
Macaluso, M; Summerville, LA; Tabangin, ME; Daraiseh, NM. Enhancing the detection of injuries and near-misses among patient care staff in a large pediatric hospital. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 2018; 44:377-384.

Daraiseh, NM; Summerville, LA; Lin, L; Tucker, D; Hill, AK; Salisbury, K; Lind, MA. Selection of employee personal protective equipment based on aggressive behavior in pediatric neuropsychiatry. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 2018; 21:32-39.

Chen, J; Davis, KG; Daraiseh, NM; Pan, W; Davis, LS. Fatigue and recovery in 12-hour dayshift hospital nurses. Journal of Nursing Management. 2014; 22:593-603.

Daraiseh, N; Genaidy, AM; Karwowski, W; Davis, LS; Stambough, J; Huston, RL. Musculoskeletal outcomes in multiple body regions and work effects among nurses: the effects of stressful and stimulating working conditions. Ergonomics: an international journal of research and practice in human factors and ergonomics. 2003; 46:1178-1199.

Hittle, BM; Keller, EG; Lee, RC; Daraiseh, NM. Pediatric nurses' fatigue descriptions in occupational injury reports: A descriptive qualitative study1. Work (Reading, Mass.). 2024; 79:1307-1321.

Huang, B; Kouril, M; Chen, C; Daraiseh, NM; Ferraro, K; Mannion, ML; Brunner, HI; Lovell, DJ; Morgan, EM. Digital health technology to support patient-centered shared decision making at point of care for juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2024; 12:1457538.

Macaluso, M; Rothenberg, ME; Ferkol, T; Kuhnell, P; Kaminski, HJ; Kimberlin, DW; Benatar, M; Chehade, M. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People Living With Rare Diseases and Their Families: Results of a National Survey. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2024; 10:e48430.

Kaplan, HC; Goldstein, SL; Rubinson, C; Daraiseh, N; Zhang, F; Rodgers, IM; Dahale, DS; Askenazi, DJ; Somers, MJ G; Zaritsky, JJ; Yonekawa, KE; Sutherland, SM; Weng, PL; Walsh, KE. Prospective Study of the Multisite Spread of a Medication Safety Intervention: Factors Common to Hospitals With Improved Outcomes. American Journal of Medical Quality. 2024; 39:21-32.

Statile, AM; Schweer, M; Herrmann, L; Warniment, A; Duncan, M; Demeritt, B; Keehn, K; Daraiseh, NM; Edwards, R; Whitesell, K; Muth, A; Sorensen, R; Hill, A; Simmons, JM. Implementation of a Children's Hospital Acute Care Behavior Response Team. Pediatrics. 2023; 152:e2022059112.

Apple, R; O'Brien, EC; Daraiseh, NM; Xu, H; Rothman, RL; Linzer, M; Thomas, L; Roumie, C. Gender and intention to leave healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic among U.S. healthcare workers: A cross sectional analysis of the HERO registry. Editor, Rose S. PloS one. 2023; 18:e0287428.

Harun, N; Gupta, N; McCormack, FX; Macaluso, M. Dynamic use of historical controls in clinical trials for rare disease research: A re-evaluation of the MILES trial. Clinical Trials. 2023; 20:223-234.

Wong, CI; Vannatta, K; Gilleland Marchak, J; Quade, EV; Rodgers, IM; Reid, CM; Dandoy, CE; Billett, AL; Miller, TP; Vaughn, S; Daraiseh, NM; Liu, S; Carle, AC; Walsh, KE. Preventable harm because of outpatient medication errors among children with leukemia and lymphoma: A multisite longitudinal assessment. Cancer. 2023; 129:1064-1074.

Matula, KA; Minar, P; Daraiseh, NM; Lin, L; Recker, M; Lipstein, EA. Pilot trial of iBDecide: Evaluating an online tool to facilitate shared decision making for adolescents and young adults with ulcerative colitis. Health Expectations. 2022; 25:3105-3113.

Zafar, F; Hossain, MM; Zhang, Y; Dani, A; Schecter, M; Hayes, D; Macaluso, M; Towe, C; Morales, DL S. Lung Transplantation Advanced Prediction Tool: Determining Recipient's Outcome for a Certain Donor. Transplantation. 2022; 106:2019-2030.

