Advancing Personalized Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medication for Children
The primary focus of the Minar Research Lab is to further advance the application of personalized medicine in the care of children and young adults with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We are actively conducting observational studies collecting biospecimens (peripheral blood, stool and intestinal tissue) to discover surrogate markers of intestinal inflammation.
Our team has established neutrophil CD64 as a sensitive and specific pharmacodynamic biomarker that provides objective data to accurately monitor our patient’s response to treatment. We are also using neutrophil CD64 as a biomarker of anti-TNF drug clearance to personalize the prescribed dosing of infliximab.
Our team has pioneered an innovative precision dosing platform, called RoadMABTM, that helps guide individualized dosing of biologic therapies for patients with IBD. Our team is now testing a novel method to dose infliximab from the start of treatment and throughout the maintenance phase to assess the superior approach to achieve intestinal healing in a clinical trial.