Cardiothoracic Surgery


Ahmed, H; Hogue, S; Kulshrestha, K; Hossain, M; Zhang, Y; Ashfaq, A; Morales, D; Hayes, D. (209) Outcomes in Donation After Circulatory Death Pediatric Lung Transplants: An Analysis of the ISHLT Registry. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:s112-s113.

Ahmed, HF; Faateh, M; Mehdizadeh-Shrifi, A; Kulshrestha, K; Hossain, M; Zhang, Y; Ryan, T; Hayes, D; Lehenbauer, D; Morales, D; Ashfaq, A. (293) Pediatric Heart Transplantation Using Donation After Circulatory Death: An Analysis of the ISHLT Registry. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:s151-s152.

Ahmed, HF; Guzman-Gomez, A; Kulshrestha, K; Kantemneni, EC; Chin, C; Ashfaq, A; Zafar, F; Morales, DL S. Reality of DCD donor use in pediatric thoracic transplantation in the United States. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:32-35.

Ahmed, HF; Hayes, D; Ricci, M; Chin, C; Morales, DL S. Expanding the Donor Pool: Sequential Double Lung then Heart Transplant Using Ex-Vivo Normothermic Perfusion. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:2046-2047.

Ahmed, HF; Kulshrestha, K; Kennedy, JT; Gomez-Guzman, A; Greenberg, JW; Hossain, MM; Zhang, Y; D'Alessandro, DA; John, R; Moazami, N; Chin, C; Ashfaq, A; Zafar, F; Morales, DL S. Donation after circulatory death significantly reduces waitlist times while not changing post-heart transplant outcomes: A United Network for Organ Sharing Analysis. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:461-470.

Ahmed, HF; Ramineni, A; Kulshrestha, K; Mehdizadeh-Shrifi, A; Hogue, S; Chin, C; Ashfaq, A; Morales, D. (527) Impact of Citizenship Status on Waitlist and Post Heart Transplantation Outcomes in Pediatrics. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:s260.

Alsaied, T; Ashfaq, A; Tretter, JT; Tweddell, JS. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Pediatric Cardiology. : Springer Nature; Springer Nature; 2024.

Ashfaq, A; Faateh, M; Shahanavaz, S. Percutaneous and Surgical Pulmonary Valve Replacement Options in Adult Congenital Heart Disease: a Review. Current treatment options in pediatrics. 2024; 10:167-177.

Ashfaq, A; Lorts, A; Rosenthal, D; Adachi, I; Rossano, J; Davies, R; Simpson, KE; Maeda, K; Wisotzkey, B; Koehl, D; Cantor, RS; Jacobs, JP; Peng, D; Kirklin, JK; Morales, DL S. Predicting Stroke for Pediatric Patients Supported With Ventricular Assist Devices: A Pedimacs Report. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2024; 118:889-897.

Backer, CL. Surgical Intervention in Congenital Heart Diseases. Pediatric Cardiology. : Springer Nature; Springer Nature; 2024.

Backer, CL. Book Review: Finding the Way: A Memoir. World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Hearth Surgery. 2024; 15:867-868.

Backer, CL. Commentary: New look at an old operation. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 167:1145-1146.

Backer, CL; Dearani, JA; Karamlou, T; Pasquali, SK; Overman, DM. Clarifications and Questions on the Volume Issue in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2024; 117:1071-1073.

Backer, CL; Mavroudis, CD. Vascular Ring Surgery: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2024; 84:1293-1294.

Backer, CL; Mongé, MC; Wallen, WJ; Eltayeb, O. The aortic uncrossing procedure. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 167:413-419.

Cheon, S; Faateh, M; Ashfaq, A. Unintended Sequalae of Long-Term Transvenous Pacemaker Leads in a Patient With Congenital Heart Disease. World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Hearth Surgery. 2024; 15:858-861.

Devlin, PJ; Argo, M; Habib, RH; McCrindle, BW; Jegatheeswaran, A; Jacobs, ML; Jacobs, JP; Backer, CL; Overman, DM; Karamlou, T. Contemporary Applications and Outcomes of Pulmonary Artery Banding: An Analysis of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2024; 117:128-135.

