
Research in the Lautz Lab is focused on elucidating the biologic basis of myocardial dysfunction in pediatric septic shock and critical illness. Learn more about this research and our published findings.

Atreya, MR; Huang, M; Moore, AR; Zheng, H; Hasin-Brumshtein, Y; Fitzgerald, JC; Weiss, SL; Cvijanovich, NZ; Bigham, MT; Jain, PN; Sweeney, TE; Khatri, P; Sanchez-Pinto, LN; Kamaleswaran, R. Identification and transcriptomic assessment of latent profile pediatric septic shock phenotypes. Critical Care (UK). 2024; 28:246.

Jensen, S; Zhang, B; Paff, Z; Ely, K; Collins, K; Gibson, A; James, K; Loeb, D; Lautz, A; Zackoff, M; Tegtmeyer, K; Gray, J; Dewan, M. Abstract Sa402: CPR Coaches Improve Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Guideline Adherence in Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Circulation. 2024; 150:asa402.

Stanski, NL; Zhang, B; Cvijanovich, NZ; Fitzgerald, JC; Bigham, MT; Jain, PN; Schwarz, AJ; Lutfi, R; Allen, GL; Thomas, NJ; Zingarelli, B; Standage, SW; Kaplan, J; Goldstein, SL. Diagnostic Validation of the Updated Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk II for Acute Kidney Injury Prediction Model in Pediatric Septic Shock. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 25:1005-1016.

Loeb, D; Lautz, A; Fleck, J; Zackoff, M. Experience informed procedural skills training. The Clinical Teacher. 2024; 21:e13719.

Lautz, A; Atreya, M; Zhang, S; Kempton, K; Alder, M; Zingarelli, B. 893: INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELL-DERIVED MONOCYTE RESPONSE TO RISK-STRATIFIED PEDIATRIC SEPTIC SERUM. Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 52:s419.

Atreya, MR; Banerjee, S; Lautz, AJ; Alder, MN; Varisco, BM; Wong, HR; Muszynski, JA; Hall, MW; Sanchez-Pinto, LN; Kamaleswaran, R; Baines, T; Quasney, M; Haileselassie, B; Lindsell, CJ. Machine learning-driven identification of the gene-expression signature associated with a persistent multiple organ dysfunction trajectory in critical illness. EBioMedicine. 2024; 99:104938.

Stanski, NL; Basu, RK; Cvijanovich, NZ; Fitzgerald, JC; Bigham, MT; Jain, PN; Schwarz, AJ; Lutfi, R; Thomas, NJ; Baines, T; Standage, SW; Kaplan, J; Chawla, LS; Goldstein, SL. External validation of the modified sepsis renal angina index for prediction of severe acute kidney injury in children with septic shock. Critical Care (UK). 2023; 27:463.

Loeb, D; Paice, K; Williams, J; Chima, RS; Lautz, AJ. Rapidly Progressive Respiratory Failure and Shock in a Healthy Teenager. Pediatrics in review / American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023; 44:S77-S80.

Dean, P; Geis, G; Hoehn, EF; Lautz, AJ; Edmunds, K; Shah, A; Zhang, Y; Frey, M; Boyd, S; Nagler, J; Mazzawi, M; Tam, DC F; Murray, M; Kerrey, B. High-risk criteria for the physiologically difficult paediatric airway: A multicenter, observational study to generate validity evidence. Resuscitation. 2023; 190:109875.

Lautz, AJ; Wong, HR; Ryan, TD; Statile, CJ. Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk Model Biomarkers and Estimation of Myocardial Dysfunction in Pediatric Septic Shock. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2022; 23:e20-e28.

Senthil, K; Morgan, RW; Hefti, MM; Karlsson, M; Lautz, AJ; Mavroudis, CD; Ko, T; Nadkarni, VM; Ehinger, J; Berg, RA; Sutton, RM; McGowan, FX; Kilbaugh, TJ. Haemodynamic-directed cardiopulmonary resuscitation promotes mitochondrial fusion and preservation of mitochondrial mass after successful resuscitation in a pediatric porcine model. Resuscitation Plus. 2021; 6:100124.

Dean, PN; Hoehn, EF; Geis, GL; Frey, ME; Cabrera-Thurman, MK; Kerrey, BT; Zhang, Y; Stalets, EL; Zackoff, MW; Maxwell, AR; Pham, TM; Lautz, AJ. Identification of the Physiologically Difficult Airway in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Editor, Stevenson MD. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2020; 27:1241-1248.

Hoehn, EF; Dean, P; Lautz, AJ; Frey, M; Cabrera-Thurman, MK; Geis, GL; Stalets, E; Zackoff, M; Pham, T; Maxwell, A; Vukovic, A; Kerrey, BT. Peri-Intubation Cardiac Arrest in the Pediatric Emergency Department: A Novel System of Care. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 2020; 5:e365.

Lautz, AJ; Morgan, RW; Nadkarni, VM. Cardiac arrest. Challenging Concepts in Paediatric Critical Care. : Oxford University Press (OUP); Oxford University Press (OUP); 2020.

Lautz, AJ; Wong, HR; Ryan, TD; Statile, CJ. Myocardial Dysfunction Is Independently Associated With Mortality in Pediatric Septic Shock. Critical Care Explorations. 2020; 2:e0231.