Child Welfare Research Lab


Beal, SJ; Nause, K; Lutz, N; Greiner, MV. The Impact of Health Care Education on Utilization Among Adolescents Preparing for Emancipation From Foster Care. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2020; 66:740-746.

Greiner, MV; Beal, SJ; Antommaria, AH M. Perspectives on Informed Consent Practices for Minimal-Risk Research Involving Foster Youth. Pediatrics. 2020; 145:e20192845.

Beal, SJ; Kashikar-Zuck, S; King, C; Black, W; Barnes, J; Noll, JG. Heightened risk of pain in young adult women with a history of childhood maltreatment: a prospective longitudinal study. PAIN. 2020; 161:156-165.

Dexheimer, JW; Beal, SJ; Divekar, P; Hall, ES; Patel, V; Greiner, MV. Automated Patient Linking for Electronic Health Record and Child Welfare Databases. Journal of Technology in Human Services. 2019; 37:286-292.

Greiner, MV; Beal, SJ; Dexheimer, JW; Divekar, P; Patel, V; Hall, ES. Improving Information Sharing for Youth in Foster Care. Pediatrics. 2019; 144:e20190580.

Dexheimer, JW; Greiner, MV; Beal, SJ; Johnson, D; Kachelmeyer, A; Vaughn, LM. Sharing personal health record data elements in protective custody: youth and stakeholder perspectives. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2019; 26:714-721.

Beal, SJ; Wingrove, T; Mara, CA; Lutz, N; Noll, JG; Greiner, MV. Childhood Adversity and Associated Psychosocial Function in Adolescents with Complex Trauma. Child and Youth Care Forum: an independent journal of day and residential child and youth care practice. 2019; 48:305-322.

Beal, SJ; Nause, K; Crosby, I; Greiner, MV. Understanding Health Risks for Adolescents in Protective Custody. Journal of Applied Research on Children. 2019; 9:2.

Beal, SJ; Wingrove, T; Nause, K; Lipstein, E; Mathieu, S; Greiner, MV. The Role of Shared Decision-Making in Shaping Intent to Access Services for Adolescents in Protective Custody. Child Care in Practice. 2019; 25:64-78.

Greiner, MV; Beal, SJ; Allen, A; Patel, V; Meinzen-Derr, J; Antommaria, AH M. Who Speaks for Me? Addressing Variability in Informed Consent Practices for Minimal Risk Research Involving Foster Youth. 2018; 11:111-131.

Greiner, MV; Beal, SJ. Developing a Health Care System for Children in Foster Care. Health Promotion Practice. 2018; 19:621-628.

Waite, D; Greiner, MV; Laris, Z. Putting families first: How the opioid epidemic is affecting children and families, and the child welfare policy options to address it. Journal of Applied Research on Children. 2018; 9:1-35.

Greiner, MV; Beal, SJ; Nause, K; Staat, MA; Dexheimer, JW; Scribano, PV. Laboratory Screening for Children Entering Foster Care. Pediatrics. 2017; 140:e20163778.

Beal, SJ; Greiner, MV. Children in nonparental care: health and social risks. Pediatric Research. 2016; 79:184-190.

Greiner, MV; Greiner, HM; Care, MM; Owens, D; Shapiro, R; Holland, K. Adding Insult to Injury: Nonconvulsive Seizures in Abusive Head Trauma. Journal of Child Neurology. 2015; 30:1778-1784.

Greiner, MV; Ross, J; Brown, CM; Beal, SJ; Sherman, SN. Foster Caregivers' Perspectives on the Medical Challenges of Children Placed in Their Care: Implications for Pediatricians Caring for Children in Foster Care. Clinical Pediatrics. 2015; 54:853-861.

Ranginwala, M; Greiner, MV; Fox, K; Unkrich, J; Beal, SJ. Reducing Bias in Substance Use Detection in Adolescents via Standardized Substance Use Screening. 2025.

Beal, SJ; Zion, C; Mara, CA; Patel, MA; Bettencourt, AF; Breitenstein, SM; Vaughn, LM; Greiner, MV; Ammerman, RT. Caregivers on point: a randomized treatment-control prevention trial for foster and kinship caregivers to reduce behavior challenges among children in foster care. Trials. 2024; 25:670.

Anyigbo, C; Beal, SJ; Lee, JY; Gottlieb, LM. Addressing Mental Health and Social Needs in Tandem to Promote Health Equity. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2024; 71:1141-1149.