Faateh, M; Kulshrestha, K; Ahmed, HF; Lehenbauer, D; Carlisle, MA; Gaies, M; Morales, DL S; Ashfaq, A. The Burden of Stroke in Neonates Undergoing Congenital Heart Surgery: A Large Multicenter Analysis. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2024; 118:908-918.

Geoffrion, TR; Overman, DM; Backer, CL; Caldarone, CA. Discussions in Cardiothoracic Treatment and Care: Organization of Centers Performing Congenital Heart Surgery. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 36:428-434.

Greenberg, JW; Argo, M; Ashfaq, A; Luxford, JC; Fuentes-Baldemar, AA; Kalustian, AB; Pena-Munoz, SV; Barron, DJ; Mertens, LL; Husain, SA; Burnham, N; Giner, C; Kuni, T; Bontrager, C. Long-term outcomes following the Ross procedure in neonates and infants: A multi-institutional analysis. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 168:1720-1730.e3.

Greenberg, JW; Guzman-Gomez, A; Kulshrestha, K; Dani, A; Lehenbauer, DG; Chin, C; Zafar, F; Morales, DL S. Contemporary Outcomes of Heart Transplantation in Children with Heterotaxy Syndrome: Sub-Optimal Pre-Transplant Optimization Translates into Early Post-Transplant Mortality. Pediatric Cardiology. 2024; 45:1343-1352.

Greenberg, JW; Kulshrestha, K; Guzman-Gomez, A; Fields, K; Lehenbauer, DG; Winlaw, DS; Perry, T; Villa, C; Lorts, A; Zafar, F; Morales, DL S. Modifiable risk factor reduction for pediatric ventricular assist devices and the influence of persistent modifiable risk factors at transplant. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 167:1556-1563.e2.

Greenberg, JW; Kulshrestha, K; Ramineni, A; Winlaw, DS; Lehenbauer, DG; Zafar, F; Cooper, DS; Morales, DL S. Contemporary Trends in Cardiac Surgical Care for Trisomy 13 and 18 Patients Admitted to Hospitals in the United States. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey. 2024; 79:627-629.

Greenberg, JW; Kulshrestha, K; Ramineni, A; Winlaw, DS; Lehenbauer, DG; Zafar, F; Cooper, DS; Morales, DL S. Contemporary Trends in Cardiac Surgical Care for Trisomy 13 and 18 Patients Admitted to Hospitals in the United States. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2024; 268:113955.

Greenberg, JW; Morales, DL S; Ahmed, HF; Desai, MV; Riggs, KW; Hayes, D; Lehenbauer, DG; Hossain, MM; Zafar, F. Overly Selective Offer Acceptance is Associated With High Waitlist Mortality for the Most Ill Lung Transplant Candidates. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 36:435-444.

Greenberg, JW; Raees, MA; Dani, A; Heydarian, HC; Chin, C; Zafar, F; Lehenbauer, DG; Morales, DL S. Palliated Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Patients Experience Superior Waitlist and Comparable Post-Heart Transplant Survival to Non-Single Ventricle Congenital Heart Disease Patients. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 36:230-241.

Guzman-Gomez, A; Greenberg, JW; Dani, A; Villa, C; Lorts, A; Boucek, K; Zafar, F; Morales, DL S. In the era of outpatient ventricular assist devices, is it time to reconsider the practice of bridging older children to transplant on outpatient inotropes?. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 167:2206-2214.

Hogue, SJ; Mehdizadeh-Shrifi, A; Kulshrestha, K; Cnota, JF; Divanovic, A; Ricci, M; Ashfaq, A; Lehenbauer, DG; Cooper, DS; Morales, DL S. Birth in the Operating Room for Immediate Cardiac Surgery: A Rare but Effective Strategy. World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Hearth Surgery. 2024; 15:714-721.

Kharnaf, M; Zafar, F; Hogue, S; Rosenfeldt, L; Cantrell, RL; Sharma, BK; Pearson, A; Sprague, C; Leino, D; Abplanalp, WA; Morales, D; Tweddell, J; Qualls, JE; Palumbo, JS. Factor XII promotes the thromboinflammatory response in a rat model of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 168:e37-e53.

