville, SD; Stanek, JR; Rinehardt, H; Sutthatarn, P; Abdelhafeez, AH; Talbot, LJ; Malek, M; Leraas, HJ; Tracy, ET; Chen, SY; Lee, YM; Balagani, A; Dasgupta, R; Aldrink, JH. Comparison of Outcomes Between Surveillance Ultrasound and Completion Lymph Node Dissection in Children and Adolescents With Sentinel Lymph Node-Positive Cutaneous Melanoma. Annals of Surgery. 2024; 279:536-541.

Spector Cohen, I; Belza, C; Courtney-Martin, G; Srbely, V; Wales, PW; Muise, A; Avitzur, Y. Improved long-term outcome of children with congenital diarrhea followed by an intestinal rehabilitation program. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2024; 79:269-277.

Speer, AL; Lally, KP; Pedroza, C; Zhang, Y; Poindexter, BB; Chwals, WJ; Hintz, SR; Besner, GE; Stevenson, DK; Ohls, RK; Goldstein, RF; Adamson, WT; Ashley, PL; Fisher, KA. Surgical Necrotizing Enterocolitis and Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation Lead to Severe Growth Failure in Infants. Annals of Surgery. 2024; 280:432-443.

Swertfeger, D; Kim, A; Sexmith, H; Moreno-Fernandez, ME; Davidson, WS; Helmrath, M; Jenkins, T; Okura, T; Geh, E; Xanthakos, SA; Szabo, S; Nakamura, T; Divanovic, S; Shah, AS. Presurgery health influences outcomes following vertical sleeve gastrectomy in adolescents. Obesity. 2024; 32:1187-1197.

Szavay, PO; Bondoc, A; Esposito, C; Goldstein, SD; Harms, M; Kowalewski, G; Lautz, TB; Lopez, M; Pachl, M; Pandya, S; Ruiterkamp, J; Scholz, S; Zendejas, B; Rentea, RM. Clinical Consensus Statement on the Use of Indocyanine Green Fluorescence-guided Surgery in Pediatric Patients. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 59:161657.

Temple, H; Donnelly, B; Mohanty, SK; Mowery, S; Poling, HM; Pasula, R; Hartman, S; Singh, A; Mourya, R; Bondoc, A; Oyama, K; McNeal, M; Spearman, P; Tiao, G. Specific binding sites on Rhesus rotavirus capsid protein dictate the method of endocytosis inducing the murine model of biliary atresia. American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 2024; 327:G267-G283.

Trinidad, S; McKenna, E; Jenkins, T; Bates, C; Garcia, VF; Brown, RL. Outcomes From a Nurse Practitioner Led Dynamic Compression System Bracing Program for Pectus Carinatum. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 59:950-955.

Trinidad, S; Parrado, R; Gavulic, A; Hoang, M; Duan, Q; Overmann, KM; Unaka, N; Beck, AF; Kotagal, M. Characterizing Inequities in Pediatric Appendicitis Delayed Diagnosis and Perforation. 2024; 11:200108.

Trinidad, S; Parrado, R; Hoang, M; Toraman Turk, S; Unaka, N; Beck, AF; Schondelmeyer, A; Kotagal, M. Potential causes of delays in paediatric perforated appendicitis: A prospective interview study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2024; 60:193-199.

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