Boch, S; Wildeman, C; Dexheimer, J; Kahn, R; Lambert, J; Beal, S. Pediatric Health and System Impacts of Mass Incarceration, 2009-2020: A Matched Cohort Study. Academic Pediatrics. 2024; 24:1285-1295.

Jimenez, M; Callahan, K; Sakai-Bizmark, R; Estevez, D; Neman, S; Greiner, MV. Assessing the Need for Routine Urinalysis in Foster Care Exams. Clinical Pediatrics. 2024; 63:1343-1347.

Greiner, MV; Muntz, G. Who Consents? Medical Decision-Making for Children in Foster Care. Pediatrics. 2024; 154:e2023065110.

Greiner, MV; Nidey, N; Unkrich, J; Fox, K; Radenhausen, M; Beal, SJ. Substance Use Screening Among Youth in Foster Care. Pediatrics. 2024; 154:e2023065057.

Zhang, ZZ; Peckins, MK; Beal, SJ; Schnabel, DJ; Shenk, CE; Dorn, LD. The Impact of Time Since Menarche for Depressive and Anxiety Symptom Severity in Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2024; 75:281-287.

Radenhausen, M; Unkrich, J; Beal, SJ; Acquavita, S; Greiner, MV. Young people in foster care and substance use. Seminars in Pediatric Neurology. 2024; 50:101136.

Gomes, SM; Beal, SJ; Kiesler, J; Riley, CL; Mitchell, MJ. 284 Co-Creation in Action: Design and Implementation of a Studio to Increase Inclusion in Research. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2024; 8:87.

Modi, AC; Beal, SJ; Becker, SP; Boerner, KE; Burton, ET; Chen, D; Crosby, LE; Hilliard, ME; Hood, AM; Kahhan, N; Thurston, IB; Valrie, C; Wu, YP; Duncan, CL. Recommendations on Inclusive Language and Transparent Reporting Relating to Diversity Dimensions for the Journal of Pediatric Psychology and Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 2024; 12:1-15.

Modi, AC; Beal, SJ; Becker, SP; Boerner, KE; Burton, ET; Chen, D; Crosby, LE; Hilliard, ME; Hood, AM; Kahhan, NA; Thurston, IB; Valrie, C; Wu, YP; Duncan, CL. Editorial: Recommendations on inclusive language and transparent reporting relating to diversity dimensions for the Journal of Pediatric Psychology and Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2024; 49:1-12.

Greiner, MV; Forkey, HC; Szilagyi, M. Foster and Kinship Care. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics: Volume 1-2. 2024.

Lee, JY; Kirsch, J; Presley, S; Beal, SJ; Xu, Y; Radney, A; Denby, R. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Physical Health Outcomes of Children in Foster Care: A Systematic Review. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse. 2024; 25:197-214.

Greiner, MV; Nause, K; Beal, SJ. The Use of Telehealth for Youth in Foster Care. Clinical Pediatrics. 2023; 62:1465-1469.

Beal, SJ; Greiner, MV; Ammerman, RT; Mara, CA; Nause, K; Schulenberg, J; Noll, JG. Patterns of substance use among adolescents in and out of foster care: An analysis of linked health and child welfare administrative data. Child Abuse and Neglect. 2023; 146:106473.

Tan, C; Greiner, MV; Nause, K; Shahabuddin, Z; Beal, SJ. Mental Health Diagnoses, Health Care Utilization, and Placement Stability on Antipsychotic Prescribing Among Foster Care Youth. Academic Pediatrics. 2023; 23:675-680.

Beal, SJ; Nause, K; Hamik, E; Unkrich, J; Greiner, MV. Understanding Variation in Health Risks Across Development and Child Welfare Involvement for Youth in Foster Care. Innovative Methods in Child Maltreatment Research and Practice. : Springer Nature; Springer Nature; 2023.

Beal, SJ; Nuñez, M; Greiner, MV. The impact of protective custody and out-of-home care on the health and development of adolescents and young adults. APA handbook of adolescent and young adult development.. : American Psychological Association (APA); American Psychological Association (APA); 2023.

Greiner, MV; Antommaria, AH M. ENROLLING FOSTER YOUTH IN CLINICAL TRIALS: AVOIDING THE HARM OF EXCLUSION. Challenging Cases in Clinical Research Ethics. 2023.

Beal, SJ; Dynan, L; Patzke, A; Nause, K; Flinchum, K; Cole, J; Vish, N; Greiner, MV. Impact of Automated Information Sharing on Health Care Delivery to Youths in Foster Care. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2022; 249:111-113.e1.