Kulshrestha, K; Greenberg, JW; Guzman-Gomez, AM; Kennedy, JT; Hossain, MM; Zhang, Y; Zafar, F; Morales, DL S. Up to an Hour of Donor Resuscitation Does Not Affect Pediatric Heart Transplantation Survival. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2024; 117:611-618.

Kulshrestha, K; Greenberg, JW; Kennedy, JT; Hogue, S; Winlaw, DS; Ashfaq, A; Zafar, F; Morales, DL S. The majority of pediatric Fontan patients have excellent post-transplant survival. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 167:2193-2203.

Kulshrestha, K; Greenberg, JW; Kennedy, JT; Hogue, S; Zafar, F; Lehenbauer, D; Winlaw, DS; Quintessenza, JA; Morales, DL S; Ashfaq, A. National experience with pediatric surgical aortic valve repair: A Pediatric Health Information System analysis. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 167:422-430.

Kulshrestha, K; Mehdizadeh-Shrifi, A; Hogue, S; Chin, C; Ryan, T; Lehenbauer, DG; Morales, DL. (1250) Contemporary US Trends in Discharge Medication Regimens After Pediatric Heart Transplant. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:s580.

Kulshrestha, K; Morales, DL S. Good Things Come to Those Who Wait: Single-Institution Post-Heart Transplant Outcomes After Ventricular Assist Device Placement. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2024; 117:1043-1044.

Kulshrestha, K; Morales, DL S. It Takes Two: Outcomes of Pediatric Heart Transplant Candidates With Renal Dysfunction. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2024; 117:142-143.

Mehdizadeh-Shrifi, A; Kulshrestha, K; Ahmed, H; Ramineni, A; Chin, C; Hogue, S; Stark, S; Ashfaq, A; Morales, D. (1248) Has Long-Term Survival in Pediatric Heart Transplantation Changed over Time?. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:s578.

Moore, RA; Kulshrestha, K; Burke, W; Wells, DA; O'Donnell, A; Szugye, N; Lehenbauer, DG; Morales, DL S. Repair of truncus arteriosus and atrioventricular septal defect: A value of virtual reality. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 167:434-438.

O'Donnell, AP; Lehenbauer, DG. Reprint of: How He Did It - The James S. Tweddell Approach to Single Ventricle Palliation in Patients With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 168:202-240.

O'Donnell, AP; Lehenbauer, DG. How He Did It – The James S. Tweddell Approach to Single Ventricle Palliation in Patients With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 29:71-115.

Perry, T; Greenberg, JW; Cooper, DS; Smith, R; Benscoter, AL; Koh, W; Ryan, TD; Lehenbauer, DG; Brown, TN; Zafar, F; Thiagarajan, RR; Sweberg, TM; Morales, DL S. Balloon atrial septostomy versus left atrial cannulation for left heart decompression in children with dilated cardiomyopathy and myocarditis on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: An ELSO registry analysis. Perfusion (United Kingdom). 2024; 39:1732-1739.

Ramineni, A; Faateh, M; Mehdizadeh-Shrifi, A; Hayes, D; Morales, DL S. Outcomes of Concomitant Cardiac Surgical Procedures Performed During Pediatric Lung Transplantation in the United States. Lung: an international journal on lungs, airways and breathing. 2024; 202:459-464.

Smith, AH; Gray, GM; Ashfaq, A; Asante-Korang, A; Rehman, MA; Ahumada, LM. Using machine learning to predict five-year transplant-free survival among infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Scientific Reports. 2024; 14:4512.

Stephens, EH; Feins, EN; Karamlou, T; Anderson, BR; Alsoufi, B; Bleiweis, MS; d'Udekem, Y; Nelson, JS; Ashfaq, A; Marino, BS; Turek, JW; Ahmad, D; Dearani, JA; Jacobs, JP. (2024) The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Neonates and Infants With Coarctation. Elsevier BV. 118:527-544.