Center for Autoimmune Genomics and Etiology (CAGE)
Meet the Team

Meet our Experts

Kenneth M. Kaufman, PhD

Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Genetics; bio-informatics

Leah C. Kottyan, PhD

Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Genetic basis of lupus; genetic basis of eosinophilic esophagitis; immunological mechanisms mediating genetic association with disease

Bahram Namjou-Khales, MD

Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics

Alexey Porollo, PhD

Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics

Susan Thompson, PhD

Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Molecular basis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; large-scale integrative analysis of gene expression, polymorphism and other genomic data with...

Stephen N. Waggoner, PhD

Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Research Interests
Viral immunology; natural killer cells; immunoregulation; vaccines; autoimmunity; immune dysfunction in aging.
Research Interests
Gene regulation Bioinformatics Functional Genomics