Beal, SJ; Nause, K; Greiner, MV. Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on stress and Access to Services for Licensed and Kinship Caregivers and Youth in Foster Care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. 2022; 39:633-640.

Beal, SJ; Nause, K; Ammerman, RT; Hall, ES; Mara, CA; Greiner, MV. Careful: An administrative child welfare and electronic health records linked dataset. Data in Brief. 2022; 44:108507.

Nause, K; Ammerman, RT; Folger, AT; Hall, ES; Greiner, MV; Beal, S. Enrollment and outcomes of home visiting for mothers with and without a history of out-of-home care. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2022; 43:797-807.

McGrady, ME; Mara, CA; Beal, SJ; Chan, SF; Sorge, CE; Pai, AL H. Development and Preliminary Validation of a Multidimensional Psychosocial Assessment Strategy for Young Adults With Cancer. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2022; 47:952-963.

Lapin, JE; Beal, SJ; Adams, RE; Ehrhardt, J; Pedapati, E; Froehlich, TE. Child Protective Custody Placement for Children with Developmental Disorders. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2022; 43:418-426.

Chardon, ML; Beal, SJ; Breen, G; Mcgrady, ME. Systematic Review of Substance Use Measurement Tools in Adolescent and Young Adult Childhood Cancer Survivors. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology. 2022; 11:333-345.

Beal, SJ; Ammerman, RT; Mara, CA; Nause, K; Greiner, MV. Patterns of healthcare utilization with placement changes for youth in foster care. Child Abuse and Neglect. 2022; 128:105592.

Petska, HW; Yin, S; Lindberg, DM; Beal, SJ; Drendel, AL; Greiner, MV; Wang, GS. Drug exposures in young children - The next frontier in occult injury testing. Child Abuse and Neglect. 2022; 127:105575.

Greiner, MV; Duncan, A; Nause, K; Flinchum, K; Beal, SJ. Child welfare experiences with automated medical data sharing for children in protective custody. Children and Youth Services Review. 2022; 136:106453.

Greiner, MV; Antommaria, AH M. Enrolling Foster Youth in Clinical Trials: Avoiding the Harm of Exclusion. The American Journal of Bioethics. 2022; 22:85-86.

Beal, SJ; Mara, CA; Nause, K; Ammerman, RT; Seltzer, R; Jonson-Reid, M; Greiner, MV. Effects of Child Protective Custody Status and Health Risk Behaviors on Health Care Use Among Adolescents. Academic Pediatrics. 2022; 22:387-395.

Nuñez, M; Beal, SJ; Jacquez, F. Resilience factors in youth transitioning out of foster care: A systematic review. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2022; 14:S72-S81.

Beal, S; Demott, P; Bowlen, R; Greiner, M. The Role of Information Sharing to Improve Case Management in Child Welfare. Court Review: The Journal of the American Judges Association. 2022; 58:16.

Kamoun, C; Khoury, JC; Beal, SJ; Crimmins, N; Corathers, SD. Opportunities for Enhanced Transition of Care Preparation for Adolescents and Emerging Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Use of the READDY Transition Tool. Diabetes spectrum : a publication of the American Diabetes Association. 2022; 35:57-65.

Martin, KJ; Nause, K; Greiner, MV; Beal, SJ. Modeling changes in adolescent health risk behaviors approaching and just after the time of emancipation from foster care. Child Abuse and Neglect. 2022; 124:105439.

McCabe, SE; Hughes, TL; Beal, S; Evans-Polce, RJ; Kcomt, L; Engstrom, C; West, BT; Veliz, P; Leary, K; McCabe, VV; Boyd, CJ. Sexual orientation differences in childhood sexual abuse, suicide attempts, and DSM-5 alcohol, tobacco, other drug use, and mental health disorders in the US. Child Abuse and Neglect. 2022; 123:105377.

Ni, Y; Bachtel, A; Nause, K; Beal, S. Automated detection of substance use information from electronic health records for a pediatric population. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2021; 28:2116-2127.

Peugh, JL; Beal, SJ; McGrady, ME; Toland, MD; Mara, C. Analyzing discontinuities in longitudinal count data: A multilevel generalized linear mixed model. Psychological Methods. 2021; 26:375-397.

Greiner, MV; Beal, SJ; Nause, K; Ehrhardt, J. Developmental Service Referrals and Utilization Among Young Children in Protective Custody. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2021; 234:260-264.e1.