Research Made Possible Through International Collaboration

The research discoveries in the Kasparian Lab are only possible because of the incredible team both at Cincinnati Children's and across the globe. Learn more about our invaluable team of researchers, postdoctoral students, and collaborators below.
A photo of Nadine Kasparian.

Principal Investigator

Nadine Kasparian, PhD, MAPS

My team seeks to understand how experiences of early medical adversity may alter developmental processes, including emotion regulation and stress reactivity, in ways that increase vulnerability to anxiety, depression and other mental health difficulties. My team also explores infant-parent bonding and attachment, and the ways in which we can best support young children and their families in the context of medical illness.

In 2018 my team received the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network Innovation Award for Excellence in the Provision of Mental Health Services for children with heart disease and their families.

View my full web bio.

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The Kasparian Lab is recruiting! Contact us to learn more about the opportunities.

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