
Tang Girdwood, SC; Mizuno, T; Krallman, KA; Benken, LA; Stoneman, EM; Yunger, TM; Wong, HR; Vinks, AA; Kaplan, JM. Route of Oseltamivir Administration Affects Metabolite Concentrations in Critically Ill Children. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2020; 38:1224-1227.

Kaplan, JM; Zingarelli, B; Krallman, K; Girdwood, ST; Lagory, D; Mizuno, T; Fei, L; Wong, HR; Vinks, AA. Phase 1 safety and pharmacokinetic study on the use of pioglitazone in critically ill patients with sepsis: a randomized clinical trial. Intensive Care Medicine. 2018; 44:2006-2008.

Ayalon, I; Shen, H; Williamson, L; Stringer, K; Zingarelli, B; Kaplan, JM. Sepsis Induces Adipose Tissue Browning in Nonobese Mice But Not in Obese Mice. Shock. 2018; 50:557-564.

DeMartini, T; Nowell, M; James, J; Williarnson, L; Lahni, P; Shen, H; Kaplan, JM. High fat diet-induced obesity increases myocardial injury and alters cardiac STAT3 signaling in mice after polymicrobial sepsis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA): Molecular Basis of Disease. 2017; 1863:2654-2660.

Kaplan, JM; Nowell, M; Lahni, P; Shen, H; Shanmukhappa, SK; Zingarelli, B. Obesity enhances sepsis-induced liver inflammation and injury in mice. Obesity. 2016; 24:1480-1488.

Webster, DL; Fei, L; Falcone, RA; Kaplan, J. Higher-volume hypertonic saline and increased thrombotic risk in pediatric traumatic brain injury. Journal of Critical Care. 2015; 30:1267-1271.

Kaplan, J; Nowell, M; Chima, R; Zingarelli, B. Pioglitazone reduces inflammation through inhibition of NF-κB in polymicrobial sepsis. Innate Immunity. 2014; 20:519-528.

Kaplan, JM; Nowell, M; Lahni, P; O'Connor, MP; Hake, PW; Zingarelli, B. Short-term high fat feeding increases organ injury and mortality after polymicrobial sepsis. Obesity. 2012; 20:1995-2002.

Kaplan, JM; Wong, HR. Biomarker discovery and development in pediatric critical care medicine. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2011; 12:165-173.

Kaplan, JM; Denenberg, A; Monaco, M; Nowell, M; Wong, H; Zingarelli, B. Changes in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma activity in children with septic shock. Intensive Care Medicine. 2010; 36:123-130.

Pavia, K; Girdwood, ST; Paice, K; Dong, M; Mizuno, T; Tang, P; Mangeot, C; Vinks, AA; Kaplan, J. Acute kidney injury is associated with abnormal cefepime exposure among critically ill children and young adults. Pediatric Nephrology. 2025; 40:513-521.

Atreya, MR; Huang, M; Moore, AR; Zheng, H; Hasin-Brumshtein, Y; Fitzgerald, JC; Weiss, SL; Cvijanovich, NZ; Bigham, MT; Jain, PN; Sweeney, TE; Khatri, P; Sanchez-Pinto, LN; Kamaleswaran, R. Identification and transcriptomic assessment of latent profile pediatric septic shock phenotypes. Critical Care (UK). 2024; 28:246.

Paice, K; Tang Girdwood, S; Mizuno, T; Pavia, K; Punt, N; Tang, P; Dong, M; Curry, C; Jones, R; Gibson, A; Vinks, AA; Kaplan, J. Pharmacokinetic Factors Associated With Early Meropenem Target Attainment in Pediatric Severe Sepsis. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 25:1103-1116.

Stanski, NL; Zhang, B; Cvijanovich, NZ; Fitzgerald, JC; Bigham, MT; Jain, PN; Schwarz, AJ; Lutfi, R; Allen, GL; Thomas, NJ; Zingarelli, B; Standage, SW; Kaplan, J; Goldstein, SL. Diagnostic Validation of the Updated Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk II for Acute Kidney Injury Prediction Model in Pediatric Septic Shock. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 25:1005-1016.

Junior, RM; Mizuno, T; Paice, KM; Pavia, KE; Rhodes Hambrick, H; Tang, P; Jones, R; Gibson, A; Stoneman, E; Curry, C; Kaplan, J; Girdwood, ST. Identifying optimal dosing strategies for meropenem in the paediatric intensive care unit through modelling and simulation. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2024; 79:2668-2677.

Hambrick, HR; Fei, L; Pavia, K; Kaplan, J; Mizuno, T; Tang, P; Schuler, E; Benoit, S; Girdwood, ST. Cystatin C Outperforms Creatinine in Predicting Cefepime Clearance in Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Recipients. Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. 2024; 30:614.e1-614.e11.

Hambrick, HR; Cervantes, F; Dong, M; Tang, P; Arbough, T; Vinks, AA; Mizuno, T; Goldstein, SL; Kaplan, J; Girdwood, ST. Ceftriaxone Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic Target Attainment for Three Pediatric Patients Receiving Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy. Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2024; 29:180-187.

McIntire, C; Luna Torres, J; Tang, P; Vinks, AA; Kaplan, J; Tang Girdwood, S. Piperacillin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in paediatric patients who received high frequency intra-operative piperacillin/tazobactam dosing. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2024; 63:107079.