Daraiseh, NM; Black, A; Minar, P; Meisman, A; Saxe, M; Lipstein, EA. iBDecide: A web-based tool to promote engagement in shared decision-making among adolescents with ulcerative colitis. Patient Education and Counseling. 2022; 105:1628-1633.

Hossain, MM; Wilkerson, J; McGrath, JA; Farhadi, PN; Brokamp, C; Khan, MT F; Goldberg, B; Brunner, HI; Macaluso, M; Miller, FW; Rider, LG. The Geospatial Distribution of Myositis and Its Phenotypes in the United States and Associations With Roadways: Findings From a National Myositis Patient Registry. Frontiers in Medicine. 2022; 9:842586.

Gutierrez, G; Girma, H; Kuhnell, P; Macaluso, M; Kaminski, HJ. Impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on a US sample of patients with myasthenia gravis. Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease. 2022; 3:26330040221082673.

Hittle, BM; Daraiseh, NM. Promoting Healthcare Worker Sleep: The Time Is Now. Journal of Nursing Administration. 2021; 51:543-545.

Ford, S; Clarke, L; Walsh, MC; Kuhnell, P; MacAluso, M; Crowley, M; McClead, R; Wexelblatt, S; Lannon, C; Kaplan, HC. Quality Improvement Initiative to Improve Healthcare Providers' Attitudes towards Mothers with Opioid Use Disorder. Pediatric Quality and Safety. 2021; 6:e453.

Mazzucco, W; Chiara di Maio, V; Bronte, F; Fabeni, L; Pipitone, RM; Grimaudo, S; Ferraro, D; Marotta, C; Aragri, M; Macaluso, M; Vitale, F; Di Raimondo, F; Ceccherini-Silberstein, F; Di Marco, V. Phylogenetic analysis in the clinical risk management of an outbreak of hepatitis C virus infection among transfused thalassaemia patients in Italy. Journal of Hospital Infection. 2021; 115:51-58.

Ambroggio, L; Florin, TA; Williamson, K; Pfefferman, C; Wagner, BD; Yeomans, L; Kim, JH; Sucharew, H; Macaluso, M; Ruddy, RM; Shah, SS; Stringer, KA. Respiratory Colonization and Short-Term Temporal Changes in the Urinary Metabolome of Children. Metabolites. 2021; 11:500.

Macaluso, F; Macaluso, M; Daraiseh, NM. The psychosocial work environment, musculoskeletal disorders and their functional consequences among pediatric healthcare providers. Annals of Epidemiology. 2021; 58:76-82.

Forrest, CB; Xu, H; Thomas, LE; Webb, LE; Cohen, LW; Carey, TS; Chuang, CH; Daraiseh, NM; Kaushal, R; McClay, JC; Wallia, A; Bruno, C; Hernandez, AF; O’Brien, EC. Impact of the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic on US Healthcare Workers: Results from the HERO Registry. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2021; 36:1319-1326.

Reed, JL; Alessandrini, EA; Dexheimer, J; Kachelmeyer, A; Macaluso, M; Zhang, N; Kahn, JA. Effectiveness of a Universally Offered Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Screening Intervention in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021; 68:57-64.

Kaplan, HC; Kuhnell, P; Walsh, MC; Crowley, M; McClead, R; Wexelblatt, S; Ford, S; Provost, LP; Lannon, C; Macaluso, M. Orchestrated Testing of Formula Type to Reduce Length of Stay in Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Pediatrics. 2020; 146:e20190914.

Mazzucco, W; Costantino, C; Restivo, V; Alba, D; Marotta, C; Tavormina, E; Cernigliaro, A; Macaluso, M; Cusimano, R; Grammauta, R; Tramuto, F; Scondotto, S; Vitale, F. The Management of Health Hazards Related to Municipal Solid Waste on Fire in Europe: An Environmental Justice Issue?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17:E6617.

Reed, JL; Dexheimer, JW; Kachelmeyer, AM; Macaluso, M; Alessandrini, EA; Kahn, JA. Information Technology-Assisted Screening for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2020; 67:186-193.

Meisman, A; Daraiseh, NM; Minar, P; Saxe, M; Lipstein, EA. The Gray Zone: Adolescent and Young Adult Decision Support Needs for Ulcerative Colitis. MDM Policy and Practice. 2020; 5:2381468320940708.

Liu, S; Liu, C; Nehus, E; Macaluso, M; Lu, B; Kim, M. Propensity score analysis for correlated subgroup effects. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2020; 29:1067-1080.