Paice, K; Tang Girdwood, S; Pavia, K; Mizuno, T; Kaplan, J. 868: EARLY MEROPENEM CLEARANCE OF CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS IN A PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 52:s407.

Cervantes, FC; Mizuno, T; Dong, M; Tang, P; Arbough, T; Vinks, AA; Kaplan, JM; Girdwood, SC T. Ceftriaxone Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in 2 Pediatric Patients on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Therapy. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 2023; 45:832-836.

Stanski, NL; Basu, RK; Cvijanovich, NZ; Fitzgerald, JC; Bigham, MT; Jain, PN; Schwarz, AJ; Lutfi, R; Thomas, NJ; Baines, T; Standage, SW; Kaplan, J; Chawla, LS; Goldstein, SL. External validation of the modified sepsis renal angina index for prediction of severe acute kidney injury in children with septic shock. Critical Care (UK). 2023; 27:463.

Bodilly, L; Williamson, L; Lahni, P; Alder, MN; Haslam, DB; Kaplan, JM. Obesity Alters cytokine signaling and gut microbiome in septic mice. Innate Immunity. 2023; 29:161-170.

Pavia, K; Hambrick, HR; Paice, K; Tang, P; Punt, N; Kaplan, J; Goldstein, SL; Vinks, AA; Mizuno, T; Tang Girdwood, S. Cefepime pharmacokinetics in critically ill children and young adults undergoing continuous kidney replacement therapy. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2023; 78:2140-2147.

Tang Girdwood, S; Tang, P; Fenchel, M; Dong, M; Stoneman, E; Jones, R; Ostermeier, A; Curry, C; Forton, M; Hail, T; Mullaney, R; Diseroad, E; Punt, N; Kaplan, J; Vinks, AA. Pharmacokinetic parameters over time during sepsis and the association of target attainment and outcomes in critically ill children and young adults receiving ceftriaxone. Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy. 2023; 43:609-621.

Davis, X; Williamson, L; Stuck, J; Howell, K; Lahni, P; Piraino, G; Wolfe, V; Mukherjee, R; Sanchez-Gurmaches, J; Zingarelli, B; Kaplan, J. SEX-DEPENDENT EFFECTS OF ADIPOCYTE STAT3 INHIBITION ON THE INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE DURING SEVERE SEPSIS. Shock. 2023; 59:779-790.


Girdwood, ST; Hasson, D; Caldwell, JT; Slagle, C; Dong, S; Fei, L; Tang, P; Vinks, AA; Kaplan, J; Goldstein, SL. Relationship between piperacillin concentrations, clinical factors and piperacillin/tazobactam-associated acute kidney injury. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2023; 78:478-487.

Pavia, K; Girdwood, ST; Paice, K; Jones, R; Curry, C; Stoneman, E; Yunger, T; Gamel, N; Gibson, A; Dong, M; Tang, P; Mizuno, T; Vinks, A; Kaplan, J. 610: RENAL IMPAIRMENT IS ASSOCIATED WITH HIGH CEFEPIME CONCENTRATIONS IN CRITICALLY ILL CHILDREN. Critical Care Medicine. 2023; 51:294.

Paice, K; Girdwood, ST; Pavia, K; Mizuno, T; Tang, P; Curry, C; Gibson, A; Jones, R; Stoneman, E; Yunger, T; Dong, M; Vinks, A; Kaplan, J. 38: CRITICALLY ILL CHILDREN WITH SEVERE SEPSIS OFTEN HAVE SUB-TARGET MEROPENEM LEVELS EARLY IN THERAPY. Critical Care Medicine. 2023; 51:19.

Tang Girdwood, S; Pavia, K; Paice, K; Hambrick, HR; Kaplan, J; Vinks, AA. β-lactam precision dosing in critically ill children: Current state and knowledge gaps. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2022; 13:1044683.

Girdwood, ST; Dong, M; Tang, P; Stoneman, E; Jones, R; Yunger, T; Ostermeier, A; Curry, C; Forton, M; Hail, T; Mullaney, R; Lahni, P; Punt, N; Kaplan, J; Vinks, AA. Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Total and Free Ceftriaxone in Critically Ill Children and Young Adults and Monte Carlo Simulations Support Twice Daily Dosing for Target Attainment. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2022; 66:e0142721.

Li, C; Davis, X; Lahni, P; Stuck, J; Williamson, L; Kaplan, J. Obesity protects against sepsis-induced and norepinephrine-induced white adipose tissue browning. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2021; 321:E433-E442.

Tang Girdwood, SC; Tang, PH; Murphy, ME; Chamberlain, AR; Benken, LA; Jones, RL; Stoneman, EM; Kaplan, JM; Vinks, AA. Demonstrating Feasibility of an Opportunistic Sampling Approach for Pharmacokinetic Studies of β-Lactam Antibiotics in Critically Ill Children. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2021; 61:565-573.

Girdwood, ST; Kaplan, J; Vinks, AA. Methodologic Progress Note: Opportunistic Sampling for Pharmacology Studies in Hospitalized Children. Journal of hospital medicine (Online). 2021; 16:35-37.